I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 287 Ye Qing smashed the well

Chapter 287 Ye Qing smashed the well

Once Zhao Kuo died, no one could suppress Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun continued to shoot arrows happily, and then rockets shot towards Jing Lan.

Set the entire shooting chamber on fire.

He shot and killed the last Beishi soldier.

Successfully suppressed this well rail.

It made Beishijun very depressed.

Even if you want to put out the fire, you can't put it out, let alone suppress Zhao Yun.

Helpless, Beishi Army had no choice but to withdraw the well rail.

Putting out the fire!

As soon as Jing Lan withdrew, the Da Zhou soldiers who defended the city cheered happily, and their passion for counterattack was high.

"Zhi Shuai! The Jing Lan on the right wing of our army is on fire and retreated. General Zhao Kuo seems to have died in battle!"

His subordinates pointed to the Jinglan that had been taken down and said to Zhi Boyuan.

A look of shock appeared on his face.

Because Zhao Kuo was one of the best archers with the army this time, he was shot and killed by the opponent.

It can be seen that the strength of the opponent is strong.

The bow is so good.

Without high-strength martial arts, it is impossible to shoot the arrow so far.

"It doesn't matter, we still have a Jinglan. As long as the left wing breaks through, we can still attack the top of the city after dark and seize the city gate!" Although sadness flashed in Zhi Boyuan's eyes, his face was as usual, and his words were calm and composed.

As a coach, you should not easily convey negative emotions.

And you have to believe that you can succeed.

Give everyone guidance like a god.

"What Zhishuai said..." The confidant was about to answer, but stopped in the middle.

Because the left wing has not had any major breakthroughs for a long time, but there is a big movement at this moment.

Ye Qing held up the stone and came to the right wing of the city, which was considered by the Northern Stone Army to be the left wing.

Although Huang Zhong is good at archery, he is even better than Zhao Yun.

But at present, he is still close to the realm.

The Beishi Army Jinglan who suppressed this side with first-rank strength had no choice but to hold back and shoot at each other with the Beishi archers in the shooting compartment.

Occasionally, shoot the opponent to kill one person.

Passed on Jing Lan's attack.

It relieved the pressure on the soldiers of Dazhou County at the head of the city.

Imagine being like Zhao Yun, calling names one by one, shooting and killing the Beishi archers in the shooting warehouse, and almost lucky.

After all, its power is limited, and it doesn't have such a strong lethality when it is close to Jinglan.

But it was enough to make Beishi Archer grit his teeth with hatred.

"My lord, you..."

Huang Zhong shot and killed another Beishi archer under the city with an arrow, and occasionally restrained the Beishi archer on the well fence. Seeing Ye Qing approaching with the stone, he was a little uncertain.

Ye Qingdao: "Han Sheng will escort me, let's see if I can't kill them!"

"My lord, do you want to smash the shooting chamber on the well fence with stones?" Huang Zhong was slightly surprised.

His arrow shot at that distance, and even if it was a little bit off, the power would explode.

Ye Qing used a stone to project, which is afraid that the distance cannot be reached.

Ye Qing glanced at the shooting bay on the top of the well and said, "It's a bit far there, of course it's not a miss, but it's a temporary solution, not the root cause!"

After speaking, Ye Qing lowered his eyes, then moved his right hand slightly back, and threw a stone, hitting the lower right pillar of the well.

"Bang!" The stone and the wooden pillar collided with each other.

The whole well rail trembled, shaking for a while.

The archers in the shooting compartment at the top of the well were tilted in one direction, and several people were knocked down by it.

They looked around in horror, not knowing what happened just now?
Even the warriors of the Northern Stone Kingdom at the bottom of the well who were protecting the rollers at the bottom of the well were also injured by the shattered stones and trees, screaming and rolling to the ground.

The wood used for the wooden pillars of the well is extremely hard and strong.

One hit is not enough for Cui Duan.

Ye Qing was not discouraged either, he picked up another stone from behind, and then slammed it hard at the place where he was hit just now.


Another sound, a perfectly prepared hit.

Large pieces of wood were smashed into the air, and the scattered gravel hit several warriors who were pushing the well to move.

It made Beishi Lishi under the well fence suddenly feel a sense of fear.

The boulder on the top of the city can hit so far.

It is enough to threaten and destroy them.

Just as they were looking for the source stone of the flying stone, two medium stones flew over.




After several loud bangs, the wooden pillar that was smashed four times finally broke.

The entire well rail suddenly sank and tilted 15 degrees in this direction.

But it didn't collapse, it just tilted 15 degrees.

After all, Jing Lan has many pillars.

A broken one is not enough to overturn this behemoth.

But it was enough to make Beishi Jun exclaim.

The wrestlers below were frightened and quickly scattered to avoid.

The archers in the shooting compartment exclaimed even more, and then fell down one after another, hitting the inner wall.

One by one grinned, either knocked out the small bag, or sprained their hands and feet.

"Your Highness is mighty! Your Highness is mighty!"

"Your Highness is mighty! Your Highness is mighty!"

"Your Highness is mighty! Your Highness is mighty!"

On the city wall, seeing how ferocious Ye Qing was, he hit the well fence of the Northern Stone Army with stones and succeeded.

Immediately inspired everyone.

The crowd couldn't help applauding, projecting admiration and admiration.

Even Ding Ding and others in the city gate tower were dumbfounded.

Ye Qing is so strong.

Forget about the Beishi army who smashed down the city just now.

In one fell swoop, the Beishi army's destruction of the city gate was broken.

Now that the four stones go down, the threatening well will be destroyed.

Although only one pillar was broken.

But this scripture is enough to make everyone believe that Ye You can destroy the well with the help of stones.

At this moment, they were also inexplicably proud.

"His Sixth Highness is really a god!"

A Hedong general couldn't help but praise.

I used to think that Ye Qing's record was watery.

It was deliberately exaggerated by the court for publicity.

See you today, well-deserved reputation!

Just relying on this trick to throw a stone with one hand is enough to prove Ye Qing's strength.

Just ask how many people in this world can do it.

Even people with high martial arts, third, fourth, and fifth ranks probably don't have such great strength.

After all, high realm does not mean great strength.

Some people are promoted with weapons and agility.

Some people make breakthroughs with pure sword and saber techniques.

There are also those who are known for being physically tyrannical.

But it's rare to see people with the strength of Ye Qing.

Not to mention that he still has the strength to enter the product realm.

"Soldiers and soldiers, if His Highness the Sixth Highness can still brave the rain of arrows at the top of the city and throw stones to kill the enemy, what reason do we have to let it go." Ding Ding drew his sword and rushed out of the city gate and said:
"Each general guards a section, and ruthlessly kills the enemy chieftain."

At this time, Ding Ding was not only encouraged by Ye Qing, but also saw the determination to defend the city, and also saw the mobilization of the army of the Beishi Kingdom in the distance.

I'm afraid that the Beishi army will take advantage of the last ray of sunlight to launch a fatal attack and smash the top of the city in one fell swoop.

So he can no longer hesitate.

"Zhi Shuai, that Ye Qing is... a monster. If this continues, our army's wells will be completely destroyed, and we will not be able to suppress the Zhou army at the top of the city!"

Zhi Boyuan withdrew his deep eyes from Ye Qing, closed his eyes, thought for a while, then drew his sword and pointed at the gate and corridor of Wenxi City:
"Attack the main force and attack the city with all your strength!"


Although the generals were suspicious, the whole army attacked so soon, which seemed to be in conflict with the original plan, but the commander gave the order, and they could only accept it with a bang.

Then lead the real siege troops who had been preparing for the back to take over the battlefield and launch the most violent offensive.

(End of this chapter)

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