Chapter 31

Fufeng Palace!

(Wang Han was written earlier, because the plot and outline need to be changed)
The second prince, Ye Tao, was listening to his subordinates recite the poems that Ye Qing read on Chang'an Avenue, and narrated them all.

"The spring breeze is proud and the horseshoes are in a hurry. I can see all the flowers in Chang'an in one day."

"For a whole month in Chang'an, there are thousands of households pounding clothes."

"The incense in the sky penetrates Chang'an, and the city is full of golden armor."

"The autumn wind produces the Wei River, and the fallen leaves are all over Chang'an."

"Chang'an Avenue is narrow and slanted, with green cattle, white horses and seven fragrant chariots."

"Looking back at Chang'an, there are piles of embroidery. Are the thousands of gates on the top of the mountain opened first?"

"Xi Yi's old friend is invisible, Dong Feng blows his dream to Chang'an."

Sentence by sentence, Ye Tao slowly repeated.

Can't help clapping his hands and praised: "Good poem! Good poem!"

But just after praising, he sighed slightly.

"It's a pity! There are only half a sentence, and I don't understand the meaning, so I can't get into it."

"My sixth younger brother, who has no sense of existence, can make such a good sentence. He is really talented. His talent should be higher than mine. It's a's a pity..."

"My lord, this Ye Qing can only talk half a song. In terms of talent, talent, and flattery, he is inferior to my lord. Why does my lord pity him?"

"Hmph! What do you know? It's a pity because you only know half a poem. If you know the whole poem, then you are the king's strong enemy." Ye Tao asked himself, and he couldn't make so many and such excellent half poems in one go. , so I was unwilling and jealous at the same time.

At the same time more vigilant.

Literati are the easiest to be cautious.

Especially people who still have status and think they are smart.

Among the nine princes, the image he erected by Ye Tao is the most talented prince.

So he had the support of the civil servants.

Of course he doesn't allow anyone among the other eight to be better than him in this field.

Because it violates his interests.

"According to the prince, that Ye Qing is really hateful. He knows that the prince is the most talented person in Chang'an City, but he dares to show off his literary talents on the street. He should die!"

If there is one sycophant, there will be a second.

Another person said: "That's right, this Ye Qing is too ignorant of the heights of the heavens and the earth. It's fine to write half a poem. Today, he dares to insult Mr. Chen Cong. Who in the world does not know that Mr. Chen Cong is the prince's man, and Ye Qing dares to offend him openly. He really didn't take the prince seriously."

"You should teach Ye Qing a lesson, otherwise you will think that our Fufeng Palace is easy to bully!"

Everyone condemned Ye Qing one after another.

Ye Tao was quite satisfied with what everyone said, nodded slightly and said:
"Stop talking about it. What are you talking about? Ye Qing is also my younger brother. As an older brother, there is no reason to blame the younger brother. Remember that our Fufeng Palace uses reasoning to persuade people. Next time you meet younger brother Ye Qing, you should use admonition as your excuse." Lord, the so-called knowledge of mistakes can make things better!"

"The prince is wise!"

"My lord, don't count the faults of villains, just treat it as the reincarnation of my Da Zhou sage..."

Everyone was complimenting, when suddenly someone ran in and said, "My lord is not good! It's not good..."

"Ahem! Why panic? I forgot the rules of my Fufeng Palace. Don't panic in everything. Mount Tai collapses in front of you and doesn't change." Ye Tao trained, then raised his hand gently and said:
"Tell me carefully, this king will not take your life."

"It's the lord! What the lord taught me, the servants will remember."

The person who reported the letter really took a breather just like what Ye Tao taught him, and then he paid homage and said:

"Your Majesty, just received the news that His Majesty sent six Qianniuwei to Minwufang Sanlixiang to deliver the imperial decree, and His Majesty named Ye Qing the male of Xiaoyao County!"

"What, His Majesty granted Ye Qing the title?"

When everyone heard this, they suddenly thumped, feeling bad.

Even Ye Tao frowned slightly.
But soon he and everyone reacted, this letter is from the county man!

Suddenly he burst out laughing.

Others roared with laughter.

County man!

The lowest title of the Great Zhou.

Just slightly taller than Zinan.

The title of the bad street.

Send beggars.

It is estimated that Emperor Ye Zhen felt a little sorry for kicking Ye Qing out of the palace without giving him anything.

Afraid of embarrassing his old man, he at least gave him a low title to comfort Ye Qing.

"It's worth your screaming in panic." Ye Tao didn't look friendly on the surface, he looked gentle, but in fact he held more grudges, pointing at the person who reported the letter:
"Go down and get twenty sticks yourself, and you will be punished for half a year!"

No rules, no standards.

Although his specialty is Wenzhidao, he cares more about rules.

Be more conservative and rigid.
The messenger was dumbfounded.

He hurriedly said again: "My lord calm down, I haven't finished yet."

"Yeah!" Ye Tao was taken aback.

The others also shut up one after another and watched over.

The reporter hurriedly said: "The six Qianniu guards said that after delivering the imperial decree, they followed His Majesty's oral order. Starting today, they will be responsible for protecting Ye Qing and obeying his orders."


This time everyone's eyes widened.

As if he thought he had heard wrong.

Six Thousand Bull Guards were given to Ye Qing.

It's a small matter to be knighted.

But Qianniuwei is a big deal.

Everyone knows what Qianniuwei is.

And all of a sudden, six thousand cattle guards were given to Ye Qing.

This must be a blessing.

The six Qianniuwei are the six first-class masters.

Whether it is status or strength, it is there, and it cannot be underestimated.

That's why the report was a failure.

Ye Tao touched his forehead, rubbed his temples, and then hummed in a cold voice: "Go down, get thirty sticks, and be punished for one year!"


The reporter was dumbfounded!

Why are you still punishing me!
who am I?
what did I do?
Where am I?

The atmosphere was suddenly silent and a little chilly.

The others were also silent.

"Tell Chen Cong, if you want to teach Ye Qing a lesson, then go, don't be cowardly, with my king's support, I can lend him all the masters in my palace."

After leaving these words, Ye Tao turned around and left the hall to the study.

No special instructions are needed, Ye Tao has a group of smart guys under his command.

Someone will do what he told him to do.

This is the prince, a real prince.

A powerful prince.


Hongnong Palace!

"A knighthood? Hehe, a county boy!"

"Give back six Qianniuwei! The old man is very good at playing!"

The third prince, Hongnong Wang Yewei, heard about the Minwufang, lightly shook his cattail fan and laughed twice.

The subordinate asked: "My lord, do we want to..."

"No! You don't need to do anything." Ye Wei said with a light smile:

"I offended the fourth child first, and now I'm starting to steal the limelight from the second child. No matter which one, Ye Qing can't deal with it. Just wait, the good show is coming. I, Hongnong Palace, just sit and watch the show and drink... …Ha ha!"

(End of this chapter)

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