I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 313 Don't treat Ye Tong like a pig

Chapter 313 Don't treat Ye Tong like a pig
"Baibo Valley has been wiped out. Everyone has worked hard in this battle. When you go back, you should be rewarded!"

Regardless of what everyone thought, Ye Qing walked straight towards the temple in Baibo Valley.

The buildings in Baibo Valley are even grander than Taihua Mountain.

And there are more buildings.

Because the terrain of Taihua Mountain is high and steep, there are not many places where houses can be built.

So generally pay attention to the inner decoration.

The terrain of Baibo Valley is relatively flat.

Buildings are wider and wider, with more of them.

It looks much more atmospheric.

But if you take a closer look, you can see that they are fresh on the outside, but ordinary on the inside, and even feel old.

In addition to the location, geographically north and west, the climate is drier.

The whole place was covered in a layer of dust.

"I'll rest in Baibo Valley tonight, let's see when the northern rock savages come after me.

Everyone recharge your batteries. "Ye Qing asked everyone to go down to recuperate and rest, and then said to Li Cunxiao:
"Jingsi, you go down the mountain to spread the news of the destruction of the Baibo Valley, pay attention to accepting the righteous people from all directions, I think it's time for the loyal people of my Great Zhou to step on the field!"

"It's my lord, I'm going right away!" Li Cunxiao immediately took the order.


Anyi City!
The front team of the main force of the Great Zhou Dynasty arrived.

I wanted to take over the city defense, but I didn't want to. Anyi City was taken over by the Thunder Army and stationed there.

Resolutely do not open the city gate to them.

"Let your generals come out. I am the mighty General Zhou Feihu. Whoever dares to block me will not let me enter the city!"

The former commander, Wang Shiqi, cursed loudly at the city gate, and even took off his helmet, as if drawing his sword to attack the city.

"Sorry, I don't care what general you are, Flying Tiger General or Flying Dog General. Fucheng will be taken over by my Thunder Army. My Thunder Army is directly under the Sixth Highness. I only listen to His Highness. If you want to enter the city, you can ask my Highness to do it." Order, with the warrant, I will let you enter the city!"

Xu Huang refused righteously on the upper floor of the city gate.

Now Fucheng is a big piece of fat.

There is money and food.

Whoever gets it will own the entire Hedong.

How could Xu Huang, Xu Shu and others let Wang Shiqi and others enter the city.

"Bastard, there's no reason for that." Wang Shiqian became angrier when he heard that, Ye Qing had already gone to the north, whoever looked for him didn't want to die?
The bullshit Thunder Army, a group of bandits, dare to challenge him here. The Liu family and other aristocratic families have just been wiped out. The Thunder Army and the Hedong Taishou Mansion have collected a lot of gold, silver and jewels. He must share a large amount of money and food. , and immediately said to his subordinates:

"Come here, Xu Huang and the others don't change their banditry, how dare they attack and plunder the city, kill good people, punish the nine clans, and attack the city for me!"

"This is not good, general!" Someone advised.

You must know that this Wang Shiqi is not a good guy, he is also from a family, and does not belong to the generals of the Ministry of War.

It is a real family line.

The soldiers below refused to accept him, and they were not willing to fight such a boring battle.

Even if they captured the city and got the batch of money and food, they would not get a penny.

Who would be willing to charge into battle for a child from a family like Wang Shiqi.

"There's nothing wrong with it. Attack the city immediately. If anyone doesn't attack, I'll remove him from his position. I'll write a letter to impeach you for colluding with Xu Huang and the bandits!" To a group of generals.

Anyone who dares to say no will be killed with a sword.

"It's the general! Let's go down and gather the soldiers!"

Seeing that Wang Shiqi was serious, everyone had to agree first.

After going down, they had a brief discussion, and then launched a weak attack on Anyi City.

Xu Huang in the city also boldly ordered to shoot back with arrows.

Before the siege troops rushed to the bottom of the city, they were scared back by the arrows.

"Your Majesty's Wuying Sword is here. Anyone who dares to attack the city will commit treason and be disloyal to Zhou and His Majesty. Everyone will be punished if they get it!" On the tower, Xu Shu took the Wuying Sword and held it high above his head. , shouting loudly.

The soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty who were besieging the city, when they saw it, threw their weapons to the ground and shouted loudly: "Your Majesty, ten thousand years! Great Zhou ten thousand years!"

Seeing this, Wang Shiqi stomped his feet angrily.

Xu Shu and others in the city have Wuying sword, and rely on the city's high fortification, which is not easy to attack.

And the soldiers from top to bottom on my side didn't want to fight either.

He was so angry that he really wanted to kill someone, but he was helpless.

He had no choice but to camp outside the city, and when the Chinese army and rear team arrived, Wang Shiqi immediately went to complain to the coach.

It turns out that the coach this time is neither from the military department nor from any faction.

It was Ye Zhen's younger brother, Ye Tong, king of Hejian County.

The king of Hejian, Ye Tong, is a first-class strength, and he is a rare prince with martial arts skills, but he has never fought in any battles, and he has never had much experience in military power before.

After all, Ye Zhen has such a desire to control, and it is not in a hurry to take over power, so why would he divide the power to his younger brother.

This time, many parties were entangled, so the civil servants had no choice but to carry him out.

After all, it seems that the King of Hejian should be neutral, so that he can be fooled.

However, as a prince, King Hejian is really facing the two sides of King Hongnong and King Fu.

Because these two princes followed the way of Wenmou, and in the future they will rely on him, a county king who has martial arts and understands the art of war.

Only by supporting these two can he maximize his interests.

Undoubtedly, this choice is also a strategy for not obtaining the throne, but wanting to dissociate from power.

So he didn't like Ye Qing very much.

"It's against them! If you hold the Wuying sword of the emperor's brother, you dare to do anything wrong. If this continues, the prestige of my Ye family will be ruined." , and don't return to the matter of his own dispatch, brooding about it.

So after hearing Wang Shiqi's villain complained first, he beat him up, and immediately seized the opportunity to slam the case and said: "Come here, let Xu Shu, Xu Huang, Ding Ding and others come out to the city to see the commander, and the commander will ask them in the hall. What do you want to do?
Do you still want to fight the northern stone barbarians well and regain the north. "

"No!" Hearing the coach's words, all the generals frowned.

The King of Hejian has been controlling them all the way, trying to completely hold the military power of the entire main force in his hands.

Along the way, he did not know how many opportunities he found and replaced four or five generals.

Now it's the old trick again.

He wanted to trick Xu Huang, Xu Shu, and Ding Ding out of the city, take the three of them down, and threaten the army in the city to open the city, thereby occupying the capital.

Use the scriptures to obtain the accumulation of thousands of years of Na Liuhuang and other aristocratic families in the city.

However, I just don't know if Xu Shu and others will be fooled.

Those who did not go to pass the message will come back soon.

"Report...report, handsome!"

Seeing that the person who sent the message came back so quickly, Ye Tong said in displeasure, "Why did Xu Shu, Ding Ding and others dare to disobey the military order? When the commander came, they dared not go out of the city to meet the fight. I really don't care about Da Zhou, really. It is impossible to conspire against the country!"

"It's not... Commander, Xu Huang said that Xu Shu went to hear the joy with the scriptures, and he is not in the city, but Ding Ding, Dingfu Lord, seems... seems to be dead!"


Everyone was gloating at hearing it, what a boy, Xu Shu is smart enough to say that he is not in the city.

Who would have thought that there would be something even worse.

Ding Ding is dead!

Why don't you make up a better reason, please, don't treat Ye Tong like a pig!

(End of this chapter)

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