Chapter 399 Guilty
"Uh, Your Highness is right, let's all drink!"

In terms of the scene, Lan Dong still didn't lose, and immediately changed the concept secretly, raised his glass to signal, and then drank.

"For Da Zhou, do it!"

Xiaoyao Mansion didn't let it go, they followed Ye Qing's pace and raised their glasses in agreement.

This made the people of Xiaolongmen very uncomfortable.

What the hell is doing it for Da Zhou.

Afterwards, Ye Qing didn't attack, and Lan Dong didn't act as a monster, the two groups of people chatted nonsense.

Drink and eat and chat.

The atmosphere was once joyous.

Only Bu Xiaofan felt embarrassed.

These two waves of people are obviously full of gunpowder.

I wish I could slash the opponent with a sword.

It turned out to be such a hilarious chat.

They're all old actors.

A group of black-bellied men.

She has learned a lot this time.

The land of the rivers and lakes is really unpredictable, sinister, sinister!

"Master Lan, do you know why I went up the mountain?"

Suddenly Ye Qing put down his wine glass and asked, staring at Lan Dong with burning eyes.

The atmosphere suddenly changed.

A little nervous.

Everyone in Xiaolongmen who was eating and half drunk put down their wine glasses one after another.

All eyes were on Ye Qing.

"The good show is finally coming!" Bu Xiaofan didn't drink any alcohol from the beginning to the end, breaking nuts and chewing carefully.

Eat more nuts, beautify the skin, enhance physical fitness, nourish the brain and live longer.

While chewing, he looked at the two sides and continued to confront each other.

"Your Highness is here, I really don't know, please make it clear, Your Highness!"

Playing stupid and pretending to be stunned, Xiaolongmen is a good player.

Naturally, Lan Dong would not be so stupid as to say that you went up the mountain to ask for an explanation because you were assassinated on my territory.

He would not take the initiative to hand the knife to Ye Qing.

Let's pretend, keep pretending!
Ye Qing sneered in his heart.

The expression on the surface began to be dignified: "When I set off from Hedong and returned to Beijing, someone told me that Xiaolongmen was going to collude with bandits to rebel. I didn't believe it. Zhou's cornerstone and pillar, how could he collude with bandits and betray me!"

Speaking of other things, Ye Qing stopped talking, and then poured himself a drink.

Holding the wine glass, holding it in the air, wanting to drink but not drinking.

Good guy, we will be labeled rebellious and rebellious when we come up.

Lan Dong stood up, cupped his fists towards Ye Qing, and said, "Your Highness, my Xiaolongmen has always been honest and honest. I have never made any oversteps, let alone colluded with outsiders. The enemy, let alone betray Da Zhou.

We are loyal to Da Zhou, the world can learn from it, and the sun and the moon can shine. "

"So this king came to Xiaolongmen right now? For the sake of Xiaolongmen's innocence, I lived and slept in the open. I walked more than a hundred miles and turned a big corner." Ye Qing said with emotion:

"In the end... I was a little disappointed. My boat was attacked unexpectedly while crossing the river, and it almost cost me my life.

Master Lan, I was almost killed by thieves for your Xiaolongmen. To prove your innocence, this trip is not easy! "

Ma Dan, can you stop being so thick-skinned?

It's none of our business that you were attacked.

As true as it is said.

But Lan Dong had no choice but to reply: "Your Highness has worked hard, I will definitely assist His Highness to arrest these thieves."

Everyone was killed by me, and you still want to catch a fart.

It's really hard on the mouth, farting doesn't need to be hard.

"I don't dare to take it hard, but this happened in your jurisdiction. It is rumored that someone should stir up trouble, saying that your Xiaolongmen has been plotting for a long time, colluding with thieves, and intending to kill the king in the river. I'm afraid you are really yellow mud. Drop your crotch, think The explanation doesn't make sense either." Ye Qing held the wine glass, tilted his head, and finally drank the wine.

It's not that you want to slander us.

The people of Xiaolongmen were also anxious when they heard this.

Ye Qing's mouth is too capable of talking nonsense, talking nonsense.

Ye confessed that he didn't ask the teacher to question the crime, didn't force his way through the mountain gate, and didn't call for beating and killing.

Use a soft knife instead.

This made Lan Dong and others extremely uncomfortable.

Because they couldn't find an excuse to refute Ye Qing.

After thinking about it, Lan Dong said: "Does Your Highness believe that we are innocent?"

Ye Qing smiled, a little wickedly, holding the wine glass and looking at Lan Dong.

The eyes of the two intertwined and fought in the air.

"So what if you believe it? So what if you don't believe it?" Ye Qing put down his wine glass, continued to pour himself wine, and muttered while pouring:

"I don't believe in other people's rumors, but I was still attacked. If I believed it, I might not. Master Lan, tell me, should I believe it?"

I tried to throw the question back, but there was no door.

Now that I've made the move, I'll continue obediently.

Really difficult.

Now it's difficult.

Lan Dong pondered for a while, and then said: "Since Your Highness believes in us, please continue to believe. I, Xiaolongmen, have never thought of betraying Da Zhou, nor have I ever thought of murdering Your Highness. I am willing to assist you from today on." Your Highness, follow His Highness' orders."

Everyone in Xiaolongmen almost stood up.

Thought I heard it wrong.

Everyone was astonished.

The boss took the wrong medicine.

Do you want to support Ye Qing?

Nine sons win the heir apparent, and there is no winner yet, and there is no real candidate.

This is standing in line.

Even if you want to choose a side, you can change someone. Why choose Ye Qing, a butcher.

He is the archenemy of our six factions.

"Hahahaha, Sect Master Lan is serious. I will believe you, and I will always trust you, otherwise I would not go up the mountain, let alone drink your wine, right?" Ye Qing raised his glass to Lan Dong and said:
"Come on! Master Lan, for today's trust, we drank this cup. In the future, we must trust each other even more, and together we drank this cup for the prosperity of Daqiang and the prosperity of Xiaolongmen!"

Now that the decision has been made, Lan Dong is no longer pretentious after saying such a thing, and raised his glass in response: "It's Your Highness, Your Highness has orders, how dare you refuse to obey!"

After talking, it is also a full drink.

Everyone is happy, or it is called a strong smile.

Seeing the two foxes, one big and one small, reach a unity, Bu Xiaofan felt even more emotional.

This guy Ye Qing managed Xiaolongmen with ease.

One of the six factions was won over.

This guy is so good at everything.

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have helped him.

Seeing him smiling so treacherously made me feel a little uncomfortable.

Bu Xiaofan got angry and poured herself a glass of wine.

Then I learned to take a sip of dry drink, but I spit it out after drinking half of it.

Sticking out his tongue, smelling of alcohol, fanning the wind with his right hand.

The mouth, tongue, and throat were all acrid, and she was about to choke and cry.

The wine was not good at all.

A group of liars, where is the wine, what is the wine.

Everyone who drank so refreshingly was all liars.

The originally good atmosphere was interrupted by Bu Xiaofan.

All eyes are cast over.

This girl is stupid again.

This is the third time you have sprayed, can you be more serious.

If it weren't for your beauty, I really want to reprimand you.

When Ye Qing saw the wine poured down from Bu Xiaofan's wine glass, what did he immediately understand?
The little girl can't drink alcohol, maybe it's her first time drinking.

You must know that the wine that Xiaolongmen entertained him today is the heroic spirit from Xiaoyao Mansion.

Xiaolongmen stocked up a lot.

Ye Qing swept the food table with his right hand, and moved to Bu Xiaofan's side.

Then he broke open the orange in his hand, peeled off a piece and handed it over: "Eat it, you will feel better!"

(End of this chapter)

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