I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 409 Entering Hanzhong Meridian Valley

Chapter 409 Entering Hanzhong Meridian Valley
Three o'clock in the afternoon!

Only then did Ye Qing leave the palace.

The return carriage moved slowly.

The light wheel rolls and moves repeatedly around the axle.

Ye Qing closed his eyes.

My mind is full of words in the imperial study room.

"Come back alive, I would like to make you the crown prince!"

"Your mother is not actually a court lady, but she is a remarkable figure, too many people think she is dead..."

"She didn't die, she just stayed in a very safe place, no one can hurt her with me!"

"The Great Zhou belongs to my Ye family after all, and only my Ye family has the final say. There are some things you will have to face in the future. I hope that in my lifetime, I can give you a clean Da Zhou. You will be a prince in the future, may I Bring back the real Da Zhou for the Ye family..."

"Without Hanzhong, there would be no Dazhou granary, and without Hanzhong, there would be no way to go south. Qing'er needs to remember to complete this great task. Only you can complete the important task of Dazhou. Don't worry, your little possessions, I will watch for you, no one can touch your things..."

"Come and have a good chat with me, do you have any unique ideas on governance..."

There is a lot of information.

It was also a little shocking.

Ye Qing couldn't figure out whether it was true or not.

The mother is at odds with the locusts, so why hide her again.

Why doesn't Da Zhou have any records about her.

It was as if it had been erased on purpose.

There is only a lowly status as a court lady, that's all.

There are many people who want to kill her, but who wants to kill her?
Did Ye Zhen really hide him?Or under house arrest?
This trip to Hanzhong, isn't it really what you see before your eyes?

Ye Zhen, Ye Zhen, if these are all fake, why did you bother to make up so many stories.

If it is true, how can I believe you?

Hanzhong, Shudi, Jiudi, and Nanman Hundred Kingdoms are such a large area and have such complicated relationships.

"No matter what, this trip must be interesting... Let us all wait and see!"

Return to Xiaoyao Wangfu.

Ye Qing convened another meeting with his subordinates and readjusted some arrangements.

And wrote again to tell the generals in Hedong, Xu Shu and Liu Bowen.

After finishing all these, men and women will have sex all night, and they will fight several battles.

Before dawn, Wu Linglong whispered something into Ye Qing's ear.

Finally, he waited for Ye Qing to get up and wash up.


The morning breeze in Chang'an is very cool, and in the early spring, everything has not yet come to burst out its vitality.

The permafrost is slightly stiffer.

An elite cavalry escorted the convoy out of the west gate.

The flag of the Hero Company fluttered in the wind.

Who would have thought that Ye Qingjian would go to Hanzhong with a caravan more than a hundred times.

Instead of traveling in the name of King Xiaoyao, envoys of the Great Zhou Dynasty, or imperial envoys of the Son of Heaven.

But soon everyone was relieved.

Can't help but praise, Ye Qing is still amazing.

Meridian Valley!
The valley is 660 miles long, the north entrance is called Zi, and the south entrance is called Wu.

It is the only traffic artery from Chang'an City to Hanzhong County.

The whole territory is divided into valleys, river valleys, age roads, plank roads and other multi-form areas.

Not only does it take a long time to pass, but it is also very difficult to walk.

From entering the valley, it belongs to the boundary of Hanzhong.

Own levels set up in Hanzhong!
That's right, it's just a symbolic level.

It is not a pass.

After all, this place is not too far from Chang'an.

It is also the imperial court who wants to set up checkpoints.

No matter what, Hanzhong County will not be allowed to stand.

"Who are you? What is the purpose of entering Hanzhong?"

Hanzhong County soldiers guarding the card routinely check.

In order to monopolize the trade in Hanzhong, the Zhang family does not allow others to intervene.

So I saw the caravan of Ye Qing and others.

Immediately stopped.

Except for the Zhang family's business name in Hanzhong, which can pass freely, others must obtain the Zhang family's approval before they can enter and exit in a limited manner.

"My king Xiaoyao Wang, this is my caravan. I'm going to Nanzheng to visit the prince of Nanzheng County. All the things in the car will be delivered to the mansion." Ye Qing stepped out of the carriage, opened his fan and said:
"What? You want to check too!"

I knew Ye Qing would come.

Unexpectedly, Ye Qing began to be straightforward.

The Hanzhong soldiers and guards guarding the card all bowed: "I dare not wait, please come in, Your Highness!"

Ye Qing walked back into the car!

The convoy moved on.

Soon into the Meridian Valley.

Ziwu Valley is located among the mountains of the Qinling Mountains, with twists and turns.

So it's even more quiet after entering.

The temperature is also lower.

There is a cool breeze and the trees are verdant.

After walking for nearly a hundred miles, I still haven't seen anyone passing by.

Sleeping in the canyon at night, warming up and drinking lightly.

During the day, the convoy walked very slowly.

Ye Qing himself would stop from time to time to play and watch from high places.

"Ye Qing! If you stop and go like this, when will you get to Nanzheng!"

Bu Xiaofan is naturally indispensable to go to Hanzhong with Ye Qing.

she asked curiously.

It stands to reason that the sooner you cross the Meridian Valley, the better.

In this wilderness, it is extremely inconvenient to wear and live.

And there is great danger.

In case someone tries to assassinate him again.

Isn't it fulfilling the wishes of others?

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Ye Qing pointed to the beautiful scenery of the mountains and said:

"This piece of scenery is unique, it's rare to come here once in this life, if you don't calm down and take a good look, you won't have the chance in the future!

Life is just a dream, you should pay attention to the beautiful scenery around you at any time, if you miss it, there will be no more! "


Bu Xiaofan was stunned for a moment.

What Ye Qing said seemed to make sense.

The scenery of Qinling Mountains is indeed unique.

Every peak, every mountain is different.

The further south you go, the more lush and vibrant the trees become.

There are more green leaves on the branches.

"But isn't your mission to bring the Marquis of Hedong back to Chang'an as soon as possible? The longer you delay on this road, the longer it will take you to return to Beijing. When something happens in Chang'an, you won't be able to hear the news here, isn't that just A big trouble!" Even though Bu Xiaofan was innocent, he knew Ye Qing's situation.

Xiaoyaofu is too powerful.

The rapid rise has conflicted with various forces.

There are no allies in the court.

I have no friends in Chang'an either.

There are only enemies!

If he loses contact with Guanzhong for a long time.

Who knows what will happen when you go back?
As an outsider, she understands this truth.

We all know this.

Ye Qinghui didn't know.

The heart is really big.

Ye Qing said with a smile: "Who said that my mission is to bring the Marquis of Hedong back? That is the mission of the emperor, not mine.

My task is to relax, travel around mountains and rivers, eat, drink and have fun with you, little beauty, and live a chic and happy life! "

"Who wants to travel with you, you can live happily here, disciple." Bu Xiaofan turned around and went down the mountain with annoyed expression on his face.

It's true that the emperor is not in a hurry, but the eunuch is.

"Don't rush around, hey, Miss Bu heard that Hanzhong and Bashu are rich in products and rich in food ingredients, let's have a hot pot..."

Ye Qing stood on the spot and shouted at him.

Bu Xiaofan almost fell.

Still playing hot pot, I will hot pot you!
"Ding! Master, Emperor Ye Zhen of the Great Zhou wants to know if you will return to Chang'an from Ziwu Valley halfway, and if so, where will you return from, so that you can redeploy. Will you spend 2000 taels of silver as a reward? Will you sell it?"

(End of this chapter)

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