I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 45 The New Chu King Ye Cai

Chapter 45 The New Chu King Ye Cai

"Shooting is for sure, it depends on how he arranges it!" Ye Qing nodded slightly.

Ye Zhen will definitely send people in to take over a new workshop.

People at the official level will definitely start managing.

But this will not be clear until Ye Zhen makes a move.

No use guessing.

As long as he doesn't move his Tiandihui, everything will be fine.

"That's right! My lord, you asked me to check the Baixiao Pavilion. I got some news from the scriptures." Li Ru suddenly remembered this and reported:
"Baixiao Pavilion, as the name suggests, is a place that knows everything. It is a place where I sell information in Da Zhou. It is an extremely secretive institution. It is said that you can ask Baixiao Pavilion for any information you want, no matter whether it is a prince or a minister. Secrets, or state secrets, can be purchased as long as you can afford it.”

Speaking of this, Li Ru also showed a trace of envy.

He is now in charge of the intelligence department.

It is an achievement to be able to do what Baixiaoge did.

Of course, there was still deep fear in his dark eyes.

Colleagues are enemies.

The existence of Bai Xiaoge is also a threat and a challenge to them.

"So that's it, it's just such an institution, our emperor didn't get rid of it first!" Ye Qing's face showed a trace of solemnity.

He knew that Ye Zhen also had an intelligence department called Shadow Guard.

Last time I wanted to inquire about my own news.

An information selling organization like Baixiaoge is a great danger to the empire.

With Ye Zhen's character, it must be agreed.

Li Rudao: "My lord, I think His Majesty must have always wanted to eradicate them, but the opponents are probably very strong, and they can be dealt with by extraordinary forces, and they act secretly. They can catch one or two people, but they can't pinch them out from the source. Once offended, they will bite back The price is not something the empire can bear."

Li Ru speculates that mysterious institutions like Baixiao Pavilion will definitely spread all over the Eastern Continent, not just Da Zhou.

If Da Zhou offends them, Bai Xiaoge will share what is in his hands with other enemy countries.

That big week would be dangerous.

"In this way, this is a sharp sword hanging over the empire!" Ye Qing also quickly understood the degree of danger of Baixiao Pavilion.

This organization not only holds important information about the empire, but even lifelines, and everyone in the Baixiao Pavilion is probably a master.

Just Wu Linglong is a top-notch master.

A fake groom is also a first-class master.

Others who have not been exposed, who knows how many masters they have.

Energy is definitely not an empire.

Such an enemy in the dark is very troublesome.

"That's right, this is a sword on the head of the empire, it can fall at any time, killing people without blood." Li Ru agreed very much:

"So my lord, it is a very wise move for you to establish Jinyiwei. Only when our Jinyiwei grows to a certain level can we compete with them from the dark, and finally eliminate them and bring clarity to the empire."

Speaking of this, Li Ru was a little impassioned and excited physically and mentally.

Passion comes from challenges.

The stronger the enemy, the more exciting it is.

Baixiao Pavilion is their Jinyiwei's biggest enemy.

"Do you think I'm going to transfer someone into your Jinyiwei!"

The harm of Baixiao Pavilion is obviously long-term, and the other party has already developed an interest in him, Ye Qing also wants to infiltrate the other party.

Li Rudao: "Master means..."

"Invincible in the East...start from Wanhua Tower!" Ye Qing laughed.

Li Ru's eyes lit up, and a smile also appeared on his face.

The slender figure in the fluttering red dress suddenly appeared in his mind.

"No wonder the lord wants to cover Dongfang Bubai with a veil. It seems that he has planned this for a long time. He is really wise and mighty!"


The next day!

When the sun goes down!

Zhang Rang took people to Minwufang to preach the decree again!

"Your Highness! Your Majesty has a decree to let you enter the palace."

This time Zhang Rang's tone was even more flattering.

Ye Qing is really rising as he guessed last time.

Now that the three major gangs of Minwufang have been eradicated, Minwufang is no longer a dangerous place.

Ye Qing's title has been raised, and he is now eligible to compete for the crown prince.

So Zhang Rang is becoming more and more optimistic about Ye Qing.

"Your Majesty let me enter the palace, do you know what's going on!"

Zhang Rang said: "Returning to Your Highness, the slaves don't know, but I think it has something to do with what happened the night before in Minwufang."

If so, Ye Qing didn't speak.

Zhang Rang said again: "By the way, Your Highness, the Fourth Prince Ye Mao has been demoted, and the empress is very angry when she finds out. Your Highness should be careful whether you are outside or inside the palace."

Ye Qing nodded slightly, stood up and said, "Lead the way ahead!"

"It's Your Highness!"

Zhang Rang bowed and exited the hall, and then waited outside the mansion.

Ye Qing asked someone to call Ouyang Feng, and took Ouyang Feng to the palace alone.

After entering the palace, it was still the original route.

Go half way.

In front of a corner door, the way in was blocked by people.

The leader who blocked the door was a young man in a boa robe.

About twelve or thirteen years old!

Like Ye Mao, she has a pair of red phoenix eyes, and her cheeks are longer.

The look is also proud, but there is a little more sinister on this person.

Zhang Rang went up to worship and said, "I have seen His Royal Highness the King of Chu!"

Ye Cai, the new king of Chu.

Ye Mao's brother from the same mother.

Ye Cai ignored Zhang Rang at all and stared at Ye Qing.

Ye Qing also met Ye Cai for the first time.

Although Ye Cai and Ye Mao are the same mother and brother, their personalities are completely different.

If Ye Mao is a free-range pig, then Ye Cai is a domesticated Tibetan mastiff.

"You can't be polite when you see this king!"

Ye Cai opened his mouth and said coldly.

There are several first-class masters around him, and they are also staring at Ye Qing.

The imposing manner is ferocious, and the meaning of Xingshi's questioning is obvious.

"I am your brother!"

Ye Qing also replied coldly.

Ye Cai's eyes became colder, and he snorted: "This king is the king of Chu, the prince of Dazhou, and you are just a county official!"

Want to use titles to overwhelm people!

You think too much!

Ye Qing smiled: "I am your brother!"

"Da Zhou is talking about status, and talking about background. Don't think that you have a chance if you get a knighthood by chance." Ye Cai said angrily.

The few first-class masters around him took a step forward one after another.

Murderous aura rushed over.

Appears to be in motion.

But Ye Qing still said flatly: "I am your brother!"

Ouyang Feng waved his hand lightly behind him, and a scent blew from behind.

Ye Cai's men stood aside and waved their hands to block the strong wind blowing.

His face was startled, and when he smelled the fragrance in the air, he quickly covered his mouth and nose, and reminded Cai Mao in a low voice: "Your Highness! This fragrance is poisonous, and the other party is a master!"

Entry master.

Only then did Ye Cai frowned slightly, stretched out his hands and weighed his sleeves, and said generously: "Don't worry, he doesn't have the guts to kill me!"

After speaking, Ye Cai turned around and walked to the other side.

Several of his first-class subordinates stared at Ouyang Feng fiercely, followed Ye Cai's pace and walked away vigilantly.

Zhang Rang watched in horror.

The contest between these two masters is really straightforward.

Although he didn't do anything, the killing intent and conflict were stronger than that of the Chu king before.

Ye Qing also watched Ye Cai leave with great interest.

"The new king of Chu! Interesting! Better than the idiot, but... you are still a younger brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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