Chapter 530 Zhou Jun Goes Out of the City for a Battle Date
The people who came from the west were Ma Chao and Duowa who broke up with Ye Qing and others in Jiameng.

"Sir Ma Chao pays homage to Your Majesty."

Ye Qing was still the Happy King when they parted.

After returning, Yijing is His Majesty the Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

"Excuse me, you can go north from Jiudi and come back through the Qiang territory. It's good to read the scriptures." Ye Qing asked:
"What's the situation, what's found on the road."

Ma Chao said: "My lord, the two of us traveled northward and made many friends."

"Actually, Di people are very talkative. As long as they have the strength to convince them, they will sincerely make friends with us."

As he said that, Ma Chao handed over the brochure on his body: "My lord, this is what I saw and heard along the way, and there is also a list of people from various ethnic groups that I have made friends with. In the future, when I go to the people of Dazhou, I can communicate with them quickly."

Cao Zhengchun stepped forward to take the things Ma Chao handed over and sent them to Ye Qing.

Ye Qing nodded in satisfaction after reading it.

"Yes, you guys take a break, and then you will be in charge of the former cavalry in the army."

"When we enter Shu and Hanzhong in the future, your former cavalry guards will be our vanguard."

Ye Qing said slowly.

Ma Chao clasped his fists at the command.

Then bow back.

"Come here, take a copy of this booklet and send it to the King of Xiliang."

"It's Your Majesty!"


To the north of Dazhou.

Bai Qi arrived at Gaonu City.

The Turks swept south again.

But this time he didn't use many troops.

"Attack, this time we must take down Gaonu City. The army of the Zhou people was dragged in the pass by the army of the Chuyue Kingdom. There is a danger of destroying the country. Maybe there will be no Great Zhou in the future. Let Ben Khan kill..."

Instigated by evil forces, a group of Turkic people went crazy from top to bottom.

This time, not only do they want to avenge their shame, but they also want to destroy Da Zhou.


The Turks rushed towards Gao Nu City.

Ladders, battering rams, etc. were all used up.

However, the counterattack in the city was very strong.

The Turkic people who rushed up were shot and smashed to death one after another.

Seeing how powerful the counterattack in the city is.

Xieli and his subordinates were a little surprised.

"Why are there so many people? Didn't all the soldiers and horses of the Great Zhou go to Guanzhong to participate in the battle?"

"Khan, there are at least 1 people in this city.

I'm afraid it will be hard to eat. "

Xieli's face was extremely ugly.

His eyes are complicated.

"Khan, it seems that Zhou people are on guard, what should we do now?"

Xie Li took a deep breath and said unwillingly: "Stop attacking, first find out how many Zhou troops are defending the city? And what happened to Zhou State?"

"It's sweat."

A group of Turkic generals replied one after another.

In the city!

"General, the Turks have retreated. It seems that they are afraid to attack."

Bai Qi said: "Xieli Khan suffered a loss in Gaonu City, so he became more cautious."

"Your Majesty taught me a lesson last year. His vitality hasn't recovered yet, and he doesn't have too many troops to attack the city. I guess he may have given up fighting and attacked other lands instead."

"Marshal, what shall we do now." Qin Qiong asked.

Bai Qi glanced at Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong and said:

"Go out of the city, fight the Turkic people, and drive them back to their hometown in the first battle."

Go out of the city and fight the Turks.

It's too big.

Give up the advantage and don't use it.

Use disadvantages instead.

"General, we don't have many troops, and the risk of fighting the Turks in the field is a bit high." Xue Ergui worried.

"Why, you don't have confidence in the Xuanjia Army and the Xuanwu Army?" Bai Qi asked.

Qin Qiong, Yu Chigong, and Xue Ergui replied in unison: "General, don't worry, no matter where we are, we can defeat the Turks and wipe them out."

"Very good, I like it with confidence, as long as the five thousand Xuanjia troops show up, they will be enough to destroy and defeat the Turks." Bai Qi said:

"How is the contact with Luo Chengbu?"

Yu Huatian of Jinyiwei said: "I have contacted Luo Cheng's department, and they are moving to the rear of Xiang Xieli according to scriptures."

"By the way, the news from Ren Woxing has also been delivered." Yu Huatian handed over the letter on his body to Bai Qi.

He didn't even read what was inside.

To see is to exceed the authority.

It was a big taboo of Jin Yiwei.

Bai Qi received Ren Woxing's letter.

Learn more about Turks.

Especially the situation in the grassland now, with a clear understanding.

"Very good, now we are more confident in defeating Xieli, who has severely injured him."

Xie Li planned to divide his troops the next day and attack other places in Da Zhou.

But at this moment, the gates of Gao Nu City were wide open.

Da Zhou's troops walked out of it.

"Report! Khan, the Zhou people have sent troops, and sent a letter of war!"

Suddenly a soldier came to report to Xie Li.

"What? Da Zhou's soldiers have left the city."

Xieli was greatly surprised and a little surprised.

He hurriedly took everyone to the front to check.

Sure enough, all the troops of Da Zhou went out of the city and lined up.

"Da Zhou only has more than [-] men and horses, and they are a mixture of horses and horses!"

Xie Li sneered and said, "This new commander of Da Zhou is also very conceited. He wants to use so few people to fight us in the field. What kind of courage does he have?"

"Khan, since Zhou's soldiers have left the city, let's rush over and destroy them."

"The Great Khan, I would like to ask for a fight. I am willing to be the vanguard and help the Great Khan defeat the enemy."

The Turkic generals took the initiative to fight one by one.

There are not many such opportunities.

Zhou Jun has always been based on sticking to the ground.

Now there is a fool who dares to come out to fight in the field.

It is really rare.

So the Turkic people screamed one by one to win this opportunity.

Xie Li said: "Yes, accepting Da Zhou's appointment to fight, the general who fights first is rushing to his troops."

"Khan wise."

Turkic people said one after another.

Fifty thousand Turkic cavalry also pulled out of the city one after another.

The two armies faced off.

Soon a general came out from the Turkic side first.

"I am Khaerduo under the Great Khan, which one of the Zhou people will come to die first!"

Yuchi Gong said: "I'll meet you."

But it was quickly intercepted by Bai Qi.

"Yuchi Jingde is not allowed to play, Xue Rengui will play in this battle."

"Yuchi Jingde, you are in charge of leading the Xuanjia Army. Wait for your subordinates to take the lead. Don't waste your energy. Use it at the critical moment!"

Yu Chigong, who was still a little upset at first, held his temper.

Only then did Xue Rengui Cui Ma come out.

"Big Zhou Xue Rengui, the barbarians will die!"

"It's such a big tone, it's not certain who will die?"

This Turkic military general named Hardo is holding a mace.

rushed over.

Xue Rengui did not show weakness.

Cui Ma rushed forward.

One came with a heavy blow from the mace.

Xue Rengui received the halberd.

He caught it firmly, but the halberd shook slightly, and the head of the halberd sank slightly.


This Haldo is also powerful and mighty.

Waving the mace is another blow.

But Xue Rengui is not a fool.

Tilting his head to hide, he waved the halberd in his hand.

Cut towards the opponent's waist.

This Haldo hastily raised his mace to block.

After the sound of "Clang!", Hardo's body did not shake, and he sat firmly on the horse.

But in the next second, Xue Rengui quickly swung his halberd again.

This slash was as fast as lightning and swift as a thunderbolt. Ha'erduo's bulky head and body couldn't react at all.


The two horses staggered past.

The corpse weighing two hundred catties hit the ground, sending dust flying.

(End of this chapter)

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