I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 670? One person fights one city

Chapter 670 One Man Fights One City

After parting, following Qiao Feng's guide along the way, he was immediately stunned.

"You... you... actually want to go to Dianchi Lake by car." The guide's throat was throbbing, as if someone was pinching his neck, trying to lift him up and suffocate him.

These Zhou people think that they didn't die fast enough.

Zhui Ming said: "Why not? It's just a country of Dian, since they like to use their fists, then we can use our fists to solve things."

"This...you will offend the entire Dian Kingdom. You don't know how cruel these people are. They really know how to kill." The guide was about to cry.

Zhui Ming smiled and said: "They will kill, then we will also kill, to see who can kill who.

You don't know how powerful our Gang Leader Qiao is, he is enough to sweep the entire Dian Kingdom! "

Master Qiao, Ye Qing first called out.

Although everyone didn't know where Qiao Feng got his nickname, they just looked at Qiao Feng's righteousness.

It does have the demeanor of a gang leader, like the head of a sect.

"What? You guys...he's so strong!" The guide Dexin looked at Qiao Feng, only thinking that Qiao Feng's strength should not be bad. This man looks upright and looks like a master, but he is not so high as to sweep the Dian kingdom. .

That big week was too terrifying, and such a person was even sent out on business.

Shouldn't it be kept at home and offered as a treasure?
Qiao Feng straightened his voice and said: "Don't talk about such nonsense, lead the way. I, Qiao Feng, also want to compete with the masters of Dian Kingdom and learn from each other. My original intention is to make friends all over the world."

Make friends, if you make friends like this, you are here to mess things up.

But the guide had no choice but to take Qiao Feng and others to the first stop in Dianguo - Guchang.

Guchangcheng, you can know its meaning after hearing its name.

It shows that the warehouse is full and prosperous here.

After entering the city, Qiao Feng went directly to Gu Chang's big empty field.

Here is a flat field paved with stone slabs.

It is usually used to execute prisoners and enemy prisoners, and also to sell slaves.

"When I came from the distant Great Zhou, I heard that there are no cowards in the Dian Kingdom, and there are masters everywhere. Now I set up a ring here, and I want to compete with Gu Chang's Dian Kingdom masters. I don't know who is willing to try!"

Qiao Feng came to the center and clasped his fists at the surrounding Dian people.

The Dian people couldn't understand it, but it didn't prevent them from watching the excitement, and everyone was talking about it.

The Mao family translated the words of these Dian people to Zhuiming.

Zhui Ming walked over, patted the guide lightly and said: "Translate the words of Gang Leader Qiao to the Dian people. The tone should be emphasized, and the discussion should be changed to a duel. One more sentence, Dian has no warriors!"

"I..." The guide wanted to refuse, thinking that you all have people who can speak Dian dialect, so why do you want me to translate.

I'm just redundant.

But under the cannibalistic eyes of Chasing Life.

The guide still faithfully translated the meaning of Zhui Ming.

After listening, the Dian people were immediately emotional, as angry and annoyed as if they had been robbed of their wives and killed their parents.

"I'm here to teach you a shitty person."

Suddenly a Dian man jumped out, his breath was released, and his strength was first rank.

It's not high, but it's not low either.

"Please!" Qiao Feng attached great importance to martial virtues, and made a gesture of please, but this Yunnan native who called himself Bage was not polite.

He rushed over without even saying hello, once the killing move was released, he punched straight, and this move was aimed at Qiao Feng's face quickly.

If hit by it, the face is also destroyed.

But who is Qiao Feng?

The majestic sixth-rank supreme, with one hand, directly grabbed the opponent's boxer.

From strong to strong, the strong and boring energy exuded from his hands directly wrapped up the violent internal energy rushed out by the opponent's fist.

Then twist slightly clockwise.

This Bage's expression suddenly twisted and ferocious, and his whole body turned clockwise.

Then it hit the ground hard.

"Bang!" sounded.

He fell so badly that he was sweating profusely.

The right hand just felt like it was going to be scrapped.

Getting up with difficulty, he glanced at the merciful Qiao Feng, let out a cold snort and went down.

"There are four or five ranks of strength, no wonder you are arrogant, look at me, Mu Rong, to kill you!"

A Dian master on the right jumped in with a short knife in his hand.

Shaped like a knife for chopping wood.

The aura emanating from his body seemed to be that of a martial artist with a third-rank strength.

The blade was also pointed at Qiao Feng, and there was no ceremony to meet a warrior.

Qiao Feng didn't feel surprised either, he turned his footsteps, easily dodged it, and stretched out his hand to slap it out.

This person also sensed the danger, stopped on his feet, turned around and slashed back with his knife.

Qiao Feng didn't dodge it either, he faced the blade with his palm, facing up to the difficulty.

Using inner strength as the blade, collide with the opponent's blade.

There was a soft sound, and sparks shot out.

Consuming his internal strength, Mu Rong, who is a third-rank strength, changed his output from one hand to two hands.

Gritting his teeth, he desperately pressed towards Qiao Feng.

However, his strength is very different after all, and his level is already worse than Qiao Feng.

What's more, Qiao Feng is a person with deep inner strength, and the Yi Jin Jing he practiced is a superb martial art, which makes his inner strength boundless.

"High martial arts bully those with low martial arts skills, look at me, Huang Chong!"

As he said that, another Yunnan native with second-rank strength jumped up, and then slapped Qiao Feng with his palm.

Qiao Feng hit the palm with the other hand.

The man was instantly sent flying, crashing into a wooden post where the slaves were bound.

He vomited blood and passed out.

"Look at my..."

"Count me in!"

Soon all the Dian warriors around rushed over, some directly charged at Qiao Feng, some stood behind Mu Rong, pouring out their internal strength, trying to gather the strength of everyone to consume Qiao Feng to death.

Qiao Feng didn't withdraw his palm either.

Continue to add strength and hold on to it.

On the other side, they fought with the rushing Dian people with one hand and one foot.

One person fights the whole city of Yunnan people.

Regardless of whether the Dian warriors were innate or acquired, every one who came up was knocked into the air.

More and more people gathered behind Mu Rong, and more and more energy passed through his body.

But he became more and more cold and frightened.

His face became paler and paler.

In the end, blood flowed from nostrils, and my mind was a little dizzy.

And Qiao Feng still stood there, laughing lightly at the wind.

One person fights one battle without fear.

At the end of the fight, there were no Yunnanese in the Yijing.

The Yunguo guide next to Zhuiming was dumbfounded again.

This Qiao Feng is really strong.

At this time, his original worry gradually changed to excitement and excitement.

The Dian people will suffer a lot this time.

A mere Gu Changcheng really can't stop the people of Zhou.

Seeing the Dian people deflated, the guide of Yunguo was naturally happy.

"It seems that the city thinks it's a hero, so that's the end of it!"

Qiao Feng's right hand increased his strength and rushed out of his right palm with a burst of inner strength.

With a sound of "Boom!", Mu Rong, who was holding a knife, was thrown into the air, and he vomited blood and died in mid-air.

The crowd behind them fell to the ground.

The same one vomited blood on the bra.

His face was pale, and his eyes were terrified.

"Where did the people of Zhou come from? Why have they never heard of it? He was such a powerful master when he came out. It's scary that only the one from the capital can compete with him!"

"Da Zhou... is very strong!"

(End of this chapter)

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