Chapter 69

"My lord is right, so it's not the fundamental way to send troops from other defense zones into Liangzhou. The important thing is to let Liangzhou stand on its own, create blood by itself, and rely on Liangzhou's strength to solve the problem of Qiqiang." Li Ru thought for a while and said:
"I do have a plan, maybe it will work."

Everyone looked at Li Ru.

Cheng Yaojin said: "Wen Xiansheng gave birth to you, so don't be a joke. If you have any good ideas, just say it. We won't spread it anyway, and no one will make fun of it."

Zhang Yi also said: "That's right, Wen You, is there any way to solve Qiqiang's problem without bloodshed."

"Simple and complicated, but a bit cruel!" Li Ru sneered:

"Suppress the Qiqiang, recruit its people as soldiers, and train its soldiers to defeat the Turks."

"This... how is it possible, how could the Qiqiang surrender to us, how could they be willing to surrender, those nobles of the Qiang kings are not stupid, it is not good to be kings in the Qiang land and dominate, how can they be willing to obey our call to fight the Turks .” Cheng Yaojin was the first to put forward his opinion with a bluff.

Zhao Yun, Yu Jin and others also expressed puzzlement and disagreed.

Zhang Yi was silent and thoughtful.

Ye Qing seemed to have some understanding, and then showed a clear expression.

"It seems that the lord understands the meaning of Confucianism!" Li Ru said:

"Not as good as the lord!"

Everyone's eyes turned to Ye Qing again.

Ye Qing said with a smile: "Wen You means to recruit the Qiang people, not the Qiang people, let alone the Qiang king and the noble leaders headed by the Qiang king.

The goals are different. No matter what methods we use to pamper these Qiang kings and Qiang nobles, they will not have any gratitude and surrender.

On the contrary, if we use material officials and titles to lure them to surrender, these people will use these materials and wealth to support their own soldiers, so as to strengthen and further carry out plundering.

So the fundamental way is to disintegrate their ruling foundation and draw blood from their militias. Qiang kings or nobles without soldiers are just plucked chickens, in name but without substance, and they will die sooner or later. "

Only then did everyone understand what Li Ru meant.

It really is a good theory.

It is indeed a ruthless move.

But Zhang Yi asked with some doubts: "However! Wenyou, what method do you want to use to make these Qiang people willing to surrender to us, and how to recruit these Qiang king's soldiers? !"

"Hahaha, whoever said that the Qiang people are a foreign race? Which history book clearly records that the Qiang people are a foreign race." The smile on Li Ru's face became thicker and darker, and he looked at Said to Zhang Yi:
"History books are all written by people, and myths are all made up by people. Confucianism thinks that Qiang and Zhou have come from the same source since ancient times. We are the same ancestors. However, the people of the Great Zhou chose to settle in the Guanzhong Plain, and the Qiang chose to nomad Liangzhou. , This is the separation.

So we are a family, how can one family speak two languages, now that we are strong and willing to accept the poor Qiang people, we are all back together again.

Isn't it reasonable to build a beautiful homeland together and fight Turkic bandits together? "


Zhang Yi understood in an instant, opened her mouth wide, and was shocked by Li Ru's novel theories.

Can you still play like this?
This... is more foolish than him!

The others also opened their mouths wide and stared.

If it wasn't for Li Ru's words, they would have wanted to slap them after hearing this.

He was talking nonsense.

Qiang Zhou's family of ghosts.

Separate families and build a beautiful home together.

I will build you first!

"Hahaha, wonderful! Wonderful!" Ye Qing burst into laughter after hearing this, full of praise.

Li Ru is really worthy of being a poisoner!

Although this strategy is full of flaws, it is very practical.

"My lord, what's so good about this idea? We don't understand why. No one believed Wen You's words, not to mention the Qiang people, even I, Da Zhou, didn't believe it." Cheng Yaojin rubbed the back of his head. , I can't figure it out.

How could Ye Qing, such a shrewd person, agree with Li Ru's flawed nonsense.

Ye Qingdao: "You have overlooked one thing. It doesn't matter whether this theory is true or false. The important thing is to give both parties a step down, give everyone psychological comfort, and make it easy to accept.

With these words, there will be a reason for the Qiang people to surrender to my Dazhou, and there will be no burden, and the people of my Dazhou can also feel relieved, and will not pursue the past grievances too deeply, and will not hold them in their hearts.

This is called integration, this is called inclusiveness, and this is called expansion, not only in terms of territory, but also in terms of thought and culture. "

Everyone was dumbfounded after hearing this.

You can still do this!
It seems very reasonable!

If the Great Zhou wanted to develop and expand to the surrounding area, it was impossible to stay in the narrow definition of the Zhou people and the Great Zhou Empire.

Because the more land and population you annex, if you keep using the old ideas, it is doomed to be incompatible and difficult to rule for a long time.

Natural development will reach a bottleneck, and you will strangle yourself to death.

Li Ru stood up, bowed deeply to Ye Qing and said, "The only master in the world who understands Confucianism is lucky!"

Ye Qing narrowed his eyes, gently raised his hand and said, "Wen You, tell everyone what you haven't finished."

Li Ru nodded, and then said: "In the last step, most of the Qiang people recruited can only be soldiers, and they must be kept fighting, restrained by high rewards and punishments, such as fighting against Turks, and those who came from looting Wealth can allow them a certain ratio, as long as the ratio is attractive enough, let’s see if they dare to obey, and they will still think about going back to the past and being oppressed by the Qiang King to suck their blood!"

"At the same time, a large number of Qiang people and strong people came out of the Qiang area, whether they died in battle or joined the army, or settled in various parts of our Da Zhou in wealth and glory, do the Qiang people in the original Qiang area still have the strength to resist our Da Zhou?

No, there won't be any more, and within a few generations, the Qiang people will become history, just a few words in the history books! "

It's so poisonous!

Only now did everyone understand the reason why Li Ru said cruel.

All refer to this one.

It is indeed a bit cruel to plan a family to die.

This is like harvesting leeks, harvesting one crop after another, from generation to generation.

Until the piece of leeks is necrotic and old, and it can't grow anymore, it is no longer needed.

Cheng Yaojin, Yu Jin, Zhao Yun and others looked at Li Ru with complicated eyes.

Thanks to Li Ru being his own family, if it were his opponents, they would be the ones who would suffer.

While Ye Qing and the others were chatting about the future direction of Liangzhou, Liangzhou was hundreds of miles away.

At this time, King Qiu Baqiang finally got rid of Qin Hu who was chasing after after a series of ups and downs in the mountains.

But at this time he was a little embarrassed.

Of the original elite of one thousand cavalry, only two cavalry were still with them.

The bodies of the three were covered with blood stains, their clothes were disheveled, and the horses were exhausted after sitting down, as if they would fall down in a gust of wind.

Xiao Xiao Guying, feels a bit like the end of a hero!

"Hahaha, Hu Benqi, this king has remembered it all his life, and I will not be a human being if I don't take revenge!" King Qiu Baqiang looked at the vast and lonely mountain range behind him, laughed several times, and made an oath with his fists clenched.

But the words fell, and the Yiqi guard who followed him said: "King, look, how our old village is burning like the whole village is burning..."

(End of this chapter)

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