Chapter 703

The three major barriers have been breached one after another.

The soldiers of the Qinglong Army conquered the three major barriers immediately.

With the assistance of Jin Yiwei and the Empire's Dayan Division, the siege of the city became more effective and much easier.

"Don't stand still, strengthen the city defense immediately, and bring up the defense supplies!" The master came and ordered.

Only then did everyone withdraw their gazes from looking outside the Guancheng.

There were Jin Yiwei and the masters of Dayan Division, who disappeared into the fir forest.

These people are the eyes of the empire, and the swords at the throat and heart of the enemy.

Deserves the respect of all soldiers.

The entire battle around Luoyang will be over within three days.

Move quickly and suddenly.

South Korea and Wei Guo are a little confused.

The Korean soldiers at Hulaoguan sent the news to the capital immediately.

The ruling and opposition parties in South Korea are completely blown up.

The South Korean side moved westward in secret.

Before the result was issued, such a battle report was sent from the front line.

Da Zhou is the first to act first.

Attacked Han with the same excuse.

Go to war with Korea.

"Fight! We must fight Da Zhou to the end! Destroy Da Zhou's Azure Dragon Army!"

"Destroy the Great Zhou! Destroy the Azure Dragon! Destroy Han Xin!"

It was originally going to send troops secretly.

As a result, Han Ran had to change it to the swearing-in meeting on Mingguang.

Reviewed the army in front of the palace, and ordered Bu Fei to be the commander of the Western Expedition!

Pulled out the king sword, pointed to the sky and said: "Warriors of Korea, listen up, Da Zhou bullied Korea too much, attacked our cities and passes, bullied Korea repeatedly, I can't bear it, and I don't need to bear it anymore. Today you will go to war , to avenge the dead soldiers of my Dahan, and regain the lost ground!"

"Revenge and revenge, regain lost ground!"

"Revenge and revenge, regain lost ground!"

"Revenge and revenge, regain lost ground!"

The Korean Royal Cavalry Guards shouted one after another, louder than louder.

Han Ran was very satisfied.

Pointing his sword to the west, he said, "Let's go!"

"Let's go!"

The honor guards of the Jinwu Guard shouted.

Then the ceremony and music sounded.

Bu Fei led the royal cavalry guards towards the west gate.

Outside the city gate, there were already 20 troops assembled by South Korea.

"set off!"

20 Korean troops marched westward in mighty strength.


the other side!
Hanoi County of Wei State.

Wild King City!
Xin Wenxiang, the general guarding one side, received a message from Meng Jindu.

The whole person is Spartan!
Blinded on the spot.

I was so shocked that I couldn't believe it.

"Say it again, what happened to Da Zhou?"

The person who came to report said: "General, South Korea suddenly attacked our four cities in Beiman Mountain, and all our cities in the south of the Yellow River have been lost!"

"South Korea! How is it possible! How could they attack us."

Xin Wenxiang is still somewhat unacceptable.

Wei Guo and South Korea have no day and night, and there is no enmity in recent days.

How could South Korea attack them.

How could it be so sudden.

"This...General, we don't know about it!"

Xin Wenxiang saw that the person who came did not seem to be lying, so he waved his military hand to signal to take him down.

Then he called all his confidants over.

The others also stood there dumbfounded after listening.

South Korea hit us.

This is epilepsy.

"Whether it's true or not, we must first understand what's going on on the other side of the river!" Xin Wenxiang looked at his subordinates, and continued:
"Zhang Liang, you lead the team to Heyang to find out what's going on in Pingyin!"

"Liu Yong, you lead the team to Huai County, cross the river to question South Korea, and find out South Korea's attitude!"

"The others follow me to Wen County, let's go to Mengjindu to have a look!"

"It's the general!"

All the generals stood up and sang promises.

Of course, Xin Wenxiang did not forget to send a fast horse to the capital of Wei State to report the situation here.

Soon, the three groups of people from Wei State went in one direction each.

People from Huai County crossed the river to find the defenders of Xingyang in South Korea.

The South Korean defenders were even more confused.

"General Liu, have you made a mistake? How could I, South Korea, attack your country of Wei? We are also going to fight Zhou..."

The guard realized that he had said the wrong thing and immediately shut up again.

Liu Yong noticed something and asked, "What do you mean? Are you attacking the Zhou army in Luoyang?"

Liu Yong felt that it was only for this reason that South Korea would hunt down rabbits and pull out Wei Guo's power near Luoyang.

The guard general of the Han army faltered and faltered, and wanted to hide it.

But after thinking about it, he will know sooner or later, so he replied directly:
"To be honest, Da Zhou attacked our city near Luoyang, and now it has reached Hulao Pass. My Da Han will send troops soon, and my Da Han will start a full-scale war with Zhou, so it is impossible for us to attack you , we are going to fight the big week!"

The news was equally shocking.

Da Zhou sent troops to attack South Korea.

Why did the two countries suddenly go to war?

The problem is that when you started a war, how did you implicate my Great Wei Kingdom?

Liu Yong felt that there was a story in it.

It's just that the Koreans didn't say it.

"General Liu, please go back and tell Wei Huang that this is the frame of the Great Zhou. They attacked you, took your city, and deliberately framed my Great South Korea. Please understand that our two countries, South Korea and Wei, are firm. The allies will never have any grievances with Wei Guo, they will only deal with other enemies together..."

Liu Yong nodded superficially, but he didn't care about it on the way back.

South Korea is not a good bird either.

Why did Zhou Guo go to war with you in such a good manner? It must be because you have done something shameful.

Liu Yong crossed the river and returned to Huai County. While sending someone to report to the emperor in the capital, he went to find Xin Wenxiang.

Xin Wenxiang arrived at Mengjindu.

Checked the situation on the other side.

I asked the soldiers guarding the ferry.

These soldiers were also confused for a while.

"General, it was South Korean soldiers who appeared on the other side at the beginning, and it was the Korean soldiers who killed our Wei soldiers."

"Two days later, there were shouts of killing from the other side, and we saw the flag of the Great Zhou. The Zhou army was chasing and killing the Han army."

Xin Wenxiang and the others were taken aback again.

The transition was too fast.

The other side suddenly changed from Korean to Zhou.

"In this way, the troops stationed on the other side are the Zhou army!" Xin Wenxiang looked at the other side of the river, and then said:
"Send someone across the river to contact Zhou Jun and see what's going on!"


At the moment, someone took the order and sent a boat to ferry over.

Soon the ship arrived at the south bank, but was harassed by the random arrows of the generals of the Zhou Dynasty.

"Soldiers of the Great Zhou, don't shoot arrows. We are Wei people, not Han people. Our general sent me here to ask to see your general!"

The generals and soldiers of the Zhou army on the shore put away their bows after hearing this.

"come on!"

Soon the ship docked and landed at the pier.

Not many people came, only two.

was brought before the guard.

A short time later, the pair were returned to the boat and returned to shore.

Xin Wenxiang asked, "What did the people of Zhou say?"

The person in charge who came back replied: "General, General Zhou said that the Koreans first attacked our cities in Wei State and Luoyang, and then the Zhou people fought back.

Eliminate the Han army near Luoyang. "

Xin Wenxiang didn't care about this, and asked again: "What about the cities in Beiman Mountain, what can the people of Zhou say?"

"General, they say that the city originally belonged to Wei State, but since it was occupied by South Korea, it belongs to South Korea.

Their Dazhou was taken from the Koreans, so now the south bank of the river belongs to Dazhou! "

(End of this chapter)

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