Chapter 72

"Uh!" Qin Hu looked at the sincere Ye Yu, thought for a while and said:
"My lord, I would like to ask, are you not afraid that His Highness the Sixth Highness will be unfavorable to you in the future?"

The dragon gave birth to nine sons, each of which is different.

Kowloon seizes the throne, and everyone is a contender.

I wish I could squeeze out other people.

Ye Yu, the king of Xiliang, seemed a little too bright.

Although Qin Hu is loyal to Ye Zhen, he will not participate in the dispute for the crown prince.

But also curious!

Ye Yu's straightforward personality made him dare to ask such a question.

If it were another person, he would act as if he hadn't heard anything.

As if nothing was seen.

Ye Yu said: "Confident people are never afraid of any difficulties. If Lao Liu is really capable, above me, and able to beat all our brothers, then what's the use of being afraid? If he is not capable, why should he be afraid of him!"

This... seems to make sense!
"I am the eldest prince as an example. Da Zhou is not a Da Zhou of one person, but a Da Zhou of all people. Only by uniting together for the development of Da Zhou can I truly strengthen Da Zhou. If the sixth child is really capable, I will not be jealous He, but accepted him tolerantly, but what I use is not better." Ye Yu said confidently:

"If I can unite the sixth child, then my strength will not be stronger, and I will have one more helper in the future."

Qin Hu was powerless to refute, so he could only cup his fists in respect.

The King of Xiliang is very real, but also very naive!
A fire burned down Qiu Baqiang's lair, and after returning victoriously, Ye Yu sent troops to attack Qiu Baqiang's various tribes and villages.

Li Ting swept the acupoints and wiped out the entire Qiu Baqiang's forces in one go.

Before the other Six Qiangs responded, they would eat up this area in the southeast of Guangyang County.

Bailan City!
King Bailanqiang was dumbfounded when he received the news!

"Qiu Baqiang is gone?"

The news was too sudden.

No sign at all.

If it's just that Qiu Baqiang's snobbery against Zhou Zhan defeated the battle, this is all reasonable and understandable.

The problem is... Now that Qiu Baqiang is gone, King Qiu Baqiang was beheaded by the Zhou army.

The elite were wiped out, and their lair was burned.

The ministries were defeated and wiped out.

The entire Western Han River and the Qiang River and the two rivers have become blank.

The southeast corner of Guangyang County, which was controlled by Qiqiang, collapsed.

Originally, Qiqiang had three directions to control Guangyang County.

Now only the west and the north are left.

The Zhou army in Liangzhou can free up part of its troops to move west and north.

This has an adverse effect on the next battle that one plus one is greater than two.

The whole plan was completely changed.

"My lord, King Qiu Baqiang was greedy. He didn't follow the agreement. He sent troops to rob Dazhou's transport team without authorization. In the end, he was defeated by a frontal attack. The old man was unprepared. The fact that Chengqiu Baqiang was destroyed!"

King Bai Lanqiang rubbed his temples, feeling a severe headache.

The seven Qiangs have changed into six Qiangs, and this year's eastward trip is not so easy to fight.

"Go and find out! I want to know why King Qiu Baqiang couldn't beat Dazhou's transport team, and he lost so badly after one thousand beating four hundred!"

"How did the king of Xiliang break into Qiu Baqiang's lair? Is he crazy, or is he relying on something!"

King Bai Lanqiang's eyes were full of doubts and deep fear.

And a bit of ruthlessness.

"Remember to figure it out at all costs, otherwise I, Bai Lanqiang, may be the next to be destroyed!"

"It's the king!"


The West Gate of Chang'an City!
"Good news! Good news, great victory in Liangzhou!"

Baili rushed Hongling's courier into the city on horseback, and pedestrians and carriages along the way gave way one after another!
"The Liangzhou army wiped out Qiu Baqiang of the Qiqiang in one fell swoop, flattened Qiu Baqiang, and beheaded the king of Qiu Baqiang..."

Watching the messenger galloping past on horseback, the people along the way began to discuss in small groups.

"What did the messenger say just now, Liangzhou is a great victory!"

"It seems that some King Qiu Baqiang was killed by us!"

"Damn goose, the king of Xiliang killed one of the kings of Qiqiang!"

"Be good, be good..."

For Liang's plan, of course, it is not yet time for Ye Qing to intervene at this stage.

Now he just wants to develop Minwufang well and revitalize the economy of Minwufang.

Make a fortune in silence.

Saving some capital and expanding strength is the kingly way.

There is a steady stream of limestone being shipped into the city!
Under the guidance of Lu Ban, Xiaoyao Mansion was built extremely quickly.

The four walls of the fort, as well as the inside and outside of the walls, were plastered with white ash.

Red bricks, white walls and blue tiles constitute a beautiful landscape.

Most of the other facilities in the mansion have been completed, and it will be ready to live in after the interior decoration is completed.

According to the data obtained from Lu Ban, Ye Qing felt that in about ten days, the entire project in the mansion would be completed.

A semi-military base that can accommodate thousands of people at the same time, integrating residence, training, defense, and production reserves can be put into use.

"Ding! Master, Qiang Qiang King, the daughter of Qiqiang East, wants to know how Ye Yu, the king of Xiliang, eliminated Qiu Baqiang. She is willing to pay 500 taels of silver, whether to sell it or not!"

"Ding! Master, Qiang Qiang King of Qiqiang Xishan wants to know how Ye Yu, king of Xiliang, eliminated Qiu Baqiang. He is willing to pay 500 taels of silver, whether to sell it or not!"

"Ding! Master, King Qiang Qiang, the white dog of Qiqiang, wants to know how Ye Yu, king of Xiliang, eliminated Qiu Baqiang. He is willing to pay 500 taels of silver, whether to sell it or not!"

"Ding! Master, the King Qiang Qiang of the Qiqiang Kingdom wants to know how Ye Yu, the king of Xiliang, eliminated Qiu Baqiang. He is willing to spend 500 taels of silver as a reward, whether to sell it or not!"

"Ding! Master, the king of Qiqiang burning Dangqiang Qiang wants to know how Ye Yu, the king of Xiliang, eliminated Qiu Baqiang. He is willing to pay 500 taels of silver, whether to sell it or not!"

"Ding! Master, Qiqiang Bailanqiang Qiang King wants to know how Xiliang King Ye Yu eliminated Qiu Baqiang, and also wants to know what is the cavalry sharp weapon equipped by Da Zhou, and the person who invented this sharp weapon is willing to spend 5000 taels of silver as a reward , whether to sell it!"

one two three four five six!

A series of six prompts.

Ye Qing was both surprised and delighted.

Six information, this is six lottery draws!

This is the rhythm of a big explosion.

Seven Qiang!

It turned out to be related to Liangzhou.

Ye Qing quickly asked the system to convert the information into text, and checked it clearly in his mind.

"Brother killed Qiu Baqiang, one of the seven Qiangs, that's amazing!"

One of the Qiqiang was destroyed by Ye Yu, and Ye Qing couldn't help but praise it.

Regardless of whether he is an opponent in the future, at least at this moment, he is extremely affirmative and appreciative of Ye Yu's achievements.

This is a great victory.

In one fell swoop, the deadlock between Qiang and Zhou was broken for so many years.

Undoubtedly, this made a strong mark in Zhou's battle against Qiang.

The great fortune of the country.

As a member of the Great Zhou, Ye Qing naturally congratulated him from the bottom of his heart.

"Hmm! The last Bailan Qiang King, does he have a different idea? 5000 taels of silver is quite generous." Ye Qing rubbed his chin and thought deeply.

(End of this chapter)

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