I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 762? Divine Martial Guard Huo Qubing

Chapter 762: Divine Martial Guard Huo Qubing
"Your Majesty, this thing is good. If it is placed on a cross, no city wall will be broken!"

"It's very beautiful. It would be nice to have one. I didn't see that the shelf is so big and heavy. It's not easy to assemble and transport!"

"That's true, but one is enough to crush the enemy. I feel that we will have nothing to do in future wars. They will all be smashed with return guns. Which country dare not surrender!"

Ye Qing nodded, quite satisfied with this super-large Huihui.

But he said to everyone: "You all think too well, it is because of this thing that you will be more dangerous in the future.

Because the Kanto countries will not give you a chance to smash the city, they will choose to fight with you, so all ministries need to learn the art of war.

Think about the way of field battle. "

Siege, even if there is no such large return artillery.

The original catapults and oil bombs alone are enough to take down any city in the Kanto countries.

Therefore, future fighters will focus more on field battles.

After all, the Kanto countries are not fools.

He will not always be nestled in the city and be beaten passively.

"It's Your Majesty, I'll keep it in mind." All the generals replied one after another:
"Ordnance and weapons are foreign objects, and it is people who really determine victory."


Maybe it's because of Dawu Mountain.

Chu Yue Kingdom did not provoke Da Zhou this year.

The army has expanded its recruitment to 120 million horses, but they are all recruits.

So keep training and build strength.

South Korea didn't dare to move anymore, and the collusion between Wei Guo and Beishi became closer.

The border between the two countries was quietly opened and began to communicate with each other.

The southwest of Dazhou remains stable.

Because the countries of Baipu tasted the taste of Dian after eating it, the conflicts between them also intensified.

The friction increases vigorously.

Start their own attack.

Naturally, he didn't dare to trouble Da Zhou.

Dazhou also has no intention of continuing to expand westward.

So build Shu Road with peace of mind, continue to build flood control projects, and build the Central Shu Plain and Yizhou Granary.

In the north, the Luocheng tribe regularly went to the grasslands to control the Turkic people in the area north of Yinshan Mountain, so that they did not dare to go south.

Ye Qing didn't let him continue to go north, but still kept Turkic, making it a headache for Rouran.

As for the Hexi Dudu Mansion.

There is no dog Rong in front.

Dazhou began to border on Tuyuhun.

Tuyuhun's aggressiveness further increased.

Go east without any scruples.

Small-scale fighting broke out between the two sides from time to time.

The friction between the two sides continued.

But they are still within the control range of Wei Qing and Huo Qubing.

Huo Qubing wanted to take advantage of Rouran to sneak attack Tuyuhun.

But Rouran did not agree.

Wei Qing also did not agree with this troop plan.

Now the main goal of the Hexi Dudufu is to consolidate and develop the three counties of Jiuquan, Zhangye and Wuwei under the name of the Hexi Dudufu.

Lay the overall situation in the west and lay a good foundation for future westward expansion.

Instead of competing with Tuyuhun for a while.

So Wei Qing sent Huo Qubing back to Chang'an with a single order.

Ye Qing simply transferred Jia Xu back to Chang'an, and transferred Guo Ziyi to Wei Qing.

"Do you know why I transferred you all back?" Ye Qing met the two of them at the same time.

Huo Qubing was young and full of vigor, and replied: "Your Majesty, the Governor of Wei sent me back. He thought I was in the way in Hexi, so he sent me back."

Ye Qing laughed, the young man was anxious, shook his head and said: "No, but Wei Qing knows that there will be no major battles in Hexi in the past two years, so I'm afraid it will waste talents if I put you there."

"Uh, that's really the case." Huo Qubing seemed a little in disbelief.

Ye Qing looked at Jia Xu: "Wenhe, what do you think?"

"Your Majesty is right." Jia Xu is an old fox, and he doesn't take sides easily.

Since it is his natal nature, not to be involved in everything, to enjoy his old age peacefully, and to die normally is his greatest wish! "

"Old fox, slippery!" Ye Qing didn't force him, Jia Xu just had this nature.

"Next, our focus is on the Kanto region, which has fertile land and a large population. If we rely solely on our Da Zhou's birth to develop, it will take at least ten years to usher in the next generation." Ye Qing said:

"I can't wait ten years to immigrate from the hinterland of my Great Zhou to enrich Northern Xinjiang and Hexi.

Therefore, the most direct and useful method is to merge the land of Kanto and move the people of Kanto, if only Hexi can be developed and consolidated faster and better. "

It turned out to be the case.

This time Huo Qubing understood.

Be it Hexi, Shuozhou, or Bazhou and Yizhou, the development of Dazhou has reached its limit.

The land can be expanded, but there is no people or soldiers to consolidate it.

It is actually better not to fight than to fight.

It is not acceptable to add losses.

Da Zhou's resources are still limited.

Although after several years of development, there has been a steady increase in grain quality.

But it is still far from satisfying Da Zhou, let alone supporting Da Zhou's ambition to rule the world.

Eastward is the main theme.

"Then Your Majesty, which group army should I join?" Huo Qubing didn't have any resistance.

As long as he can fight, let him play roundabouts.

Give him cavalry command, he does not want infantry.

Ye Qingdao: "You don't join any group army, you just take it under my command. You pick 5000 old men from the Hexi Governor's Mansion, and then recruit [-] men and horses to form a Shenwu Guard.

Stay in the capital for the time being.

In case of war, we are going on an expedition. "

Shenwuwei, just listening to the name is extraordinary.

Very mighty and domineering.

Huo Qubing hurriedly bowed and said:

"It's Your Majesty!"

After dealing with Huo Qubing's problem, Ye Qing said to Jia Xu, "Wenhe should know why I transferred you back to Beijing!"

do you know?
Of course Jia Xu guessed pretty well.

He replied directly: "Rong Chen stayed in the capital for half a month, and then set off for Hedong!"

To the east, the Suzaku Army has Liu Bowen.

Qinglong Group Army has Xun You.

As for Zhang Liao, there are no military advisors.

When Ye Qing called him back, he must have supplemented Zhang Liao.

Sure enough, Ye Qing smiled brightly.

"It's doable, I'll give you a month's leave, and I'll go to Hedong in a month's time to help Wenyuan do a good job in that area.

At that time, Lu Buwei will also go there, and Qiao Zhiyong will be in charge of the Ministry of Commerce. "Ye Qing agreed to Jia Xu's request to accompany his family.

Lu Buwei started in Hedong, although he was a minister of the Ministry of Commerce.

However, he is still in charge of the business exchanges between Hedong and Beishi Kingdom.

At the same time, there was also barbarian trade between Xianbei, Beidai Kingdom and Jin Kingdom in the northeast.

Therefore, if Plan A is to be carried out, Lu Buwei is indispensable.

Jia Xu bowed, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The two left one after another.

There will be no major battles in Dazhou this year, so military affairs are not very busy.

Government affairs are approved by the cabinet.

Ye Qing only needs to approve some important memorials, and then he can be liberated and spend more time with Bu Xiaofan, Wu Linglong, Meng Ying and others.

Soon Wu Linglong and Meng Ying became pregnant successively.

And Bu Xiaofan also started production.

Ye Qing became a father for the first time.

Although he is the emperor, he is also anxious.

Walking back and forth outside the bedroom.

Suddenly a cry came from the queen's bedroom.

Ye Qing was overjoyed.

The important ministers of the DPRK and China also straightened their bodies.

Soon the door of the palace opened, and the royal midwife walked out from inside.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, His Majesty..."

(End of this chapter)

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