I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 854 I seem to have broken my promise

Chapter 854 I seem to have broken my promise

Ge Qizhi suddenly narrowed his eyes and laughed, like a fox, a warm and sunny fox, but his words were a little surprising.

No, the words are not amazing, there are endless coldness, endless darkness and breathless heaviness in his words.

These words are the source of endless fear spreading, Ge Qizhi is like a devil who has fallen into the earth, he seems to have just returned from hell.His body was filled with a chilling and endless icy cold aura.

At this time, Ge Qizhi spoke again, and his words were still filled with endless coldness, which was exactly the same as the previous words, without any change: "One is to let others control your own life, and the other is to control your own life , I don't believe you won't make this choice, after all, you are all like me, we are all heartless people, and our hearts are completely broken."

"I have long since disbelieved in your hypocritical emotions and those little words. Only pain in this world will not deceive people, do you know that?" Ge Qizhi said slowly as if he was lying to a child.

Ge Qizhi's words were filled with endless coldness and eerie coldness, but at this moment Ge Qizhi was not in the slightest mood. He seemed to be drained of all his strength when he said these words.

Like an animal without bones, it completely collapsed on the ground. At this moment, Ge Qizhi looked like a wild dog that was about to die for some reason, and he looked extremely pitiful at this moment.

This kind of Ge Qizhi somehow makes people feel distressed. The world has never loved him before, but it still asks him to love this world. When he loves this world, it will smash his world into pieces.

It's just that you expect him to be a good person, and you ask him naively, why don't you do this.

If you really have such doubts, then let me tell you now, Ge Qizhi, I am a bad person.A thoroughly bad person, since I am a bad person, of course I will do what a bad person does.Then please don't talk about those indifferent words when you haven't experienced my hardship.

There is no right or wrong for everyone, we all want to live, we all desire to live, and only living can help us recognize ourselves.Everyone doesn't want to die, but someone is going to die.So there are contradictions in this world. After the contradictions arise, we have to start endless quarrels, so in the face of this quarrel, we have to decide the outcome.

The winner is everything, the winner is absolutely right, and the one who loses will be swept into the rubbish pile aside and become one with the rubbish.

There is no need for trash in this world, so in order to live, I, Ge Qizhi, can only be a bad person. I don't want to die, I don't want to be a trash, and I can't live like a trash.

Therefore, I am Ge Qizhi, Ge Qizhi was thinking in his heart at this time, everything in the past was passing by in front of him, is he going to die...

No, he is not going to die, but he has completely given up. He has no hope and light, and he can't see any way out. In the current world, he really can't see the slightest bit There was a little helplessness and endless confusion in his eyes.

Let me tell you a secret, please don't tell others, in this world, the greatest pain is not death, the greatest pain in this world is the death of the body, nothing is greater than the death of the heart.If you die, there will be nothing, so don't die like me.Who said this, Ge Qizhi thought silently in his heart, but he was probably going to break his promise. At this time, he was completely heartbroken. There was a slight murmur in the chilly hall: "I'm sorry, I seem to have broken my promise."

After hearing Ge Qizhi's words, everyone's expressions changed, but they stopped talking before seeing the ashen-faced killer Jiao Linxian.

Everyone was very puzzled, did Ge Qizhi go crazy at this moment, how dare he say these words, is he really afraid of death?

Ge Qizhi thoroughly showed the coldness in their hearts and the dark area that they were unwilling to face at ordinary times, and even gave their hearts a thorough understanding and sorted them out thoroughly. come out.

Although they were very angry in their hearts, after listening to Ge Qizhi's words, they didn't move or react in the slightest. It was not because they were numb, but because they didn't understand at all. What kind of changes happened to Ge Qizhi at this time, that is, the present Ge Qizhi? He was so bold that he completely exposed the infinite coldness in the hearts of all of them that even they themselves were afraid of. .

Isn't Ge Qizhi afraid of death, but after finishing Ge Qizhi's words later, they have completely understood that the Ge Qizhi in front of them is no longer the same as the previous Ge Qizhi, and the current Ge Qizhi doesn't know what death is at all. He didn't know what fear was at all. At this time, Ge Qizhi had completely transformed into an old monster who completely collapsed their hearts like Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killing god.

They could no longer provoke such people, but what Ge Qizhi said was indeed true, among these people they had made a thorough decision.

It is better to control one's own life at all times, no matter if it is one thousand or ten thousand, no matter what is behind one's life, it is best to control it in one's own hands, no matter what happens.

After all, what Ge Qizhi said before was right. After my death, I don't care about his flood. What they want is this kind of energy. They have completely confirmed the decision in their hearts.

No matter when life is, it is better to control it in one's own hands, no matter if it is in the hands of others, you can live comfortably for ten or eight years, or if you control it in your own hands, you can only live for one night.Faced with such a choice, they naturally choose to control their own destiny.

Because, once your life is controlled by others, let alone ten or eight years, it is hard to say whether you can survive even one night. As long as this decision is thoroughly implemented, they will not change their choice again, because they have been completely moved by Ge Qizhi.

Now Ge Qizhi is like a little mouse, curled up there, lying there quietly with endless coldness and a dead heart, waiting for everyone to hand him over to the present Chuyue Kingdom The monarch, Xiong Han, wanted the magnificent Guo Wei Zhaozhang and the other two, and what awaited him afterwards was his corpse in thousands of pieces.

Then he turned around. At this moment, Ge Qizhi had already thought through what would happen next to him thoroughly, and he had thought about it completely.

At this time, the air outside is slightly humid, and the dark clouds outside are constantly gathering and rolling, and the sky suddenly changes dramatically, and the center of the dark clouds is the location of the Chuyue Kingdom's palace, which is the Chuyue Kingdom's palace. In the palace of the monarch Xiong Han.

At this time, everyone led the main hall and discussed. The atmosphere in the main hall of the Ministry of Punishment was already extremely heavy and a little strange. The thunder outside also suddenly sounded at this moment, and a gust of wind kept whistling. Hovering, the strong wind accompanied the Thunder Snake to continuously roll the black cloud like graphite.

Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer, watched all this silently. After hearing Ge Qizhi's words, he was not particularly angry. At this moment, he had completely let go of some scruples in front of him.

He also understands that Ge Qizhi is no longer a thing in the pool. If he accumulates some strength, then the current peerless and unparalleled Guo Wei Zhaozhang will have an opponent, and this opponent is now completely transformed. Ge Qizhi, at this moment, has been completely rebuilt.It can be said that the current Ge Qizhi is not inferior to him at all. Of course, there is another premise that it can survive this interception.

That's right, you heard it right, it was this interception. After hearing Ge Qizhi's words, he had completely decided to make this crazy gamble.

Although this gamble is crazy, the absolute benefits brought by winning are also huge, which makes people extremely excited.

Indeed, he was too hypocritical before, he deeply understood what he wanted, and he was never a person with a bottom line.Perhaps, in the past, he might still have such a little bottom line, but from today, from now on, Jiao Linxian, who is called the cold-faced killer by outsiders, is now a person who completely doesn't know what the bottom line is.

At this moment, the cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian has also undergone a thorough sublimation. The current Jiao Linxian is the real cold-faced killing god. At this moment, that person is magnificent and unparalleled in the world. The current controller of the Ministry of Punishment and the current controller of the Ministry of Punishment, the former head of the Ministry of Punishment and the current controller of the conservative forces composed of old nobles and veterans, the head of the Ministry of Punishment, the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian, is back.

He is still their king. At this time, the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian has completely figured out those entanglements. At this time, he has completely understood.

What kind of loyalty, he does have it, but as long as he can ensure that the current king of Chuyue Kingdom, His Majesty the Son of Heaven belongs to their Xiong family, it will be enough to completely repay the old brother before. It's a great kindness, and now, how can I feel a little bit guilty about it.

Naturally, they shouldn't be like this, their own life is the most important thing, do you think that kind of worthless loyalty can be exchanged for the continuation of life.

In the face of the cold-faced killing god's own life-defying thaumaturgy, as long as he has endless and sufficient national luck, he will completely imprison the golden dragon of Chuyue Kingdom's fortune in his body to accumulate dragon energy and energy. With the endless national destiny, he can use the life-defying thaumaturgy to renew his own life, and then he will be able to live completely without worrying about death.

This kind of eternal life and his own endless life are what he has always pursued, the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian. According to what Ge Qizhi said, if he is really loyal to Xiong, he will grow old naturally. In an extremely cold coffin that exudes extreme coldness, it is not just sitting in the hall of the Ministry of Punishment.

He has become the controller of these forces of the Ministry of Justice, and the controller of the conservative forces formed with these old veterans and old nobles. At this time, he has already turned into a handful of loess, but he did not do that , at this moment, he is sitting behind the main hall of the Ministry of Criminal Justice. He is the once magnificent and unparalleled leader of the Ministry of Criminal Justice who is feared by everyone in front of him. He is the second most cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian in the world.

He is still the controller of the current power of the Criminal Ministry, and the controller of the conservative power formed by these old veterans and old nobles, so he has never been a loyal person.

But what can be seen from him is that loyalty is not worth much. After all, loyalty is something that everyone has, and it is very cheap. Among them, loyalty is only believed by fools.

Therefore, facing the decision at this moment, Jiao Linxian, the cold-faced killer, has completely understood that he has no bottom line at all, and he has completely understood what he should do, and he has also deeply understood Ge Qizhi's words.

That's right, after I die, don't care about his flood, this world is indeed a world of great contention, in the face of this world of great contention, the law of social survival is that the strong will be strong, and the weak will perish, how could he not go at this moment? Fight for it, why not fight for it, after all, what people said is very correct, in a world of great controversy, how can we not fight for it.

Facing the chaos in front of him, even if he killed Jiao Linxian coldly and messed up the entire Chuyue Kingdom, he still wanted to fight for his own national destiny, because the national destiny he fought for was not just to help himself The right to reach its pinnacle.

It is also because of the fate of the country and the luck of the golden dragon, which is the unique raw material needed in his life-defying secret art, and it is only the fate of the country that can completely let him enter his life without experiencing death. , making him at this time the first and only person who can live forever in this eternity.

If he is immortal, then there is something in the current world that he cannot obtain. Isn't it easy to help the revival of Chuyue Kingdom?

(End of this chapter)

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