Chapter 859 Killing Night

If it weren't for the magnificent and unparalleled Wei Zhaozhang, and this person who is enough to rank in the entire history of Chuyue Kingdom, with an incomparably domineering and tyrannical character, and the stubborn emperor would have the same The extremely tyrannical force and the extremely iron-blooded means have completely subdued the current crowd.

These two have done their best in the transformation of the entire Chuyue Kingdom.These people, although they don't understand state diplomacy, what rights they plan to fight and so on, but at this moment they only understand what kind of monarch is a good monarch.

They believed that the current king of Chuyue Kingdom, Xiong Han, who was dedicated to fighting for the future of Chuyue Kingdom, was the most suitable monarch for Chuyue Kingdom.Although they didn't understand the opinions of the various officials above the court, they saw the Chuyue King Xiong Han and the state captain Zhaozhang.What these two people have carried out, that is to say, the great benefits that the current reform has brought to all the people in the Chuyue Kingdom, they can completely see it with their own eyes, and they are facing such change, these people.

Naturally, he understood that as long as he had some conscience, he would not be able to attack and kill these two lifesavers of the Chuyue Kingdom.

The current state of Chuyue can become such a situation. Naturally, it is this, or in other words, the incomparably domineering monarch Xiong Han who is well-known throughout the history of Chuyue, and that magnificent and magnificent monarch who is in the current state of Chuyue. The entire Chuyue Kingdom is already well-known to everyone, already known to everyone, and the unparalleled Zhaozhang Guowei.

The contributions made by these two people are naturally huge.They, of course, see the changes of Chuyue Kingdom in their eyes, and can completely pull Chuyue Kingdom out of such a quagmire of war, and still use the vertical and horizontal strength of this Chuyue Kingdom, It was already a situation where the original national strength was weakened and turned around.

Make the current entire Chuyue Kingdom even stronger. Although Chuyue Kingdom has already lost most of its land, under the current circumstances, Xiong Han, the tyrannical King of Chuyue Kingdom, will definitely be in The current Chuyue Kingdom is recuperating, and after recovering its energy, it is engaged in a life-and-death decisive battle with the Great Zhou Empire.

These are also what they want to see.Therefore, these people, on weekdays, did not eat more from the forces of the Ministry of Justice, and those, the old aristocrats, the conservative forces formed by the old senators, took an extra share of things, so it is very simple, These people got cold feet and turned against each other.

They don't plan to follow these steps. They already have goals and a hopeful future, so why should they fight for a future that they can't see success or see?They naturally still have a little conscience in their hearts. Therefore, dignity, or the dignity of being a citizen of Chuyue, the conscience of being a citizen of Chuyue, and the responsibility of being a citizen of Chuyue, this is determined by The dignity given to them by the Chuyue Kingdom, the responsibility tells them these people.

You can't rebel, you can't rebel against Xiong Han, the current king of Chuyue Kingdom.Because, such a majesty, they can't get it for a long time.Such a majesty is a blessing that Chuyue Kingdom can have. Therefore, facing the current situation, they naturally chose to change ships.

These people are not fools, they naturally understand that the current situation is already extremely unfavorable.It's very simple, not only because of their conscience, but also because the current old aristocracy, or such a line, is completely useless.

Because, they, or such a group of people are standing on the opposite side of history. At present, they have been abandoned by the times, and these people still want to block the trend of the times.

In this way, the conservative forces formed by the old forces of the Ministry of Punishment, such as Jiao Linxian, the god of death, and the old aristocrats like Ge Qizhi, have completely lost their luck.These people are already completely abandoned by history, and those who are not sung by the times will definitely not be respected by the times.

Those who collide with the trend of the times will inevitably be smashed to pieces, and those who do not sound the horn for the trend of history will inevitably be completely abandoned by the current historical trend.

In the face of the rolling historical trend, if you want to carry out your own resistance, this is undoubtedly a mantis' arm and a car, and it is beyond self-sufficiency.

Therefore, these peripheral forces of the Criminal Ministry, or those peripheral forces that are already in the old nobles and old senators, have quietly withdrew from such a struggle, or stayed away from such a whirlpool. .

When they left, they didn't remind the new sect influencers.Few of these people have left, and they can only rely on the transfer of the power of the Ministry of Justice, or they can see that there are problems and tricks in this transfer, and there are not many people who can associate the current situation of Chuyue Kingdom .

Such people are all capable people on one hand. Such people have good brains and naturally understand what is going to happen, so they choose to defect to the revolution. Some courageous adults will go to Gaomi, change a boat, and carry out their own The bet, or in other words, their prosperity and wealth at this moment is this moment.

However, most of these people who have left are relatively safe people. In this way, they have completely withdrawn from this dispute. They no longer want to go into this muddy water. This pool of muddy water is extremely terrifying, with an unspeakable undercurrent surging, in this infinite murderous situation, it is enough to set off a huge wave of killing in the entire Jinling City.

These people have lost the slightest courage, or in other words, facing such a situation, at this moment, they have completely lost the courage to face it.Their spirits have already been lost. Facing such a situation, they have completely lost their spirits.

Therefore, having lost their own claims, they naturally wanted to save their own lives. Therefore, the vast majority of them made such an escape. They fled and left Jinling City, a place of right and wrong.

However, tonight was destined to be a night of killing, and it was uncertain whether they would be able to leave. Tonight was destined to be cleaned up.Among these people, they naturally mixed with the little fire left by the old nobles and old veterans. Therefore, these people have been persecuted by these old nobles and old veterans. There is no way to do it, and a decisive battle must be fought up.

The reformist forces on the opposite side don't trust each other at all, so in this situation, I have to say that Jiang is old and hot. When these people are planning every move, they are already I don't know that I have been completely calculated by the conservative forces composed of those old nobles and old veterans.

This kind of scheming or calculation has to be admired psychologically.These people are dirty old foxes. It has to be said that the heart of playing tactics is really dirty.

These, and there is nothing to explain, in the face of the current situation.The current king is a rare tyrannical monarch in the history of Chuyue Kingdom, and his authority has completely reached the highest peak in the current Chuyue Kingdom.

At this moment, the authority of the Chuyue Kingdom is completely dominated by the authority of the monarch. The current Chuyue Kingdom's monarch is extremely domineering in character, and the whole person is extremely domineering. The whole person is in the entire Chuyue Kingdom. In history, there are unparalleled domineering and strong characters. Such domineering and tyrannical nature make him in an absolute and unparalleled position in the control of the current Chuyue Kingdom's monarchy.

This young and promising monarch is rare in the entire history of the Chuyue Kingdom. He has unparalleled domineering and endless desire to control the authority of the monarch and the supreme power. Such a monarch is already Let the Chuyue Kingdom, which was completely scrapped before, undergo a new life like a blood exchange. This kind of new life has made the people of the entire Chuyue Kingdom love and support him thoroughly.

Just take the current situation as an example. Although the current situation seems to have an infinite crisis, such a dark tide is surging, and there is still an unparalleled murderous intention secretly appearing in it, On the surface, there are also many opponents, that is, those big bosses who were formerly under the influence of the Ministry of Punishment.

Once in the entire Chuyue Kingdom, there was an existence under one person and more than ten thousand people, and in the former Chuyue Kingdom, it was covered with unparalleled authority and power. In the current Chuyue Kingdom, there is already a thorough I don't know how many contacts and layouts there are. This Xiong family who once served the entire Chuyue Kingdom has been the emperor for three generations. He is famous throughout the Chuyue Kingdom, and everyone knows it.

This former ruler of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs of the Chuyue Kingdom, the former boss of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, was also a giant existence in the court of the Chuyue Kingdom.Once suppressed an era, once completely subdued an era, in the past he was already the pursuer of all the young talents in the entire Chuyue Kingdom.

His existence was to form an incomparably terrifying mountain in the eyes of the young talents of the entire Chuyue Kingdom at that time. This mountain has completely unparalleled strength in the current Ministry of Punishment.Such a mountain was also the target pursued by all the young talents in the Chuyue Kingdom at that time. Even if this mountain no longer belongs to the current era, it is no longer a figure in this era.

But it is the contacts he has left behind, and those already frightening layouts, and the influence that has been increasing all the time over the years. Such layouts and plans have already made him completely The bottom line is that in this new era, when the new regime of Chuyue Kingdom is incomparably powerful and controls the current Chuyue Kingdom, the existence of such a statue still relies on its previous existence in Chuyue Kingdom. With unparalleled authority and power, it still affects the present, or the current national conditions of Chuyue Kingdom.

That is to say, under the current situation, this person who has an unparalleled status before the entire Chuyue Kingdom, in this completely new era, such a person only existed in the past, and It has incomparable authority and status in the past, and it is a monument that the young talents of the entire former Chuyue Kingdom cannot climb.

Under the current situation, this person who once had unparalleled authority, under such circumstances, in the hands of the current overbearing monarch, still secretly controls the entire current Chuyue Kingdom alone The power of the Ministry of Punishment secretly lost the entire Chuyue Kingdom in the last battle, or in other words, it has completely failed.

In the current state of Chuyue, there are still the forces of the old nobles with countless intertwined roots, united with each other, and even become this group of old nobles. The powerful authority formed by the old veterans is already so powerful. The absolute controller among the conservatives of the power.

This is the boss of the Ministry of Justice who had unparalleled power in the previous Chuyue Kingdom. He used to have a status of one person under ten thousand people. In the entire Chuyue Kingdom, he suppressed an era and a dynasty. Its back has become an incomparable monument for future young talents to climb, or look up to. Jiao Linxian, the head of the Ministry of Punishment who once served the first emperor of Chuyue Kingdom for three generations, coldly killed the god. .

Today, this incomparably domineering monarch has been extremely domineering and overbearing in the entire history of Chuyue Kingdom, and his control over the current Chuyue Kingdom has reached its peak. Under the current situation, in The current Chuyue Kingdom has such an extremely powerful and domineering statue, just like a lonely wolf king, on his throne, quietly overlooking all living beings.

In the current state of Chuyue, there is such an incomparable monarch, Xiong Han, and this Qilin son of the Zhao family who was born closely following this era. Although he is young, he has already taken over The person who holds the position of the Patriarch of the largest noble in the entire Chuyue Kingdom at present is a peerless person in the entire Chuyue Kingdom, has a prominent statement, and is unparalleled in the world.

In the current entire Chuyue Kingdom, he is already a household name and knows everything. This is the new reform force in the entire Chuyue Kingdom today.

He already has unparalleled prestige, absolute tyrannical strength, matching resourcefulness, and an unparalleled vicious heart.

(End of this chapter)

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