Chapter 862
As time went by, in the palace of Jinling City of Chuyue Kingdom, the current ruler of Chuyue Kingdom, Xiong Han, looked at the people in front of him with a majestic expression on his face. These good generals and strong men who were selected by him, the following These people are his reliance at this time.

In such a storm, it is certain to win.Outside the main hall, there are already [-] elite guards of the palace waiting outside. As for Guowei Zhaozhang, he has already arranged outside with his troops. They have already built the entire current Chuyue Kingdom palace. It became a net of heaven and earth.

Xiong Han, the current king of the Chuyue Kingdom, suddenly spoke in this silent hall, and saw him preaching: "Many plans and preparations have been thoroughly prepared at present, and now It's up to you all. This time, such a serious crime of treason has occurred in our Chuyue Kingdom. Such a person has completely forgotten the bottom line of his own life. It's in your hands."

"When you return in triumph, I will hold a big banquet to celebrate your victory." Xiong Han stood on the dragon chair with his hands together, performing etiquette, and looked at the person in front of him in the hall. All the generals, as well as various masters, spoke solemnly.

There was a bit of seriousness in his expression, and at the same time, there was an unusual majesty in his voice.Facing the favor of the monarch of Chuyue Kingdom, the generals below were already very excited, and secretly made up their minds to kill the current rebellious thieves thoroughly.

These people can only be destroyed by relying on their supreme authority and domineering power. They are no longer suitable to be their helpers. These people have no use value at all.In the Yinlongwei of the Chuyue Kingdom, the controller of the faction of the Ministry of Punishment and the conservative forces composed of the old nobles and old veterans of the Chuyue Kingdom who survived the last court storm of the Chuyue Kingdom, It was Jiao Linxian, the former boss of the Ministry of Criminal Justice who currently has great momentum and prestige in the entire Chuyue Kingdom.

Facing the fact that these people are planning to carry out a plan to kill the king, when he first heard the news, Xiong Han's first reaction was to completely disbelieve it, yes, he just didn't believe it, he didn't believe that these people could actually If you want to rebel, you must know that rebellion is a heinous crime in the eyes of the monarchs of all ages.

Chuyue Kingdom, no, not just Chuyue Kingdom, in today's land, there has been no news of rebellion for hundreds of years.But just today, in today's Chuyue Kingdom, in the current court of Chuyue Kingdom under his leadership, there are people who want to rebel, and even more frantically want to kill him, carrying out that treacherous and unscrupulous act Regicide.

At that time, after Xiong Han experienced a short period of shock and disbelief, he originally planned to quickly mobilize troops and use thunderous means to completely strangle this group of rats from the court of Chuyue Kingdom to Xiong Han. , This time, he became completely crazier. He was still a little hesitant, but at this moment, he became completely cold and ruthless.

He has already made up his mind completely, to send all the elders and nobles who are currently standing in line within the sphere of influence of the Ministry of Punishment, including the cold-faced murder god Jiao Linxian who once had a high status in the Chuyue Kingdom. kill.

For this reason, he has completely disregarded any skin problems, no, after he learned of the situation, he kept a cold face, his entire cheeks were black and livid, he was really fierce, and he suppressed himself The anger in my heart spoke coldly on the throne: "Heading orders, all the ministries gather elite troops, dispatch [-] recruits from outside the city, enter the city overnight, and take the emperor's order. Anyone who obstructs or acts as a ghost will not be killed immediately." amnesty."

"I will leave this matter to you, Wen Ren Bochu. You are the former commander of the new Chuyue army outside the city, so I will leave this matter to you. How about it?" Xiong Han stood On the top, the eyes are fierce, but the eyes are also shining with wise light. I can see that his eyeballs are turning, obviously thinking, after he thinks for a while.

After making up his mind, he entrusted this matter to the young General Wenren Bochu to handle it. The [-] new troops from the Chuyue Kingdom outside the city have already entered the current battlefield. It's a completely established thing.

The presence of these people shows that Xiong Han, the ruler of the Chuyue Kingdom, is behind him. This move is to prevent those forces from the Ministry of Punishment who want to be disobedient, and the conservative old nobles and old veterans. In the middle, whether he has already bribed the guards of the imperial city.

In other words, to prevent these people from using large-scale family guards, but judging from the current situation, if these people don't use their own family soldiers, the current storm of rebellion may not be able to arouse such a huge storm. What about the waves?

Afterwards, it was Xiong Han who issued a series of government orders. At this moment, the [-] elite guards outside are his last barrier. Of course, these people seem to be the most elite in the entire current palace.

The remaining stragglers were led by two other generals of the city guards and guarded outside the palace, where they quietly waited for the cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian to arrive. The plate is laid out by Guowei Zhaozhang. He will carry another [-] elite guards and a group of Jianghu masters to ambush outside. Under the current situation, they are already thoroughly I have made enough preparations, just waiting for the arrival of other people from the Ministry of Punishment who want to rebel.

Following the transmission of Xiong Han's decree, the originally popular court hall in the hall has disappeared, and now Xiong Han is sitting expressionlessly on the throne of the king of Chuyue Kingdom. The emperor of Chuyue Kingdom, under the current situation, is still drinking wine by himself.

Surrounding Xiong Han, there are all kinds of masters in the world hidden. Of course, the most powerful among them are those who were cultivated by the royal family of Chuyue Kingdom themselves. The dead soldiers have already been dispatched to protect Xiong Han's surroundings. In addition, the powerful existences among the hidden dragon guards are also protecting him around him.

Jinling City, the current imperial capital of Chuyue Kingdom, has already become a huge vortex. Under the current chaotic situation, there is naturally no shortage of people who fish in troubled waters, but these people will naturally be hidden in the palace. Everywhere in the world is completely wiped out by hand. Once someone is dishonest and crosses the bottom line, then facing it is death.

There is no other way, just quietly waiting for the arrival of death, the pressure of the storm outside is getting bigger and bigger, Xiong Han looked outside with eyes full of melancholy, and suddenly said: "This kind of wind and rain I really don't like the weather, such a weather, it's really a good weather for killing people."

"After a heavy rain, everything is gone, the blood has been washed away, and the sins have been buried in the soil under the feet. This kind of weather is really annoying."

Xiong Han's incomparably cold voice rang out in the entire hall, but no one answered Xiong Han's words.The surrounding hidden dragon guards didn't respond to him a little bit, or in other words, it seemed that the surrounding hidden dragon guards didn't hear this voice and this kind of information at all.

The lights in the hall are very dim, as if there is no light at all, or a little light. The inside of the hall is very dim. Xiong Han, the king of Chuyue Kingdom, is in this hall. Ever since he uttered the previous words, Not born again.

He just sat there quietly waiting for the outcome of the storm, as if he was a lion guarding his own territory. This kind of ferocity is undoubtedly terrifying. This is a king who is on the verge of rage...

However, it is said that the forces of the Ministry of Justice and the conservative forces formed by the old nobles and old veterans of the Chuyue Kingdom are completely controlled by the cold-blooded and cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian. , After the hidden soldiers, they have already entangled more than [-] people. These people are family guards carefully enshrined in their respective families. At this moment, the guards of many guards have different standards, but Everyone's spirit is at an absolute high, or peak, and the spirit of these people has completely reached a climax at the current stage.

In this haste, it is extremely rare for these people to quickly form a little combat power, facing the current situation.The armored soldiers of these various families have been completely reduced to vanguard figures, including Ge Qizhi, who was protected by dozens of dead soldiers that his family barely gathered together. These miscellaneous names army.

Ge Qizhi was sitting on a big black horse at this time, his eyes were icy cold with a dazzling evil light, and his whole body had completely turned into a crazy devil, looking at the many people in front of him from all over the place. In the army formed by the armored soldiers of the family’s guard, Ge Qizhi rode his horse and walked slowly in front of the crowd. He gently stopped the horse, and then said: "Everyone, I, Ge Qizhi, do not intend to take my life." , I have already committed crimes and meritorious deeds."

"Since I am a sinner, I should take the lead. This time I will attack the palace, and I will be a soldier. If I take a step back, you can kill me. Of course, this time we can only rely on our own blood to attack the palace. , so that we have a slight chance of winning, once we break through the palace, then the general situation is already on our side."

"Since this is the case, for the rest of us, we naturally don't need to have the slightest fear. Then the great wealth and wealth will be in your hands. In fact, it is understandable to say that it is to break the palace and become a king and become a prince. It is easy to get. "

At this moment, Ge Qizhi is like a devil, luring everyone, as if he is about to walk on the road leading to degeneration. Everyone is a bit of a bloody man, and he naturally had his own ambition before, but it was because of those various reasons later. Naturally, it can only be used as the guard of such a family.

Most of their previous identities were ordinary people, or to put it a little harshly, they were untouchables. Now they have such a road that can crack the earth and become a king, ascend to the sky in one step, and become princes. At this moment, they are naturally crazy.

Everyone's eyes were red, and they unconsciously tightened the long knives in their hands. Facing the crowd in front of them, at this moment, Ge Qizhi's mouth outlined a wicked smile. He understood that the current desires of these people are completely exhausted Those who were seduced by him came out, and their own fighting power had already come out.

Although these were just motley troops drawn temporarily by nobles from various prefectures, under the current circumstances, Ge Qizhi naturally didn't have a little time to teach them the rules, or to teach them to form cooperation and tacit understanding.

Under such circumstances, if Ge Qizhi wanted to survive, he could only lure these people's desire to break into the palace. In this case, they could only completely amplify their inner hopes. In this case, they will not be unable to exert their strength because of lack of tacit understanding and cooperation, and they can only fight wantonly on the battlefield.

It is like ants on a hot pan, turning into a mess.These people are a motley crew, naturally some are high and some are low. At this moment, Ge Qizhi has no other way. Facing such a gunpoint, he can only draw out the desires of the people in front of him. Only in this way can they be on the battlefield thoroughly, and will not suddenly become confused, or in other words, will not suddenly experience a little discomfort and huge dislocations.

Therefore, after experiencing Ge Qizhi's temptation, the current vanguards of the Ministry of Punishment are completely like night wolves, extremely ferocious, wild, and extremely murderous. Looking at the ferocious vanguards in front of them, they strolled in front of them on horseback, as if they were showing who is the wolf king.

At this moment, Ge Qizhi looked at the crowd in front of him with satisfaction, nodded his head to express his satisfaction, followed by him and said: "I am very satisfied with your current performance. Because you have some hunger now." Look like a wolf, so that you can completely crush your opponent."

"At present, the strength of the palace guards is not much different from ours, and our numbers occupy an absolute advantage. Therefore, you group of ferocious wolves will completely slaughter all the fat sheep in front of me. Do your best, tear them up and swallow them, can you do it?"

(End of this chapter)

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