I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 864 What Can You and Me Do?

Chapter 864 What Can You and Me Do?
"Such a road is indeed an extremely cold road of dry bones, and it is indeed on this road of dry bones that one can become a king. This road is like the storm that is coming now, and if you are not careful, you will be smashed to pieces. It's really interesting." Wenren Xigao's words were still a little sad at first, but suddenly changed at the last moment, one of his eyes was playful, looking at the busy palace guards in front of him, and said at the same time expressed his own opinion.

It is said that Ouyang Zhangyong next to Wenren Xigao has the appearance of a pure general. What is special is that he is carrying two heavy straight knives on his back and a slender sword hanging from his waist. It can be seen that this Ouyang Zhangyong is a good swordsman. His hands are full of calluses and a big beard makes Ouyang Zhangyong look extremely heroic. His figure is also taller and stronger than Wen Renxi. No, Ouyang Zhang Yong is already a giant in front of Wenren Xigao.

However, this Ouyang Zhangyong is also tall and born with supernatural power. Compared with Wenren Xigao next to him, Ouyang Zhangyong's physique and figure are the difference between a strong adult and a young child.

At present, I can see that this tall, mighty and powerful General Ouyang Zhangyong, who is born with supernatural power, is responding to the words of Wenren Xigao next to him. The difference is that Ouyang Zhangyong's voice is already fully developed.

His voice was thick and dull, like the sound of gold and iron clashing: "In such a chaotic world, what can we do?"

"The two of you and I are nothing more than a speck of dust rolling in under the tide of history. We just want to be safe in this turbulent world and protect our family well." .”

"If it's anything else, what can you and I do? Why bother to lament and pity the dead bones of all living beings. We don't have the slightest ability to resist fate."

Ouyang Zhangyong's voice was thick and heavy, but it carried an inexplicable meaning, which was so profound that people couldn't figure it out.

It's just that there are extremely superficial and obvious truths in the words.

Hearing Ouyang Zhangyong's words, Wenren Xigao next to him closed his eyes and meditated, without saying too much.

At this moment, he felt a little sad in his heart for Ouyang Zhangyong's simple words and the heaviness in his tone. He understood that they were all of the same kind.

From birth, there was no freedom at all. They knew that this was their destiny as members of the Ouyang family and the Wenren family.

This is the result of their inability to make some choices. Facing such a fate, they can only closely follow the steps of the current King of Chuyue, Xiong Han, and face the current Chuyue Kingdom as he proceeds. When the country of Yue carried out reforms, they needed to use these pawns.

The two generals Ouyang Zhangyong and Wenren Xigao are the reformist forces of the current Ouyang family and Wenren family, respectively, who are under the pressure of Chuyue King Xiong Han and Guowei Zhaozhang.

Because, these people have already understood that if the current Chuyue Kingdom wants to face the invincible iron cavalry of the Great Zhou Empire, there are also special troops that are elusive and unpredictable.

And if in the future, after waiting until the Nuoda territory conquered by the Great Zhou Empire at this time, and completely encroaching on the land of the surrounding countries, facing the current situation, they at this moment, perhaps it means that they The new aristocrats who strongly support the reformist forces formed by the current King of Chuyue Kingdom, Xiong Han, and Guowei Zhaozhang, have seen the current situation clearly.

In other words, this is the general trend carried by the current historical tide and the rolling historical tide.

Faced with such a general situation, they can only understand that if they and others want to survive, they can only face the reformist forces in the imperial court composed of the current king of Chuyue Kingdom, Xiong Han, and Guowei Zhaozhang. under the wings.

Only in this way can they make a timely leap, successfully jumping from the dust of the old history to the waves of the new era, and only in this way can they retain their family status and return to the future. There are the few privileges that remain.

Therefore, Ouyang Zhangyong and Wen Renxi looked at it very openly. Facing the current imperial court, the center of Jinling City, the imperial city of Chuyue Kingdom, the most magnificent and luxurious palace is also the most noble in the entire Chuyue Kingdom. The place where the "Imperial Palace" is located.

For such a current situation, it has been completely reduced to the palace at the center of the storm. These two people are guarding here, which means they understand the general trend of history.

"You said, these people are really daring and terrifying, would they really come here to attack the palace?"

"You know, it's disrespectful to make such a rebellion against the superior. These people really don't have the slightest fear in their hearts?" Wenren Xigao changed his previous cold expression and focused Looking at the broad bluestone road below the palace, it was raining lightly.

This light rain just fell, the wind that was blowing and whistling before, already in the current situation, it seems to know that the palace of Jinling City in Chuyue Kingdom is going to kill people. The feast-like existence of the huge ancient carnival battlefield.

Under such a battlefield, the whistling, flying, and circling gusts were pushed back at some point by the will of the above. In the sky, there was only the black as crow feathers, the endless deep darkness. Large black clouds covered the sky where Jinling City was the imperial palace of the Chuyue Kingdom.

The tight armor, that is a high-quality military long knife made of fine steel, is held in the hand, and the armor leaves on the body are closely attached to the body. There was a cold, chilling feeling in the little raindrops.

Such a heart-piercing chill directly swept over the guard soldiers commanded by Wenren Xigao and Ouyang Zhangyong who were deployed on the city wall of the palace.

But these soldiers, although their bodies were trembling, were still tense all over. There was a cold and ruthless look in those pairs of black eyes. They no longer cared about their bodies at all.

On this occasion, these people have completely disregarded their own life and death, just like someone once said, fearing that there will be no one to bury the dead, the place where I lie , is my family, every inch of blood here belongs to our own Chuyue Kingdom.

What kind of fear is there? At present, all they have left in their hearts is the ambition to defend the palace to the death.

Other than that, there was nothing else to think about, and they didn't think anything else.

However, those pairs of cold eyes were fixed on the narrow bluestone entrance, which was the last gate of the imperial palace.

If the rebel army appears here, it means that the people are highly regarded, and the guards of thousands of troops led by Ouyang Zhangyong are already in danger.

They stared at everything and waited quietly. The long knives and spears in their hands were already ready to go.

However, Wenren Xigao and Ouyang Zhangyong were watching the raindrops on the bluestone slabs outside on the wall of the imperial palace coldly. With the sound of tick-tock, Wenren Xigao's emotions were already in the air. Intertwined with the lingering raindrops.

"It's already a group of bereaved dogs. It's so strange to make such a bad plan. I'm afraid these rebels have lost their courage. At this time, they definitely dare not come." Ouyang Zhangyong patted the palace with one hand. On the wall above the city wall, this movement directly made the armor leaves on the body tremble, and the whole person was full of murderous aura. At this moment, the whole person looked like a lion preparing to attack, and the whole person was full of attacks. Sex, Ouyang Zhangyong's eyes stared viciously at the open bluestone road in front of him, and said these words.

Hearing this, after hearing Ouyang Zhangyong next to him belittle each other's words, Wenren Xigao frowned in front of him, and suddenly felt that Ouyang Zhangyong was in the waiting time, and with the passage of that long time, He was already a little irritable at the moment, otherwise he would definitely not have said these words of belittling the enemy.

You know, underestimating the enemy, not paying attention to the opponent, or in other words, has always been a taboo of the general's military skills. Therefore, at this moment, Wenren Xigao warned Ouyang Zhangyong next to him, and his tone was a bit reprimanded. It means, I saw, he said: "You can't say that. It is said that the leader of these rebellious thieves is the cold-faced murder god Jiao Linxian who was once famous in the entire Chuyue Kingdom."

"You know, this is the first emperor of the Chuyue Kingdom who has gone through three generations. They say that people grow old and become demons. I reckon that our cold-faced killer Jiao Linxian, who was once the mighty Chuyue Kingdom, has also passed away at this moment. It's not far."

After finishing speaking, his tone paused, and then he spoke with a little heaviness: "What's more, this man has had no reputation at all in the national court of Chuyue Kingdom all these years. Weakened, which shows that his influence in the current Chuyue Kingdom is intricate, like the roots of an old tree, elusive."

"It seems that the general trend has already been achieved. Although it is said to be a hasty attack at this time, when it is the right time, such a huge and intricate force in the entire Chuyue Kingdom will definitely launch a thunderous counterattack. "

"So, if they come to attack in advance, we don't have to worry about it. We haven't prepared how to compete with our elite guards. Now, they have passed the third watch and have not arrived yet. I am afraid they are planning to attack in one fell swoop. The outer wall of our palace."

After analyzing the current situation extremely thoroughly, at this moment Wenren Xigao's brows have already twisted into a big Sichuan character.

I saw him continue to preach with a worried voice, obviously planning to tell the whole story of his analysis. At this moment, Wenren Xigao suddenly tightened his heavy riding spear in his hand, and threw the top of the city to the ground. There was a loud noise when they collided.

Then, in Wenren Xigao's cold voice, there was a faintly sad voice, and Wenren Xigao said: "At present, we are I can only be more careful and mobilize my energy thoroughly."

"At this moment, we absolutely cannot relax, because once we relax, we will face an incomparable, and no one knows when will suddenly appear an extremely cold knife that exudes a cold air and shines with cold light. Hit us hard."

"At that time, we will be completely finished. This should be the thousand-year-old fox, who used to be the big boss of the Ministry of Punishment. He has a great reputation in the entire Chuyue Kingdom. He has endless prestige, and he has a good layout. For such a big game of chess, if there were not some circumstances in advance, it would trigger his mutiny and rebellion. If not, I am afraid that when he is in danger and brazenly launches troubles in the future, we will be completely innocent. Method."

"The cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian is really scary. Now, you still think whether they will come. What we are facing now is such an extremely cold and old bird-like figure. The cold-faced killing god Jiao Linxian, facing such Scary thousand-year-old fox, do you still feel contemptuous at this moment?" At the end, finally, Wen Ren Xigao advised Ouyang Zhangyong beside him!
After listening to Wenren Xigao's heart-to-heart talk, at this moment, Ouyang Zhangyong has completely put away his contempt, and put away those dirty things in his heart, those rebellious people on the other side. The determination to completely clear it up has become more stable.

The matter has come to this, and Ouyang Zhangyong has completely slowed down at this moment, and the sharp spear in his hand is tightened tightly. The big pole of that spear is dark red all over, with silver patterns all over it. The tip of the gun was extremely sharp and shone with a cold light.In such a cold and humid environment, the weapon is not wet, because it is soaked with too much blood, the power of blood is naturally surging, and the chill on it is absorbed by the weapon, waiting for use At that time, a cold and vicious killing blow broke out.

This is his weapon - the blood silver wound!
This name was bestowed by him, because when this spear is used by him, it will definitely see blood. After this spear was forged, it turned against the foundry master and opened the blade with the blood of the foundry master. , this long spear has always been regarded as unknown, but even so, this long spear was sealed up in the depths of the clan, and he still got it.

After that, Ouyang Zhangyong was famous for his bravery, ferocity and brutality in every fight on the battlefield. After that, his long spear, that is, the Blood Silver Wound, had not been used for a long time, unless he met Special people deserve Ouyang Zhangyong's attention at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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