Chapter 878
When he woke up, he was taken back by the soldiers of the noble lord who came from all around, and became a servant.

When he was a servant, he was often bullied because he was young, and later he vowed never to be bullied by others again, but as time went by, he still didn't change much.

After three or four years like this, I saw that he had had enough of this kind of life. During the one-day recruiting of the government soldiers, he killed three soldiers with his fearlessness, and the rest signed up for the government soldiers together. The handyman who bullied him was successfully selected.

After that, it was crazy training, hard training, and doing tasks again and again. In order to become stronger, he became a dead waiter.

In order not to hurt his master, he self-destructed his own face. From then on, he had an extra visor, without a name, from small soldier, small soldier to veteran soldier, and then to team leader...

Until now, he has become the captain in charge of the first battalion, but he is still the captain of the death squad. At this moment, he should also have an understanding of this world.

Although they are all dead servants' personal guards, although the dead servants' personal guards should not have feelings, but the life and death chases they have experienced, every crisis, in the situation of life and death in this scene, they Already had incomparably precious feelings, and at this moment, he was about to be freed, even though he had already faced his own brother who was beheaded to death before, and did not show the slightest sign, it was because of him at that time, he I don't have any energy anymore.

His mind is full of opening the city gate. At this moment, he has made it to the end, so he has time to think about those...

Just let me go to accompany you after all this is done, and in the next life, brothers will be together well, together!
Immediately afterwards, a huge force suddenly erupted from the single claw, and then saw that the shield that was already inlaid on the giant door was blatantly blown away at this moment. .

Then there was a sudden impact of the city-breaking soldiers in the vanguard army on the opposite side, and there was a rumbling sound. Only this was heard, and the huge gate symbolizing the supreme existence of the imperial power of the Chuyue Kingdom was knocked open.

The city gate missed, Ouyang Zhangyong's face was livid, but he didn't retreat, and suddenly took another step. At this moment, the sword and shield fighters who had been waiting behind him rushed up brazenly. The moment the shieldmen opened the city gate, their long knives suddenly became more forceful, and a huge force smashed into the body of the death squad leader.

At this moment, the captain of the Death Squad fulfilled his wish, and the severe pain on his body immediately after that made his face, which was originally extremely hideous, use endless efforts to make people unable to help looking at it at this moment. It is the scar that can move. At this moment, those long knives are pulled out, and black blood flows like flowing water.

Scraping fiercely, this Ouyang Zhangyong was stirring the blood and silver, stabbing the heart of the death squad captain, and then pulled it out, a stream of blood spurted out.

Those broken soldiers who were smashing open the city gate of the imperial palace rushed up desperately. When they saw their own house at the city gate, they were already covered in blood. They were already bloody generals, but they were still He was pierced with a long spear by the general opposite, and even slashed on his body with seven or eight long knives.

Their eye sockets were moist at this moment, and they also turned red at this moment. They were already furious at this moment. When they saw them coming here, those who were opposite, that is, the general and the sword shield They each pulled out their weapons from the corpse of their own general, followed by the two of them, who were already extremely close at this moment.

Once the two parties contact, at this moment, that is, this place will become a bloody slaughter scene.

At this moment, Ouyang Zhangyong naturally knew that it was best to retreat to the place where the original plan was, and naturally he couldn't stay in this gate building for a long time.However, because he actually let the captain of the death squad open the city gate under his nose, he suddenly took a step forward, intending to meet this fierce enemy army.

The other seven or eight personal guards with sword and shield hands naturally thought the same way.

However, the leader of the death squad, at the moment when he saw the city gate opened wide, saw the light outside, and the last hope of life in his eyes had disappeared without a trace, and he fell into the pile of corpses, mouth still I was muttering: "I will be brothers in the next life..."

Afterwards, it was dark before his eyes, and the black blood that had been flowing before also dried up at this moment.

People from both parties have already run out at the fastest speed in their lives. They have already forgotten their own lives, or in other words, life and death have long been out of their sight.

The two sides fought against each other. At this moment, Ouyang Zhangyong had already swept his spear across the black-armored warrior who had fought bravely on the opposite side, and an astonishing sharp light erupted from the blood and silver wounds. However, in this one-sided confrontation, Ouyang Zhang Yong killed the two black-armored warriors on the opposite side, but his armor had been punctured, and he was pierced like a hedgehog. Such Ouyang Zhangyong was indeed in a state of embarrassment. , Ouyang Zhangyong beheaded and killed the five black-armored warriors on the opposite side. Although the people on the opposite side were penetrated by the blood and silver, they still swung their spears or smashed, chopped, or stabbed.

In this way, Ouyang Zhangyong was attacked bravely without fear of death. At this time, his seven personal guards with swords and shields were protecting Ouyang Zhangyong in front of him. When they gathered to form a battle group, they had already lost three personal guards with swords and shields The gender name of the hand.

Witnessing all this, Ouyang Zhangyong swung his spear brazenly, desperately, the blood and silver wounds brought a little bit of death light, and swung to assassinate the black armor warriors in front of him. attack them.

Facing the continuous stream of black armor warriors on the opposite side, these locust-like black armor warriors, at this moment Ouyang Zhangyong made a decision in his heart, that is to retreat.

But before Ouyang Zhangyong yelled out the word retreat, he saw that the remaining four guards with swords, shields and hands had already surrounded him, and then he tore his throat and shouted: "General, hurry up!" Retreat, we will make it up for you, and we will definitely not let people make appointments."

Hearing this, Ouyang Zhangyong showed an anxious look on his face, and hurriedly said: "You all retreat with me."

"Time does not allow, and the enemy on the other side is like locusts, and they are not afraid of death. At this moment, we can't retreat. We can only withdraw one person. That person is you, and only you are qualified to withdraw."

"I also hope that the general will put the overall situation first. Of course I don't need to mention my life, but the lives of tens of thousands of city guards should be carefully planned. This battle, I will wait for the city guards to prove it. I hope the general promises us this Mind."

"I hope the general agrees!"

The four guards with swords, shields and hands made their best request at this moment. Facing the requests of these people, Ouyang Zhangyong saluted solemnly at this moment, and fled to the back in a hurry with a serious expression.

At this moment, after seeing the opposite general running away, the four swords and shields at this moment are like retrograde nails among thousands of troops in this city gate, and they will definitely be trampled by the thousands of troops. There are no broken bones left. Although they know this at the moment, they have already lost a little expression, and time is passing.

The long sword kept waving over and over again, and I saw that these sword and shield players who retreated and stationed here at this moment were already drowned in the thousands of troops, but the one who kept waving it over and over again The long knife still shows that they are still fighting there, time is passing...

Ouyang Zhangyong looked back at his own guards, that is, those sword and shield fighters. In an instant, almost in a breath, they were already surrounded by them, and they couldn't move. The saber and shield hands, who don't have a little meat, are even pulling and pulling at this moment to block the progress of the black-armored warriors on the opposite side.

At this moment, Ouyang Zhangyong's eyes became wet unconsciously, and he immediately swore in his heart that he must kill all the enemies in front of him and all the people in the vanguard army. None left.

As Ouyang Zhangyong rushed in front of him, it can be said that after rushing out of the city gate building just now, the large vanguard troops on the opposite side have all rushed in, and these people rushed in at a terrifying speed. Outrageous impact into the city gate building.

Ouyang Zhangyong, who was surrounded by many personal guards and swordsmen, faced these swords and shields with endless crazy expressions on their faces, but at this moment he also showed disgust, and immediately frowned at most of the people who had already come out. Hei Jialishi, the enemy, and then saw him issue an order.

Then, the arrow feathers covering the sky and the sun roared and rushed towards the city gate below. The vanguard was blocked, and some people stopped suddenly, but the force of the impact behind them did not stop them. The arrow feathers that escaped these life-threatening arrows were still brought into such a dead place like a meat grinder by that huge impact force.

Crazy and sharp arrow feathers are constantly harvesting the lives of these black-armored warriors, but after many black-armored warriors rushed in, those arrow feathers have had little effect on the people behind, because these people are already Not only that, but the black armor is also made of pig iron. If it weren't for a dozen arrow feathers rushing in and hitting these people, it would naturally not be able to cause fatal damage to them.

It is also because of this that after being hit by three or two arrow feathers, the people behind still launched a fearless charge. It can be said that when encountering an ambush, the soldiers among these vanguard soldiers experienced a short period of time. After being stunned, he calmed down in an instant.

Still erupting with his fearless charge, this place has become a meat grinding ground, the hell on earth is here.

Remnants of limbs and broken corpses are piled up here, and the bloody smell is so thick that it almost turns into fog, but Ouyang Zhangyong also took the lead, like the tip of a spear, resisting the impact of these black armored warriors in front of the vanguard army. , That's it, the sword and shield hand behind him naturally counterattacked brazenly, and he was already completely beheading his own strength.

Because what they have in their hearts is facing the current one. It can be said that these people in front of them have an indescribable language, that is, endless hatred. , perhaps said something else.The scene of witnessing the slaughter of their colleagues and brothers had already made their eyes red.

At this moment, all the people on both sides are red-eyed. When they are fighting here, naturally there is no way to hold back. They have already turned red-eyed, wielding long knives and spears, fighting against the opponent.

At every moment, almost every breath, someone was beheaded, and a large piece of stump was chopped out.

Endless blood flowed all over the ground, and the opposite side had already launched a general attack, whether it was Ouyang Zhangyong at the city gate below leading his army to resist desperately, or Xiao Wuhou Wenrenxi on the city gate tower. Gao was already completely cheered up. It can be said that at the moment when the city gate was breached, at this moment, endless murderous intent erupted in the eyes of these people.

Although it is said that at this moment, when the city gate is opened, it has become an endless war, but their arrangements and backhands are all after the city gate is opened, which is why the current situation is , It can be said that the current battlefield in front of the entire palace is really erupting. This is the real war, not the previous confrontation like a house.

The previous play-like game is over at this moment. At this moment, Wenren Xigao and the others have already calculated this scene, and they are not in the slightest panic. They just direct the many city guards in front of them on their own. Soldiers, now is the moment of life and death, and it is also the moment of their desperate efforts.

Whether it is life or death depends on this battle.

The real war has already begun. At this moment, Wenren Xigao understands, and Ouyang Zhangyong below also understands. Ouyang Zhangyong knows that he is a qualified general, and he also deeply understands that he is not a good general.

His is actually a little tricky, but it is not very useful in the army. On the frontal battlefield, it is also useless, which is why Ouyang Zhangyong at this moment can He obeyed Wenren Xigao's arrangement to be the backbone of those sword and shield players below. In the city gate building below, in this narrow aisle, he stubbornly resisted the impact from the opposite side, or it was very difficult to attack. Appropriate, but Ouyang Zhangyong's eyes are red now.

Their layout has already taken shape, and the plan is good, and the enemy has jumped into this big pit without knowing it.

(End of this chapter)

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