Chapter 885

At this moment, Ge Qizhi spoke in a strange tone: "This world is a sea of ​​suffering. In this sea of ​​suffering, all living beings are struggling to find a way to get out of the sea of ​​suffering. After getting rid of the sea of ​​suffering, they can knock on the gate of heaven and gain See the real me."

"That is the true self. Otherwise, I will wander around in the sea of ​​suffering all my life, and I will be just like a mortal after all. I am me, I am Ge Qizhi, and I am Ge Qizhi's true self who opened the door of heaven. I am the one from the beginning to the end. The real Ge Qizhi will always exist."

After listening to Ge Qizhi's words, Wenren Xigao still had a headache at this moment. Although he didn't understand, he already understood a little.However, there are still some things that I don't understand, and I am about to ask.

Then, he saw the impatient look on Ge Qizhi's face at this moment.However, at this moment Ge Qizhi did not give the order to attack, because at this moment he still has other things to be proud of the former empire in front of him. The little Marquis Wu heard some words of high praise.

"Okay, let me ask you, are the members of my Ge family's upper and lower families, did you do it!" Ge Qizhi asked with a grumpy face.

It is said that at this moment, Xiao Wuhou Wenren Xigao also understands why this Ge Qizhi got mixed up with people from the Ministry of Punishment. Following Ge Qizhi's words, at this moment Xiaowuhou, Wenren Xigao has already fallen into deep thought. middle.

It was during a rainy night three years ago. They were assigned by the current King of Chuyue, His Majesty Xiong Han, to go to Ge's house to massacre them.

As for why, it is naturally because the members of the Ge family are representatives of the old nobles and elders, and the seniority of the old man Ge is older than the current one. Jiao Linxian was even older, such a powerful Ge family, but under the words of the king of Chuyue Kingdom, it fell apart overnight.

Because Ge Qizhi drank flower wine in that rainy night, he had already escaped their ambushes under a series of mistakes.

It is also because of this that after thinking of the cause and effect at this moment, the little Marquis Wenren Xigao at this moment also understood what Ge Qizhi was going to do in front of him, and also understood the cause of all this, and immediately said with a wry smile: "Fate is really unpredictable, good luck makes people! Let me tell you, Ge Qizhi, indeed, I personally led the team at that time, and I still remember the scene of Mrs. Ge being beheaded by me."

"At this moment, do you know what I regret the most? Ge Qizhi!" Suddenly, the little Marquis Wenren Xigao started the exam and gave a lecture!
Ge Qizhi, who had obtained a definite result at this moment, was impatient. After Xiao Wuhou Wenren Xigao's rhetorical question, he immediately blurted out and said to him: "What!"

"Of course I couldn't kill you, let you escape that catastrophe!" Xiao Wuhou, Wen Renxi yelled loudly, while still laughing wildly.

At this moment, Ge Qizhi couldn't laugh anymore, his face was ruthless, but it was also an expression of his extreme anger at this moment. I saw that Ge Qizhi was not like others, but just sat on the tall horse and said: "Pass on my general order, all The army strikes!"

After Ge Qizhi's order was issued, the elite guards around him rang the huge war drum, and the sound of thud thud thump shook the entire gate of the imperial palace.

Those black-armored warriors among the vanguard who were already completely demonized launched a charge at this moment.

"Those with light armor will never retreat in a deadly battle. If I retreat, you will kill me!": During this period of time, the battle under the gate of the city has not stopped, and the tiger of the empire, one of the twin stars of the empire, Ouyang Zhangyong also yelled at himself at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, they rushed out in the first place. Facing the [-] terrifying pioneers, the black armor warriors, who were already completely demonized, did not show the slightest expression at this moment.

Those demonized black-armored warriors who had received the sound of their own general's war drums had already rushed forward at this moment. A Lux.

At this moment, they were already beheaded, and the demonized black-armored warriors of more than [-] people in this circle even caused damage to the remaining [-] people in front of them.

This was an extremely bloody massacre. In the subsequent results, those soldiers of the City Guards who fought to the death with light armor continued to expand the results of the battle, but it was also in this hundred places that they were completely defeated. up.

At this moment, Ouyang Zhangyong, the imperial tiger who was fighting bravely in front of him, killed a demonized black armor warrior. When he was caught off guard, the new power had not been raised, and the old power had been completely exhausted. In the past moment, that strange long spear came to kill suddenly, and this demonized black-armored warrior with unparalleled strength slammed into the body of the imperial tiger Ouyang Zhangyong in front of him. In other words, the demonized black armor warrior in front of him pierced the spear through Ouyang Zhangyong's body, but at this moment, Ouyang Zhangyong didn't feel any pain. His body trembled, and the long spear was swung out brazenly, and then he saw the endless blood and silver wounds with an incomparably cold light. At this moment, the spear roared like a giant dragon, carrying an unparalleled power .

This spear shot out like a dragon, piercing through it with unparalleled force, perhaps it was aimed at the demonized black armored warrior who had pierced the spear into his body.

This is the phoenix nodding move he used before. It can be said that Ouyang Zhangyong has lost a little strength at this moment, but he still relies on his perseverance to support him. Among the fighting vanguards, the brave and fearless ones are already completely demonized and without any humanity, the black armor warriors resorted to their ordinary moves.

It can be said that a shot is a variant of the phoenix nodding, because this move is not so powerful, it is just a simple move of swinging the gun and assassinating.

It's just that I use it more, and I gradually get some of the charm of the phoenix point steel gun. This charm makes Ouyang Zhangyong, the owl tiger at the moment, understand that all these skills will be transformed into The power of that moment.

It can be said that all skills are not as good as no skills. After all, the best skills are not skills, but no skills.

Among these ten thousand methods, it can be said that Ouyang Zhangyong, the owl tiger at this moment, has lost the slightest pride before, and he understands that he can break through ten thousand methods with one force.Also under such circumstances, I saw the spear in his hand waving out, and the blood and silver wound was soaked and covered with pieces of moist blood. At this moment, in this moment of life and death, one force breaks all dharmas.

It is also because of this that Ouyang Zhangyong at this moment has already understood his current situation, and he also understands that his current actions or actions are the best help for him.

This will allow him to save more energy, allow him to wield more blood and silver wounds, and most importantly, allow him to kill more of these ugly things in front of him that make him vomit already. They are the demonized black-armored warriors among the vanguard who are completely inhuman.

Facing these monsters, Ouyang Zhangyong at this moment just wants to kill them thoroughly, but in the process of fighting, his brothers around him are getting fewer and fewer, and they are directly disappearing completely Already, he was the only one left in the narrow corridor leading to the imperial palace with bluestone slabs.

The rest of the light-armored fighters were completely dead, and he was the only one left in the entire battlefield under the city gate. After realizing this situation, Ouyang Zhangyong, the owl at the moment, did not either. The slightest solution is just to look at everything in front of him.

I just feel that his eyes are already in a trance, and his mind is on the verge of collapse. After experiencing this blow, Ouyang Zhangyong at this moment also knows that he is not far from the place where his dead body is.

Fighters with light armor will never die, never retreat, win and never retreat!

Now that these people are completely dead, the most terrifying ones facing the densely packed vanguard army in front of them are the black armor warriors who have been completely demonized!
At this moment, he was determined to live and die. At this moment, he was the pride of the empire, Ouyang Zhangyong, one of the twin stars of the empire. At this moment, he looked around, and there was only endless sadness in his eyes.

In the bloody battle at this moment, after the light armored death battle, the sword and shield guards around him, as well as the remaining old soldiers among the light armored death battle east city guards, have all become the pile in front of him at this time Part of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood.

Those veteran soldiers who used to fight to the death with light armor have already become part of the mutilated corpse at this time.They are already sleeping here.

At this moment, Ouyang Zhangyong had nothing to worry about, and immediately raised his eyes and looked around, looking at the tragic scenes of war around him. Suddenly, he spoke hoarsely: "All the benefits, in this life, are just a big dream. A field of yellow rice..."

"Chen Si, Liu Buyi, Bai Luoti, Zhang Xinghe, Sui Yangfeng... I, Ouyang Zhangyong, will take you to the death and revenge!" Ouyang Zhangyong suddenly raised his body 2, and suddenly opened his mouth to preach, saying every time The person's name is 2, and the aura on his body is even stronger. It can be seen that Ouyang Zhangyong at this moment has spoken the last word.

The powerful force all over his body exploded suddenly at this moment. At this moment, Ouyang Zhang stood up in a rage, and stabbed out with blood and silver wounds. The brave power that erupted in the end was temporarily repelled.

At this moment, or in other words, after Ouyang Zhangyong finished those words, these demonized black-armored warriors have adjusted their state. At this time, these demonized black-armored warriors are seeing Ouyang Zhangyong in front of him actually launched a charge, so they started to charge again fearlessly.

These demonized black-armored warriors are no longer masters. They have been strengthened at this time, and they are stronger and more terrifying than the monsters turned into by the servant driver who assassinated the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Affairs Gu Zongsheng. And these demonized black-armored warriors also have their own minds, which are completely different from human minds, which is enough to show the horror of these demonized black-armored warriors in front of them.

So, facing these terrifying monsters, Ouyang Zhangyong has no fear at the moment. As a general with a strong heart to fight to the death, no matter whether it is his pride or his temper, he will not be afraid. Allow him to show a little fear.

What's more, at this moment, he has been dealing with these people for a long time, so in the current situation.

Ouyang Zhangyong brandished the blood silver wound brazenly, and the gun shot out like a dragon. In this bloody and sinful air, the smoke of the flames of war was pierced. The sharp chill carried endless killing intent. The blood and spirit at the point where the wound was stabbed at the throat of the black armored warrior had already exploded brazenly.

But this is no longer a human monster. The black armored warrior just jumped out of the way and dodged.Seeing this, just as Ouyang Zhangyong was about to make his next move, the spear in the hands of the demonized black-armored warrior had already struck with majestic force, and he was looking at the spear stabbed by the monster on the opposite side. For a moment, he had to change his tactics.

It is also because of this that Ouyang Zhangyong did not chase again, but twitched his spear suddenly, twirled his palm, and swung it out suddenly, right in front of Ouyang Zhangyong, who was approaching from the front of the long spear by the black armored fighters of the monsters. But ten inches away.

Seeing the blood-colored gun barrel rushing out like a blood-red lightning, using slow to strike fast, this spear, the spear technique of Feng Zi, the great master of the Chuyue Kingdom, was buried in the endless mountains, obviously there is no Thinking of Ouyang Zhangyong's ability to use this kind of spear technique at this moment, it really deserves to be the spear technique in the hands of Fengzi, the first great master in the history of Chuyue Kingdom.

Playing fast with slow speed is really amazing, and people can't help but admire his talent.

The world has no chance for this kind of marksmanship, but they did not expect this marksmanship, this amazingly talented, peerless and unparalleled marksmanship of fast and slow marksmanship to be shown in front of the world at this moment.

Accompanying, the bloody thunder suddenly appeared, boom boom boom!
(End of this chapter)

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