Chapter 932

Okay, okay, don't think about it for now, let's all go back to the residence first, and after the masters have discussed it, maybe we are going to go to the cave; everyone, go back and rectify first, and take a rest.Xiaobai pulls Xiaowu and talks to Chunhua Lulu.

Well, indeed, go back first and take a good rest. It was thrilling to enter the cave, and I didn’t get a good night’s sleep. Although I know the mechanism of the cave, I still feel scared when I think of the bats in the cave. Lulu thought Bat, it feels like the hairs are standing up.

After finishing speaking, the four of them walked towards the residence together, and when they reached the gate of the wing room, they went back to their bedrooms in pairs.

Xiao Bai and Xiao Wu pushed open the door, and went back to the bedroom. Xiao Hui jumped over to greet them, with a cheery expression, and took a horizontal step, especially like a crawling crab, which made Xiao Bai and Xiao Wu laugh up.

"Xiao Hui, today is very cute." Xiao Wu pinched Xiao Hui's monkey face and pinched it, "So soft, so cute!"

Xiao Hui was pinched by Xiao Wu, grinned in pain, the difference was that she was not angry, probably because she was already familiar with them, and was used to their kneading of the little monkey, "Xiao Hui, we are not here and we are not mischievous." Ah," Xiao Bai asked, stroking Xiao Hui's head

I saw Xiao Hui scratching her head, bouncing towards the bed, Xiao Bai glanced at Jasmine on the table from the corner of her eye, good fellow!I don’t know if I don’t look at it, I finally know why it ran away when I asked Xiao Hui and didn’t play tricks...

The petals of jasmine were tossed all over the place, and the leaves were scattered all over the surrounding area, with bumps and hollows, and it was not in shape. There was only a bottle of polished stems left, and not a single leaf was spared. This is because its head was shaved. Clean, looking at this bare bottle of jasmine, Xiaobai couldn't laugh or cry, "What did the good flowers go through when we were not at home? It's like entering the autumn of fallen leaves in advance! Before leaving, the leaves were still lush and full of flowers, come back You will become bald Jasmine, Xiao Hui! You have done a good job, I will definitely not hit you!" Xiao Hui fluttered his eyes with innocence, and when he saw Xiao Bai rolling up his sleeves and walking towards it, he acted cleverly. Dodging away, Xiao Wu also joined in, so I only heard the scene of chasing a stubborn monkey coming from the room, don't run!The flowers have been destroyed like this by you!The cursing voice resounded throughout the room.

Chasing and fighting for a quarter of an hour, in this tug-of-war of fighting.In the end, the little monkey won. There was nothing he could do about such a mischievous little monkey, so how could he really beat him violently.After the torment was over, Xiao Bai and Xiao Wu were also paralyzed from exhaustion, fell asleep on the bed.

The next day, the sun shone on the window sill, and the light refracted under Xiaobai's eyelids, which was slightly dazzling. It seemed that someone was calling her name in the haze. When I opened my eyes, sure enough, there was a knock on the door like a drum, and there came from outside the door, " Xiaobai, Xiaowu, get up! Get up! The master told us to go to the hall to find her." It was Lu Lu who knocked on the door like a drum, and when he heard it was the master, let him go to the hall, and he didn't care about rubbing the pain. He quickly turned over and got up quickly. When he opened the door, he saw Lulu staggering, pushing the door and entering. They couldn't stop one by one, almost fell down, and came into close contact with the ground. Fortunately, Xiaobai stretched out his hand to help him. He stopped, "Master, let's go to the front hall right away, my sister asked me to come over and call you, hurry up and get ready to go to the front hall." Lu Lu said pantingly, presumably also in a hurry.

Xiaobai and Xiaowu simply washed up, changed into regular clothes, arranged their hair buns, and then followed Lulu to find Chunhua who was waiting at the door to go to the front hall together.

Soon, a group of people came to the front hall. The master and senior sister were already in the hall. After entering the hall, the four bowed to the master, and the master said: "The matter of the cave has been discussed with the elders. The less people know about the art, the better, so I decided to secretly go to the cave to bring back the secret art, and put it in the library in the sect for safekeeping. This time, I will entrust you with the task of bringing back the secret art from the cave. You are already very familiar with the path in the cave and the traps in the cave. Remember to bring back the secret technique intact. This time, I will ask your senior sister to go with you to protect you, even though you have already experienced The organs in the cave, but you still have to be careful and return safely. This matter is related to the common people, and one more person who knows will be more dangerous, so the elders also said, sooner rather than later, I ordered you to set off now, a little later. Afterwards, take a look at what to bring, remember to pay attention to the danger, and wait for you to bring back the secret technique safely."

"Yingying, you go with them this time, and you must protect them. Master Guo Xiang said to Xu Yingying and then said to Xiaobai and the others: "You can ask Yingying to prepare for you anything you need. "

Master, there are poisonous spiders and giant bats inside, but luckily there is a potion that restrains these two poisons. The taste of the potion can stop spiders and bats. We still have half a bottle of this potion. This potion is quite amazing. We want to keep it Some were given to the masters of the medical hall to study this potion.Chunhua suggested to the master that the potion should be studied in the medical center. With this potion, there is no need to be afraid of these poisonous animals.

Is there such a magical potion in the world?Submit it, let me have a look, Master Guo Xiang wants to see this magical potion.

"Yes," Chunhua took out the potion from his sleeve, and handed it to Xu Yingying, the senior sister who was about to pick it up.

Xu Yingying took the potion and presented it to her master, Guo Xiang. Guo Xiang uncorked the bottle, and the smell of the potion quickly spread throughout the hall. "What kind of potion is this? Why does it smell so bad?" After putting on the cork, it is really unexpected that such a smelly potion has such a miraculous effect. Perhaps it is this strong stench, so even spiders and bats are afraid of this stench.

Yes, we just got the potion, and we didn’t know it had such a miraculous effect, until we encountered these two poisons in the cave, opened it, and they would quickly dissipate when they smelled the smell, and they would not attack people anymore, so this kind of The potion must have been made by that genius doctor, and it can be used as a research by our master in the medical center. In the future, the disciples will not have to be afraid of spiders and bats.

"Okay, just follow what you said, pour some out for the medical center, maybe in the future it will also benefit the doctors and benefit mankind, this proposal is also very good;" Guo Xiang expressed his approval of Chunhua's proposal.

Chunhua poured out a small portion from a small container and handed it to the senior sister. The senior sister then ordered a senior sister outside the door to hand it over to the medical hall. The senior sister was holding the bottle and heading towards the medical hall. ran away.

(End of this chapter)

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