Chapter 935
Probably, they were also quite hungry, so they quickly finished eating the buns, sesame cakes, and roast chicken, leaving osmanthus cake and jasmine cake.

I brought six pieces of pastries, one piece for each person, and one piece extra, three pieces for sweet-scented osmanthus cake, and three pieces for jasmine cake.

Chunhua saw at the restaurant that his senior sister would eat a piece of osmanthus cake after each meal, so he gave the first piece of osmanthus cake to senior sister Xu Yingying, and Xiao Wu and Lu Lu each took a piece of the remaining two pieces of osmanthus cake. Bai and herself each ate a piece of jasmine cake, "There is still one piece left."

"Let's eat the remaining piece." Chunhua looked at the remaining piece and said.After all, it is the order of seniority.

"No need, I'm already full, and I only like osmanthus cake, you can give it to anyone who likes jasmine cake." Xu Yingying responded.

Chunhua looked at Xiaobai, Xiaowu, and Lulu, and said, "I'm full too, let's see which one of you likes this jasmine cake more."

"I don't want to eat anymore, Xiao Wu, share this jasmine cake with Lu Lu!" Xiao Bai also said that he was full, and wanted to give this piece of jasmine cake to Xiao Wu and Lu Lu.

Xiao Wu and Lu Lu looked at each other, "Lu Lu, eat it!" Xiao Wu picked up the piece of jasmine cake and wanted to pass it to Lu Lu, but Lu Lu stopped her.

It's better for you to eat, Lu Lu pushed it to Xiao Wu again, just like this, a piece of jasmine cake was pushed back and forth.

"Oh, don't push it." Xiaobai snatched the jasmine cake, and divided it into two, giving half to Xiaowu and half to Lulu, "That's fine, don't let both Come and let go, half of each person is fine!"

"Hehe, um, indeed, let's eat half of it for each of us." Otherwise, I would be embarrassed to push and push, Xiao Wu said to Lu Lu with a smile.

Lu Lu took a bite of the jasmine cake that was divided into two, um, eat it, jasmine cake, it is sweet.

Hurry up and eat, take a nap after eating, we went to the exit, Xu Yingying fetched some water from the river with a sheepskin bag for drinking water, took a few sips, and then urged the two of them to eat the rest quickly Jasmine Cake.

Xiaobai and Chunhua also squatted by the river and drank a few sips of water. They just drank some water after the meal to moisten their throats and quench their thirst. "You guys also come over to have some drinks later." Xiao Bai watched the two who were about to finish their pastries, and urged them.

After the five of them rested next to the rocks in the open space by the river for a moment, they took their burdens and started walking along the river bank towards the exit.

The road on the river bank is wet, and you need to be careful when walking on the road with a torch, because the road on the river bank is relatively slippery, and you may slip if you don’t pay attention. It's not far away." Xiaobai saw a spot of light not far away, it was white, it was a beam of light refracted by the exit, after staying in the cave for a long time, when looking at the light, he would feel that it was extraordinarily dazzling and dazzling , the senior sister standing behind Xiaobai, Chunhua, Xiaowu and Lulu all half-covered their eyes and looked in the direction of Xiaobai's finger. Indeed, not far away was the beam of light at the exit.

"Finally we're at the exit again, and we'll be out soon in the direction of that spot of light." Chunhua sighed the joy of coming out of the cave.

Seeing the light, several people were more excited, and unconsciously their pace quickened a lot, so they soon came to the exit.

The place where the exit is no longer dark, the sun is shining brightly, illuminating the vegetation at the entrance of the cave, and the place where the light is looking is even more dazzling. Xiaobai and the others closed their eyes for a long time before they dared to open them completely. Open your eyes and look at the light outside, and then get used to the light outside the cave.

"The air outside is better, fresh and comfortable." Xiaobai looked at the lush green plants outside the cave and the mountain stream with cicadas singing, and involuntarily closed his eyes and took a deep breath of the gift from nature.

Chunhua and the others also stretched their bodies, stretched their waists, and moved their limbs.

The road with stairs in front of us is the way we go back, Xiaobai pointed to the stairs down the mountain and said to sister Xu Yingying.

"Well, then let's go back quickly. The secret technique is on us. It hasn't come out for so long. Maybe the master has been waiting impatiently." Xu Yingying looked at the path, wanting to go back quickly to do business and bring the secret technique back to the master.

After hearing what the senior sister said, Xiaobai walked down the stairs first, and the senior sister, Chunhua and the others followed her closely and began to follow this path back to Meishan.

Because he walked through this road, he was already familiar with the way back, and soon returned to the inner hall.

As soon as they entered the hall, senior sister Xu Yingying went to look for her in the master's side hall, and Xiaobai and the others were waiting in the inner hall.

Not long after, I saw master Guo Xiang and senior sister Xu Yingying walking towards the inner hall in a hurry. They entered the inner hall one by one. Master Guo Xiang sat on the futon in the center as usual. Sitting on the ground, senior sister Xu Yingying also presented the secret art retrieved from the cave to Guo Xiang. After sitting down, Guo Xiang took out the books that recorded the secret art and read them. She read a few chapters of each book, slightly anxious The eyebrows must be confirming the authenticity of the book.

When she finished flipping through the last book, her frowning brows relaxed, "These books are indeed lost secret arts. Unexpectedly, they have been lost for a long time, and the rivers and lakes are scrambling to find them, but they are hidden in the cave of Meishan. , was discovered by the disciples of this sect, and they were taken back safely, if other ambitious people find out, it will cause a bloody storm in the Jianghu." After Guo Xiang finished speaking, he looked at them, got up and walked to Xiaobai and the others. He opened his mouth and said, "Thanks to you for discovering these books of secret arts, otherwise I don't know if they are taken away by others, the consequences will be unimaginable. You can tell the teacher what reward you want."

After listening to the master's words, Xiaobai and the others were relieved, and did not think about asking for a reward from the master.

We also discovered it by accident, and we violated the rules of the sect by wandering around. If we can bring these books back safely, I just ask the master not to punish me, and the disciples just ask us not to be kicked out of the master's sect. I dare not ask for rewards .Xiaobai bowed to the master and said frankly.

Guo Xiang helped up Xiaobai's bowing body, looked at Xu Yingying, and said, let the matter of wandering around be forgotten, and it is precisely because of you that you discovered this hidden treasure, you should be rewarded, but You can't ignore the door rules, so let's balance the merits and demerits.

Seeing that the master will not punish them, they all looked at each other and smiled, then bowed their heads respectfully to the master and said: Yes, "Thank you, master, for not punishing them!"

"Okay, you all step back, the same sentence, remember that the secret technique is not to be publicized, I will send the secret technique to the elders and send it to the library in our sect." After Guo Xiang finished speaking, she waved her hand They back off.

(End of this chapter)

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