I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 937 You Can Come Again Next Year

Chapter 937 You Can Come Again Next Year

After the swords were unsheathed, there was a battle of swordsmanship, and the sound of the swords colliding with each other was also evenly matched. It seemed that the strength of the two were evenly matched.

However, Xiaobai's sword is a treasured sword obtained from a cave, and it is different from the boy's sword.

The Bloodbath Sword will go a step further, because it is a sharp weapon with spirituality, and it will be even closer when driven by power.

Besides, after more than a month of training, Xiaobai's martial arts has also improved a lot.

After a few rounds, the opposing boy began to lose his strength and retreated steadily.

Xiaobai, holding the sword, took advantage of the situation and took advantage of the young man's inattention to push it hard. The young man swayed on the edge of the ring, and fell off the ring without holding on.

Xiaobai won, and there were cheers from Xiaowu and the others below. The defeated young man got up and patted the dust off his body, glanced at the victorious Xiaobai on the ring, and walked towards his disciples in frustration.

Xiaobai stepped down from the ring, and the one who won the first match will wait for this round of competition to end, and wait for the next round of promotion.

Xiao Wu, Chun Hua, Lu Lu, seeing Xiao Wu get off the ring, they all greeted her very excitedly, "Xiao Bai is awesome! If you advance, you can wait for the next round!" Xiao Wu said happily are about to jump up.

Xiaobai touched his own sword and said to them: "Well, thanks to the Bloodbath Sword, I was able to win so smoothly. When it's your turn to compete, you should work harder and don't take it lightly."

The competition in the arena was still going on intensively, and Xiao Wu's number was soon called, and Xiao Wu also boarded the third ring.

The opponent was also a handsome young man. After the two greeted each other politely, they entered the competition, each gesturing with the moves they had learned.

At the beginning, the two were testing each other to see if there were any weaknesses in the other's moves, and the attack and defense were carried out in an orderly manner; later it became fast, precise and ruthless.

It depends on who can take advantage of the situation to catch the opponent's weakness and attack, and if they strike first, they will be able to come out on top and win the game.

The competition between the two became more and more fierce, and the young man's moves were unexpectedly fast and accurate, but Xiao Wu seemed a little weak.

Even Xiao Bai in the audience couldn't help but squeeze Xiao Wu into a cold sweat. Seen from below, the young man's martial arts were even better, and Xiao Wu was obviously struggling.

I saw the young man in the arena holding the sword, leaping and turning over several times in a row, and launched an attack on Xiao Wu. Xiao Wu's physical strength had already reached the upper limit, and the series of attacks by the young man was already too much for Xiao Wu.

With this attack, Xiao Wu was forced to the edge of the arena. Seeing that Xiao Wu was approaching the edge of the ring, the young man took advantage of the opportunity to strike, and Xiao Wu fell from the arena. The young man won the competition.

Seeing Xiao Wu fell from the ring, Xiao Bai and the others quickly surrounded her, helped Xiao Wu who had fallen, and even asked her if she was injured.

The height of the ring is not particularly high, so Xiao Wu didn't get hurt when she fell down. After getting up, Xiao Wu patted the dust off her sleeves and trouser legs, and looked at the young man on the ring holding a sword in a victorious posture. Disappointment and frustration welled up in my heart, and I said with a lonely look in my eyes: "I failed!"

Xiao Bai patted Xiao Wu's shoulder comfortingly and said to Xiao Wu: "It's okay, you have tried your best; if you lose this time, there will be another time, don't be afraid, as long as we practice hard, we still have a chance."

Chunhua and Lulu also hugged Xiaowu and said: "Yes, Xiaowu, what are you afraid of, we are with you, and there are martial arts competitions every year, if you lose this year, you can come back next year."

Seeing that everyone was comforting herself, Xiao Wu nodded sensibly and said, "I'm fine, anyway, it's not just this one chance, as you said, you can start all over again, don't worry about me, you guys still have to compete , remember to win; I can watch from below and cheer for you!"

After Chunhua and Lulu heard what Xiao Wu said, they nodded solemnly and responded to Xiao Wu: "Well, we will all work hard, remember to cheer us up below."

After finishing speaking, the four of them hugged each other and smiled at each other: Encourage each other.

The competition in the arena is still going on tight, and the rounds of promotion and elimination are in full swing.

Chunhua's number was not far from Xiaowu's, so it was her turn soon.

Chunhua and her opponent are in the second ring. Chunhua has always been relatively calm in martial arts training, so she can perform in the ring with ease, and she is also good at discovering the opponent's weaknesses, so the group arena is relatively easy for Chunhua.

Although Chunhua's opponent is a senior senior brother, Chunhua's temperament is so stable. At the beginning, she was on the defensive against the senior brother's attack and did not dare to attack easily; after she figured out the senior brother's way, she rose up , Started a counterattack; it really is a wise and rational mind.

After several fights and attacks, Chunhua was able to catch the senior brother's loopholes, and soon, he was defeated, and Chunhua won the game.

Chunhua won the contest and got off the ring, Xiaobai and the others cheered to welcome the victory again.

Of the four of them, only Lulu has yet to compete.

Lulu's numbers are a little far apart, so it takes several rounds to get her number.

Being promoted and eliminated, people are constantly being promoted, and people are constantly being eliminated. Lu Lu watched the number being called gradually approaching his own number plate, and began to sweat a little nervously.

Xiao Wu saw that her forehead was sweating, so she took out her handkerchief, wiped the sweat off her forehead, shook her hand and said softly: "Don't be nervous, treat it normally, take out what we usually learn; we Cheering for you below."

Xiao Bai heard Xiao Wu comforting Lu Lu, so he said to Lu Lu: "Don't be nervous, adjust your breathing, take a deep breath, and then let it out. It can relieve the tension."

Lulu inhaled and exhaled according to Xiaobai's method, and it really didn't feel so nervous.

Not long after coming over, Lulu's number plate was called. Lulu took a deep breath and stepped onto the ring.

Lulu's opponent this time looks shorter and may be younger.

If the age is still young, then it must be a new disciple who has just come in, and the foundation must be similar to ours, and Lu Lu's chances of winning are higher.

After the gong sounded, the two began to discuss martial arts. At the beginning, the two did not use swords, but used fist and kick gestures to test each other's martial arts level and find each other's weaknesses that could be attacked. One defended and the other attacked.

Lulu's opponent looks young and short in stature, but this is equivalent to blindfolding, but his martial arts are not bad. After a few reincarnations, he is on par with Lulu.

Obviously, the opponent is also evenly matched, so it will be a protracted battle with Lulu. Since both martial arts are on par, it can only be a competition of endurance between the two sides; whoever can defend is the ultimate winner.

(End of this chapter)

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