Chapter 97

How Ye Zhen's temporary meeting ended, not many people know.

But a few days later, Ye Qing's camp ushered in a strange acquaintance.

"Ye Qing accepts the order!"

It was Ye Tao who came, holding a transfer order in his hand.

Ye Qing asked Zhang Yi to verify the authenticity of the transfer order, and then accepted the order with fists cupped.

Ye Tao read: "The general ordered that Xiaoyao County Bo Yeqing take five hundred guards of Xiaoyao Mansion, and immediately go out of the city to search for intelligence, and search for two hundred miles to the north. There must be no mistakes!"

After speaking, Ye Tao handed over the transfer order to Ye Qing. At the moment Ye Qing caught it, Ye Tao did not let go, but smiled and said:

"Brother, work hard, don't delay important military affairs, or you will be punished."

"Xiaoyao Mansion accepts the order!" Ye Qing tore off the transfer order with force, then straightened up, looked down at Ye Tao and said:
"If King Fufeng has nothing else to do, please go back first. If you delay our army's departure, the general will punish you!"

To find trouble with orders, Ye Qing will naturally use the power of the military generals group to suppress him.

"You! Very good...!" Ye Tao snorted coldly, shook his sleeves and turned to leave.

"My lord, this order is very strange. Why do you want us to ride north from Xiaoyao Mansion to search for information? Isn't this something that should be done by the frontier army?" Zhang Yi had doubts about the newly received order.

They Xiaoyao Fuqi are blind, and it is their first time to go to the battlefield, where to search for the traces of the Turkic people.

This is not what they should be doing.

Simply overkill.

And it is misused.

"It seems that the military department and the emperor have a plan, we just follow the order!" Ye Qing said to the crowd:
"Yu Jin, you and Zhang Yi will guard the city with [-] infantry. No matter what news you hear, don't leave the city without permission, unless Gaonu City is breached!"

"It's the lord!"

Yu Jin and Zhang Yi lead the way.

Then Ye Qing took Zhao Yun, Xue Rengui and [-] riders, and brought [-] days' worth of dry food and drinking water out of the north gate.

After nightfall, I found a sheltered mountain to rest.

Beside the bonfire, Ye Qing called Zhao Yun and Xue Rengui, and asked, "Have you all memorized the map, tell me what you think!"

Zhao Yundao: "My lord instructed me according to the map, let's go east along the river valley and then go north and west, so as to fully guarantee the water source and facilitate the march.

Ten days later, search for the sentry forts along the way, and then turn back from the east. This is a more appropriate plan! "

Ye Qing nodded slightly. Zhao Yun's combat awareness is still good, and he is not stupid to choose places.

Then Ye Qing turned his attention to Xue Rengui.

Xue Rengui said: "I was wondering why the military department and His Majesty issued such an order. Didn't they say that the three treasures of the horse we equip are top secret? Why are we suddenly asked to come out to the north to inquire about news? Isn't it too obvious!"

Ye Qing laughed, and Zhao Yun interjected: "Rengui, what you mean is that we are the bait, the bait released by the military department and His Majesty."

"This possibility cannot be ruled out!" Xue Rengui shrugged and sneered.

Zhao Yun was a little puzzled: "But the main battlefield is in Xihe County, and the main force of the Turks is also in Xihe County. The bait like ours attracts small fish and shrimps, and even the bait like ours can directly attract fish. eat it."

"Who said that the main force of the Turks is in Xihe County? Who said that the main battlefield will be in Xihe County? This is just based on past norms and habits." Ye Qing said:

"But this year is different. The Turkic people came south ahead of time, and they may even cooperate with the Qiang people. After discussion, it is not certain whether the Turkic people will mainly attack Xihe."

"At the same time, this time His Majesty's personal conquest, whether he wants to go a little farther to Xihe County to fight the Turks is unknown.

If it were me, I wouldn't want to go all the way to Xihe to fight the Turkic people, because that would exhaust the troops and lengthen the front line, which would consume a lot of material and energy.

The most cost-effective way is to lure the Turks to fight near Gaonu City. "

Zhao Yun seemed to understand a little bit, but he still asked: "This saves time for both parties, but why would the Turks be willing to come to Gaonu City? It can't be because of bait like us!"

"We are just a small bait. Your Majesty's is the big bait. I guess the military department wants to play such a trick." Xue Rengui analyzed:
"The news of His Majesty's personal conquest will not be kept secret for long, so I guess His Majesty and the military may not hide it, and they simply let the Turks know on purpose.

So the Turks are going to attack Xihe County, the traditional one-city-one-district capture?Or directly kill Gao Nu to defeat my main force of the Great Zhou, capture or kill His Majesty alive? "

The answer is obvious!
"So, our little waves are not worth mentioning in front of the two big armies. We should do nothing. We will fight when we see the enemy. If we can't win, we will run. I think we can fight as long as we don't lose the map in our minds. You can jump out of this cage trap at will!" The corners of Ye Qing's mouth rose slightly:
"At that time, who is the bait and who is the praying mantis is uncertain!"

A brief meeting was held, and everyone rested. In the next few days, Ye Qing and others walked according to the route.

I found that the scenery along the way was exactly the same as what Murong had recorded.

It can be seen that Murong negative also spent a lot of money.

Even using a real map to gain trust.

On the third day, a Turkic cavalry team suddenly appeared from the foot of the mountain, with only two or three hundred cavalry.

Seeing that Ye Qing and the others did not run away, they rushed over screaming.

"Zilong outflanks!" Ye Qing was also refreshed, and finally saw a Turkic cavalry after coming for so long.

Then the Panlong Overlord Halberd pointed and said: "Rengui follow me to charge and kill!"

"It's the lord!"

Zhao Yun and Xue Rengui took orders successively.

Then the [-] riders were divided into two, the [-] riders and Xue Rengui followed Ye Qing, and the [-] riders slowed down and followed Zhao Yun to leave the brigade.


The two cavalry confronted each other, rushed towards each other, and soon came close.

When the two sides waved their swords and collided together.

Greet the other person's body.


The two armies fought, and countless corpses fell from their horses.

"Not good! The opponent has a general, damn it, withdraw!"

After the Turkic team leader rushed over with Ye Qing and others, they saw the bravery of Ye Qing and Xue Rengui, and suddenly felt a chill in their hearts, turned around and fled to the north.

It is simply fraudulent for a Zhou cavalry team with only [-] cavalry to have an entry-level general.

So the Turkic general cursed shamelessly in secret a few times, and then shifted his strategy.

But he wanted to run, when Zhao Yun intercepted him from the flank, faster than him.

He rushed to the front in one fell swoop and stabbed out with a shot. The Turkic general wanted to fight back, but his arm that was only half raised stopped suddenly.

The man was killed and got off the horse, and then the horse stepped on his face fiercely.

Under the blood and blood, he couldn't die anymore.

The whole battle ended quickly and extremely smoothly.

After cleaning the battlefield, Xue Rengui suddenly cried out:
"Not good! My lord, retreat quickly, we can't wait any longer, the enemy cavalry are infested, there are too many people!"

Xue Rengui said too much, not too much.

It was almost a language error, but soon Ye Qing understood, and urged everyone to get on the horse and said:
"Go, retreat south!"

Everyone left the loot in their pockets that they didn't have to rush to find, and immediately rushed south. "

The next moment, countless Turkic cavalry emerged from the hill.

Hundreds of horses and thousands of horses, until ten thousand war horses turned into dense black spots and rushed in like clouds.

"It really is a crowd!" Zhao Yun glanced at Xue Rengui, and couldn't help admiring him.

Is it so powerful after entering the product?

It's just a difference of one realm.

It seems that I have to improve my strength as soon as possible and break through to the top grade.

(End of this chapter)

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