Chapter 45
"What handwritten letter?" Everyone stepped forward to pick up the letter with their names written on it, opened it, and many of them fainted on the spot.

These letters are letters of guarantee they wrote to the rogues, and there is also the amount of money donated on it. This matter is top secret. How did the emperor get it?
How did they know that if they wanted to collect their criminal evidence, it would not be difficult for Jinyiwei and Dongxichang.

"Your Majesty, my humble servant has been wronged. We have never done such a thing. Please be aware of the details. Jin Yiwei must have wronged us."

Wei Zaode and Chen Yan saw that there were about 40 to [-] ministers related to the rogues. If these people were all removed from their posts and beheaded, there would be no one available in the court.

So they were sure that Zhu Youjian would not kill them, and immediately gave those people secret winks, and they all shouted in unison.

But Zhu Youjian, as the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, would they need to plead guilty if they killed someone?

The emperor can make you live or die, he can make your name last forever, and he can also make you notorious for thousands of years.

People like Wei Zaode and Chen Yan should be nailed to the pillar of shame of Ming Dynasty forever.

"Come here, let Wei Zaode act like these people, all withdraw and beheaded to show the public. In addition, the whole family will be beheaded, and the three clans will be wiped out, and all family properties will be confiscated."

When Zhu Youjian said a word, a group of guards in Jinyi quickly walked into the Hall of Supreme Harmony, ready to withdraw Wei Zaode and others and kill them.

Some of these people were frightened and incontinent in an instant, kowtow like chickens pecking at rice, and many of them began to bleed from their foreheads
"Your Majesty, please forgive me. We know we are wrong. It is all caused by the White Lotus Sect. We have no other choice."

Zhu Youjian ignored them at all, just waved to Jin Yiwei, and the Jin Yiwei who came in stepped forward to grab them, ready to take them away and behead them.

Li Banghua, Ni Yuanlu and others saw that so many ministers had been killed, Daming was going to be paralyzed, they knelt down hastily, and began to intercede for Wei Zaode and others.

"Your Majesty, it is impossible to kill so many people. It is better to let them commit crimes and perform meritorious service. It will not be too late to deal with them when newcomers fill in. If you kill them now, Ming Dynasty will have no one to use. Please forgive me."

Seeing that there are still many honest ministers who are pleading for Wei Zaode and other shameless people, Zhu Youjian knows that they are worrying about the fact that Daming has no one to use, and they are not protecting these traitors.

In the past, these gossip officials of the Qing Dynasty absolutely compared Chongzhen with death for their own memorials, and they seemed to not care about life and death.

It seems that they started to force the palace again, Zhu Youjian stared:
"Li Banghua, Ni Yuanlu, are you foolish enough to let them commit crimes and make meritorious service? What can they do, can they lead the army to fight, or continue to slander and frame Zhongliang?

In the second year of Chongzhen's reign, the Eastern Captives robbed and abused the capital, and the commander-in-chief Man Gui personally led his headquarters to stop the Eastern Captives.

He used infantry and cavalry to delay the captive army for a day and a night, and all the generals in Guangxi were killed in battle, creating precious time for the people in the capital to evacuate.

In the 11th year of Chongzhen, Biandong Zidi was kidnapped from the east. Sun Chengzong, the former governor of Liaodong who was at home at home, led his family and the people of the city to defend the city to the death.

In the end, they were outnumbered, Gaoyang City was breached, all the men and servants of the Sun family died in battle, all the women threw themselves into the well, and Sun Chengzong, the commander-in-chief, died in battle.

Because Sun Chengzong's commander-in-chief had repeatedly hit Dongyao, the Dongyao bandits vowed to kill the Sun family.

As a result, Sun Dushuai's only baby boy, who was less than a hundred days old, was trampled to a pulp.

December of the same year
Commander-in-chief Lu Xiangsheng led Tianxiong soldiers and Dongyao to fight against Julu. The supervising army feared the enemy like a tiger, and the mercenaries failed to save them.

Tianxiong officers and soldiers fought bloody battles for seven days and seven nights, and then the entire army was wiped out because they ran out of ammunition and food.

Lu Xiangsheng was the commander-in-chief until his death in battle, still wielding a big knife and shouting to kill the enemy.

Chongzhen 16 years

Chuangni led the army to conquer Tongguan, the commander-in-chief Bai Guangen and Chen Yongfu surrendered to the bandits, making the bandits unstoppable.

Knowing that he would die, Commander-in-Chief Sun Chuanting still led the Three New Army out of the customs with less than ten days of training, and fought a decisive battle with the army of rogue bandits south of the Weishui River.

The combat effectiveness of the new army was insufficient, and the number of personnel was very different. As a result, Sun Chuanting was defeated by the rogues with superior forces.

When the war was defeated, the rogues coerced and lured Dushuai Sun Chuanting, trying to get Dushuai Sun to surrender.

But after Sun Chuanting scolded the bandits, he bumped his head against the stone tablet to death..."


"My Ming Dynasty has many loyal souls and heroes, so I won't describe them one by one today.

If I forgive Wei Zaode and others today.

Then how can I face those loyal souls who died in battle.

Those soldiers who died in battle, if they heard about this under the Nine Springs, how could they rest in peace.

When all the soldiers died heroically, what were you literati doing?
Either stabbing the heroes in the back, fighting among themselves, or even begging for mercy from the bandits and captives in order to survive.

You all listen to me and remember well, if there is someone for no reason and without any evidence.

Pointing fingers at my loyal martyrs who fought on the front lines in Ming Dynasty, withholding food and wages, and adding so-called obstacles, I will definitely destroy your ten clans.

For the sake of those loyal souls and heroes who died in the Ming Dynasty, these scum and traitors must be killed today.

If someone dares to intercede, I will kill you and destroy the three clans, and I will be guilty of the same crime as Wei Zaode and others.

Now I would like to ask, is there anyone among you who pleads for these traitors, and stand up for me immediately. "

Li Banghua and others were shocked by Zhu Youjian's upright and majestic words, and at the same time, they were speechless, filled with guilt, and knelt down to the ground.

They wanted to say that everyone knew that Sun Chengzong and Sun Chuanting had died in battle long ago, but who were those two standing in front of them?

Although I have doubts in my heart, who dares to ask at this time, wouldn't that mean courting death?

Although Li Banghua and others dared not speak, Zhu Youjian guessed their thoughts. Since they couldn't explain it, then they didn't explain it. Keeping some secrets would be more deterrent to him.

Thinking of simply killing Wei Zaode and others, it seemed too cheap for them, so he changed his mind again, and today he wanted these officials to see what would happen if they betrayed Daming.

"Come here, send Wei Zaode and the rest to the temple for display, so as to warn those corrupt officials and future generations. I want to see who dares to follow in their footsteps."


Jin Yiwei took the order in unison, picked up the soft bones and left, Wei Zaode and others desperately shouted for mercy, and the hall was full of ghosts and wolves.

Li Banghua and other literati had never seen such a tragic scene before, all their faces were trembling, and they dared not even vent their anger, let alone plead for mercy.

In this way, dozens of important ministers of the Ming Dynasty, including Wei Zaode, the chief assistant of the cabinet, were all stripped of skins, ransacked their families and wiped out their families.

The so-called skin-filling is to take out their internal organs and bones, fill them with hay, and send them to the temple for display for future generations to admire.

Seeing the performance of Li Banghua and others, Zhu Youjian smiled coldly, who said that the rumor officials of the Ming and Qing Dynasties would not shoot to death, and waved to Yuhuatian.

Yu Huatian immediately understood what the emperor meant, walked quickly to these loyal souls of the Ming Dynasty, and handed each of them a note.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, not understanding what the emperor was up to, they opened the notes one after another to watch.

When they saw the content on the note, their faces changed drastically.

It turned out that the contents of the note in their hands turned out to be the list of the ministers' property. Although it was not very accurate, it was similar.

How many officials in the Ming Dynasty are not greedy? An upright official like Hai Rui has ten thousand acres of land (this is well-founded)

(End of this chapter)

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