The First Young Master of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 7 Medicine King Sun Simiao

Chapter 7 Medicine King Sun Simiao
"Yes, Young Master." Zhong Zishuo responded, and was about to go forward to carry the old woman onto the carriage, but was stopped by someone.

"There are still dozens of miles to go to Chang'an. Even if we go fast, it will take an hour and a half. I'm afraid this lady's illness won't make it to Chang'an. Why don't you let Pindao give acupuncture first?" The crowd didn't know When will there be more Taoist priests who seem to be over fifty years old.

Seeing this Taoist priest, Zhong Zishuo's eyes lit up: "Daozhang Sun!"

"Master Zhong, long time no see, wait for Pindao to finish giving this lady the needle first, then we can talk about it." Sun Simiao said.

"Thank you, Daoist." Zhong Zisuo got up and moved out of the way.

Sun Simiao is a Taoist priest in name, but what he does is hanging pots to help the world. Instead, the medicinal materials were given to those poor families who could not afford the medicines for free, so until now, except for the silver needles, the medicine baskets and the medicine hoe, Sun Simiao really has nothing on his body and has nothing to do.

Sun Simiao came to the woman and took out a roll of linen from his arms. After unrolling, there was a layer of white cotton cloth inside, and some slender silver needles were arranged on the cotton cloth.

While Sun Simiao was giving the woman the needle, Xuan Shijing tugged at Zhong Zishuo's sleeve, and asked in a low voice, "Uncle Zhong, is this Daozhang Sun, Sun Simiao?" Xuan Shijing probably guessed seven or eight points, There may be many Taoist priests in the Tang Dynasty with medical skills, but there is only one person with excellent medical skills and character, and that is Sun Simiao, the king of medicine.

"How does the young master know Daoist Sun?"

Xuan Shijing smiled without a trace. When the famous Sun Simiao and Zhong Zishuo called out the Taoist priest, Xuan Shijing guessed it. In this Tang Dynasty, some famous Taoists were nothing more than Sun Simiao, Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng. Add Yuan Shoucheng.

Yuan Shoucheng said that most people don't know it. In many unofficial historical novels, they are all awesome characters, and the most famous one is the bet with the Dragon King of Jinghe in Journey to the West. Xuan Shijing also knew it from Journey to the West. Well, there used to be such a Taoist priest in Datang.

Compared with Yuan Tiangang, Li Chunfeng and Yuan Shoucheng, Xuan Shijing still respects Sun Simiao more, without him, although Sun Simiao is a Taoist, what he enters into Taoism is nothing more than xinxing. Compared with the first three, what Sun Simiao pursues is Down-to-earth, down-to-earth, with a down-to-earth style, traveling thousands of miles, saving all kinds of people, and Xuan Shijing knows that in history, Sun Simiao did indeed live to be more than 160 years old, and he has been studying medicine all his life, eager to treat more people. Moreover, he also did it, and wrote the great book "Thousand Gold Prescriptions", a book of thousands of gold prescriptions, which recorded all kinds of prescriptions he knew in his life. Unlike other Chinese medicine doctors, he looked at a prescription It is very important, and it is better to lose it than to announce it to the world. If all Chinese medicine practitioners have Sun Simiao's heart and mind, why worry about the decline of Chinese medicine after thousands of years.

"Young Master?" Zhong Zishuo looked at Xuan Shijing who was in a daze.

"Uncle Zhong, how did you know Daoist Sun?" Xuan Shijing didn't answer Zhong Zisuo's previous question, but when he came back to his senses, he asked Zhong Zisuo.

"Back when I was traveling in the rivers and lakes, I had a relationship with Daoist Sun." Zhong Zishuo explained.

At this time, Sun Simiao had finished administering the needles to the woman, took the silver needles, and walked towards Zhong Zishuo.

"Master Zhong, I have used acupuncture to stabilize this woman's condition, but if she wants to be cured, I still need to go to the pharmacy in Chang'an City to grab some medicines."

"There's no need to worry about it. We'll take it back to Chang'an in a while, Daoist Sun, this is my little prince." Zhong Zishuo introduced Xuan Shijing to Sun Simiao.

"Student Xuan Shijing, I have met Daoist Sun." Xuan Shijing bowed to Sun Simiao.

This time, Zhong Zishuo didn't stop Xuan Shijing from saluting, because Sun Simiao's high virtue and prestige could fully afford this ceremony.

"Master Xuanwei?" Sun Simiao asked.

"Exactly." Xuan Shijing replied.

"Young Master, the poor have a word, I don't know if I should say it or not."

"Taoist leader, but it's okay to say." Xuan Shijing was a little surprised, what exactly Sun Simiao was going to say, his tone seemed to say that he was going to be unlucky.

"Young Master may have a deficiency." Sun Simiao said.

"What?" Xuan Shijing was shocked. He had never found out that there was anything wrong with his body, but since Sun Simiao said it, Xuan Shijing believed it. After all, Sun Simiao was an expert. , to offend people by saying such things gracefully.

"You don't have to worry about it, Young Master. You are still young. You only need to take more care of yourself on weekdays, and you can still recover."

"Sun Daochang, this..." Zhong Zishuo panicked when he heard Sun Simiao's words. Xuan Shijing is the only one in the Hou Mansion, so nothing can go wrong.

"Don't worry Zhong Daxia. Pindao is going to Chang'an this time. After this time, Pindao will give the young master a careful diagnosis and treatment."

"In this case, Daoist Sun will take our car back to Chang'an, just in time to take care of that mother-in-law on the way." Xuan Shijing said: "Uncle Zhong, it's getting late, and mother-in-law's illness can't be delayed, we have to hurry On the road."

Sun Simiao looked at Xuan Shijing's eyes changed, and there was a trace of appreciation on his face: "In this case, the poor will bother you."

Zhong Zishuo walked up to the woman, picked her up, and put her into the carriage with Sun Simiao's help.

Seeing that her mother was happy, Xiao Lian smiled through tears, knelt in front of Sun Simiao, Zhong Zishuo and Xuan Shijing, and kowtowed continuously: "Thank you three benefactors, thank you three benefactors."

"Miss, please hurry up, some trivial things are nothing." Sun Simiao helped Xiao Lian up: "Miss, hurry up and get on the carriage to take care of Lingtang."

Xiaolian wiped off the remaining tears on her face, nodded, and then got into Xuan Shijing's carriage.

Zhong Zishuo waited for Sun Simiao to get into the carriage, then picked up Xuan Shijing and put him on the carriage. In the carriage shed sat Xiaolian and her mother. On the carriage, Zhong Zishuo and Sun Simiao were on the left and right, Xuan Shijing was not far away. He went in, so he sat between the two of them.

With a flick of Zhong Zishuo's whip, the carriage galloped towards Chang'an City.

"Daozhang Sun, why did you remember Chang'an this time?" Zhong Zishuo asked while driving the car again.

"I'm dissatisfied with you. This time, His Majesty summoned me to enter the palace to recuperate the empress's body." Sun Simiao sighed and said, "The empress's qi disease is most likely to occur in this season. To be honest, the poor can only be alleviated. It can’t be eradicated, over the years, Pindao has traveled around and tried various methods to treat this disease, but the results are not satisfactory.”

Xuan Shijing, who was sitting in the middle, frowned indistinctly. Empress Changsun suffered from asthma, and the best way to treat this disease in later generations is to take care of it carefully, let alone in Datang. Thinking of this, Xuan Shi Jing is also a little regretful, Empress Changsun is the only woman among the many empresses in history who will be praised by later generations when they mention it.

 The number of clicks and recommendations for new book uploads is pitiful, but today I accidentally discovered that Dianniang cleared all my data from last week.


(End of this chapter)

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