Tang Dynasty good father-in-law

Chapter 126 Longevity card, ambition

Chapter 126 Longevity card, ambition
If it weren't for Li Shimin's benevolent emperor, then he might hope that the people in the pass would starve to death more. In this case, it would reduce the pressure on the court.

But thinking about it, no matter what kind of courtiers or scholars this idea is, they will not say it.

However, this was embarrassing for Li Shimin. In the end, the emperor was also hesitant, because he didn't know the reason before.

Now it is known that the people in the pass have long gathered to go south, which means that Chang'an will soon become a gathering place for refugees.

After all, if you go south, there is basically only Chang'an. There are more than [-] refugees, even Li Shimin's head hurts.

"I still have to go to Shu Mansion once."

Li Shimin thought silently, because he remembered the conversation he had with his father in Shu Mansion.

It seemed that my father had anticipated this scene long ago, and even suggested that he build a straight road outside the pass.

If it weren't for the fact that the national treasury was empty, then Li Shimin did have an idea, and he also knew that this was obviously different from opening the Grand Canal.

If a road leading to the outside of the pass can be opened, even Li Shimin will be happy in his heart.

The reason is to strengthen the threat to the grassland. If there is such a direct road leading to the grassland, then both the dispatch of troops and the transportation of grain and grass can keep up.

It can be said that this is also one of the reasons why Li Shimin was moved. Besides, there is another point to ask, when did this Asian father stop helping.

Let's see if we can buy him a few more days. Li Shimin's face turned red when he thought of this.

This is obviously to use the property of his Yafu's family to delay some time for his.

No matter how thick-skinned this emperor is, it is not easy to say it directly in person, but Li Shimin believes that this Asian father should understand what he means.

After the news spread throughout Chang'an, the refugees also heard about it, and many refugees had a look of rejoicing on their faces.

"Fortunately, I listened to that rumor, otherwise I would be waiting to die in the pass now."

A trace of fear flashed across the faces of some refugees and said, if they find out that the locust plague is coming, they will go south to Chang'an.

Then it was basically too late, neither food nor money was enough for them to come to Chang'an.

Now, after coming to Chang'an, although he eats and sleeps in the open, he can at least survive.

And there is also a great benevolent person who is helping the refugees, no matter how many people there are, he doesn't seem to care.

"Wait, isn't that person in the previous rumors called An Xuangong?"

After thinking of this, many refugees suddenly remembered one thing, that is, the person who predicted the secret and rescued them seemed to be the same person.

Because of the gathering among the refugees, some news could not be concealed, and soon the news spread.

Some people have already begun to confirm it. They asked some people near Chang'an, and soon got the answer they wanted.

It was really the same person, and the refugee couldn't help being excited all of a sudden, and firmly remembered the name An Xuangong in his heart.

"Duke Anxuan is the great benefactor of our disciples in the pass."

"If you survive the natural disaster this time, engrave a longevity card and pray for blessings day and night."

A prestigious old man among the refugees said with emotion, with a hint of sincerity in his words.

If it were not for An Xuangong's prediction of the heavenly secret, then some of them would not even consider leaving the pass.

This indirectly saved their lives, not to mention that this Duke Anxuan is helping many disciples in the pass.

With every extra day of relief, their chances of surviving will increase.

"Old Liu is right."

"Without Duke Anxuan's kindness, we would not be where we are today."

"When we return to the customs, we must set up a longevity card."

One after another words sounded, but the words were grateful but also a little lonely, because they didn't know when they would be able to return to their hometown.

Of course, compared to those who stayed in their hometown and refused to leave, they are lucky to survive now.

While these refugees were discussing An Xuangong, the scholars in Chang'an were also feeling emotional.

"This is the first few days."

"From a few hundred to tens of thousands, and now tens of thousands."

"I didn't expect that An Xuangong's family property is really quite a lot. You must know that the daily expenses are a huge amount."

"Tomorrow there will be more refugees. It is estimated that the entire Chang'an city will be blocked."

If they had suspected that this Duke Anxuan had ulterior motives at the beginning, they couldn't help but look a little ashamed.

With the passage of time, some rumors of the news in the pass also spread to Chang'an, which also proved the prophetic nature of An Xuangong.

Of course, when An Xuangong was pushed to another peak of fame, the previous remarks that were not conducive to the relief of refugees also disappeared.

What is the burden of the previous reputation, all these are undoubtedly speeches that have no market.

"Grand An Xuan may have reached another level, and he doesn't care about his reputation at all."

A scholar said with admiration on his face, obviously a scholar who had respected Shu An for a long time.

And this sentence has also been approved by many people. For example, when predicting the secret, An Xuangong still did not deny anything. Isn't this a gamble on his own reputation.

At the beginning, there were rumors all over the place. If Duke Anxuan wanted to put it aside, it was actually very simple. At that time, there would be no risk at all.

Of course, if Shu An knew the thoughts of these scholars, he could not help but smile secretly, because it is not that he does not need fame.

The reason is that he needs more than this reputation, although the name of Duke Anxuan has made a lot of achievements in Shilin before.

But Shihlin is still too small for the whole world. Under such circumstances, Shu An has certainty, so naturally, he is small and broad.

How is it possible to not care about reputation, no matter what, Shu An wants to spread his reputation throughout the world, including these ordinary people.

Becoming a sage is not only a task of the system, it is also what Shu An thinks in his heart. He once missed the possibility of fighting for hegemony.

After all, at that time, he was only from a small noble family, and neither his background nor his financial resources were enough to support him on the road to struggle for hegemony. Of course, it was also because of his inner retreat.

Now, Shu An has nothing to fear, so why can't he become one of the sages?

With the knowledge brought by later generations, coupled with advanced consciousness, and previous bonuses, Shu An is very confident in himself.

Perhaps this is ambition, but of course for Shu An, this ambition came a bit late.

(End of this chapter)

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