Tang Dynasty good father-in-law

Chapter 128 method, embarrassment

Chapter 128 method, embarrassment

"In addition to that, you can also work hard on the curfew issue."

Shu An's voice sounded slowly, and Li Shimin once again fell into doubts, as if he didn't understand the relationship between the curfew and the emptiness of the treasury.

"The curfew can be opened, but some business taxes will be charged on top of the curfew."

Seemingly seeing the emperor's doubts, Shu An explained that in fact, he had already thought about it.

"Can this work?"

Li Shimin couldn't help saying that he was obviously hesitant about this sub-father's method.

"You'll know if you try it. Businessmen seek profit. If they don't open shops, they don't need to pay more taxes. It's all voluntary. Chang'an can also be used as a pilot."

A gleam flashed in Shu An's eyes and he said, we must know that some people usually farm during the day and rarely have time for entertainment.

If Chang'an can open the curfew, then at least these people will have more interest, promote consumption, and naturally earn more.

You must know that the people in Chang'an have a lot of spare money in their hands, and they are much richer than others.

In addition to the common people, there are naturally scholars or nobles, etc. These talents are the main force of consumption.

All in all, Shu An naturally knows the way to do it, business is definitely much more taxed than landlords now.


Li Shimin replied, lifting the curfew is not impossible, as long as it is beneficial to Datang, he will try.

What's more, it's just an experiment in Chang'an. If it doesn't work, then the previous curfew will be restored.

"Actually, caravans are also very profitable. If the imperial court collects tariffs, it would be fine."

Shu An's eyes flickered and he said, because of the open relationship between the Sui and Tang Dynasties, many Hu merchants would come to Chang'an.

Because of the war before, although Shu An noticed it, he was powerless, not to mention that he didn't have much deterrent power at that time.

Why Hu merchants were able to do business in Chang'an, so no Tang people went to these customs, it can be said that long-term thinking has restricted Datang.

When Shu An was short of money before, he naturally thought of forming a caravan by himself, but he would not directly use Tang people, but some Hu-Han people.

In this way, the alien races outside the customs would be easier to accept and manipulate, but Shu An did not reveal this.

Because if Li Shimin joined the caravan, he might be impeached again. As for Shu An, Li Shimin would not compete with him for anything.

"Tariffs, this matter will be discussed later."

Li Shimin said with a hint of helplessness on his face, after all, Datang doesn't have much deterrent effect on the surrounding area.

In addition, there is not only one road from outside the customs to Chang'an, even if he wanted to do this, he would be powerless, but what this Asian father said he really cared about.

It doesn't matter if you don't pay attention, after all, Shu An has proved himself before, maybe this tariff is seen from the prediction of the secret.

Shu An didn't know what Li Shimin was thinking in his heart, if he knew, he would probably smile inwardly, but he nodded to Li Shimin.

There is no need to worry about this matter. After all, there are not many Hu merchants now. If there are more, then they will be left alone.

"Besides that, there is gold as a ransom."

"Most of the laws of the Tang Dynasty follow the old system, and there are some unreasonable things in it."

"It is entirely possible to change these unreasonable places into ransom with money, and the national treasury should be able to generate a lot of income."

Shu An's voice sounded slowly, and this time his eyes were on Tang Lv. In fact, these methods are considered gentle methods.

For example, the city tax, which was originally stipulated, these traders are destined to not get anyone's support, even if there is, no one will be dissatisfied on the bright side and will not make a show of it.

If we were to say who the top businessman in the world is, then he must belong to these aristocratic families, so it can be said that Li Shimin started the story.

Then it is inevitable to confront the family again, this must be clear to Li Shimin, but this time it is the family's fault.

Naturally, this emperor has nothing to fear, even if he offends these aristocratic families, it doesn't matter, since the two are currently in an opposing position.

On Li Shimin's face, there was a look of approval, because he had long been dissatisfied with some aspects of Tang Law.

Ever since the eldest grandson Anye's rebellion was settled last time, he had long thought of making changes in his mind, but it was delayed by various things.

The meaning of my own father is also very obvious, that is, some insignificant crimes can be replaced by money, which Li Shimin agrees with.

Although it can't bring much money to Datang in a short period of time, in the long run, there should be some.

Li Shimin, who wished to divide the money into two parts, would naturally not refuse, and this move must be satisfactory to many people.

Whether they are descendants of aristocratic families or families of landlords, the lack of these people is not money, but they do not mean that they will not violate the laws of the Tang Dynasty.

After Shu An's voice fell, he didn't say anything more. At present, these methods can be regarded as ways to increase the emptiness of the national treasury.

As for earning a huge amount of money in a short period of time, unless Li Shimin dared to touch the interests of the aristocratic family, after all, raiding the family and exterminating the clan was the fastest way to source wealth.

The accumulation of these families for hundreds of years, even thousands of years, is terrifying. There are no thousand-year-old dynasties but thousand-year-old families. This sentence is not a joke.

If you randomly searched a few families, you might even have the Turkic military expenditures, but Li Shimin is destined to be impossible.

If this is true, it will undoubtedly force these aristocratic families back. Don't underestimate the power of these aristocratic families. If they are gathered together, even Li Shimin will be a little bit afraid.

Moreover, many people in the imperial court were from noble families, so it was doomed that this path was not possible at all.

After thinking about it for a long time, Li Shimin finally had an idea of ​​what he should do, although what Yafu said seemed to have nothing to do with the refugees.

But in fact, there are many relationships. After all, if the national treasury increases, then Li Shimin will naturally have the courage to relieve these refugees.

However, it is not yet known how effective it will be. Just relying on Yafu's words, he will not act immediately. After returning to the palace, he will ask Baiqi to investigate first.

Presumably it would not take much effort, he just wanted to see how many traders paid less tax, and what about the properties of those aristocratic families.

But before that, Li Shimin still has a slightly embarrassing question to ask.

 late update

(End of this chapter)

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