Tang Dynasty good father-in-law

Chapter 130 Guess, Return

Chapter 130 Guess, Return

Because of the improvement in food before, the concubines in the harem ate a lot more. If it is reduced now, the harem will be restless.

Although the queen's mother is all over the world, if she has a bad relationship with these other concubines, it will not work.

After all, Empress Changsun had already shown power in these harems once before, and no one dared to compete with her.

But if you blindly show power, it won't work. Of course, Empress Changsun also has a little selfishness here. With the improvement of food, both herself and Lizhi and others have obviously improved a lot.

"Your Majesty, can you not reduce the cost of food, but reduce it in other areas?"

Empress Changsun thought for a while and said slowly, with a hint of pleading in her words.

After the voice fell, Li Shimin was slightly taken aback, but then nodded, he didn't intend to waste too much energy on the matter of the harem.

This time it was just a matter of making up his mind. Of course, Li Shimin also had some hesitation when he thought of going back to the simple food and drink before.

Li Shimin didn't stay in the harem for long, and left in a hurry. Although the city tax asked Baiqi to investigate, don't forget that there are other things.

For example, regarding the issue of the curfew, for Li Shimin, if he could increase the national treasury without harming other interests, he would naturally not hesitate much.

And after this Majesty left, Empress Changsun also asked people to summon these harem concubines.

Empress Changsun also has her own scheming, so naturally it is not possible to cut it directly, but let these concubines choose for themselves.

If you choose to reduce the cost of food, then it's okay, but it's a personal decision, and it doesn't have much to do with her.

Except for a few people in the palace, no one outside the palace knew about it. Otherwise, it would be possible to guess that the emperor should have made some moves.

At this time in Chang'an New Day, there were many more refugees gathered outside Chang'an city waiting for relief.

"Guess how many days will Duke Anxuan be able to rescue the huge number of refugees?"

A scholar in a restaurant couldn't help saying, obviously very interested in this question.

"It is said that the food for disaster relief was bought from Duke Anxuan."

"Before, there were [-] shi of food for disaster relief, so Duke Anxuan must be running out of food."

"It is estimated that it will take up to eight days, but it is estimated that it will take five days. The number of refugees is at least far more than [-]."

One after another voices of discussion rang out, giving their own guesses. Earlier, some people thought that it might stop tomorrow, and some people thought it would take three days.

Of course, some people guessed a little longer, and the most guessed days were ten days.

Some people even started gambling one after another, the odds are very considerable, and many scholars have participated in it.

And after someone first brought up this topic, it quickly spread throughout Chang'an, and many people were discussing it.

But at this moment, Shu An didn't care about Chang An's words, because after many days, he walked out of Shu's mansion again.

This time he went to no other place, but his academy. He hadn't been to the academy for a while, so he didn't know what happened to these students.

Speaking of which, these students will be enrolled for about a month. Compared with the recent changes in Chang'an, Shu An still likes the tranquility of the academy.

Along the way, Shu An couldn't help looking at the farmland on both sides through the window of the carriage, and couldn't help sighing slightly. With the outbreak of locust plague in Guanzhong, Guanzhong also couldn't escape this fate.

It's just a matter of time, the situation is naturally much better now than in Guannei, at least some preparations have been made.

But this was not enough, Shu An's face was full of thoughts, because this era believed in the locust god, it was not impossible to let the locusts destroy the farmland.

But there should still be a period of time now, and the pace of locusts should not be so fast. If he remembered correctly, the plague of locusts would not break out until the middle of April.

It's only the end of March now, and Shu An didn't think too much, because the road needs to be walked step by step, and the meal needs to be eaten bite by bite.

Shu An has a little understanding of the situation in the academy, even during this period of cultivation, he still hasn't fallen behind.

Both Wang Xuance and Li Chunfeng seem to teach well, and they even have a lot of communication.

In Shu An's eyes, both of them are the pride of the whole era. Of course, because they have learned different things, they cannot be compared.

When Shu An came to the academy, he didn't alarm anyone. This time was just the time for class.

"In ancient times, spring and autumn were the seasons for princes to meet with the royal family."

"Chunqiu at that time also represented the four seasons of the year, and the history books record the major events that happened in the spring and autumn throughout the year."

"So Spring and Autumn is the collective name of historical records, and the name of the history books of the State of Lu is "Spring and Autumn"."

Wang Xuance's voice sounded slowly, and the words were not rushed, but there was a feeling of a good teacher.

Shu An, who was outside the window, nodded. It seems that it is not bad for him to hand over the position of teaching Confucianism to Wang Xuance.

After all, Wang Xuance was still too young in his eyes, and entrusting him with the position of this gentleman could help this student calm down.

"Dean Shu!"

But at this moment, Yuchi Baoqi's exclamation sounded, and everyone who was in class stopped instantly.

At this time, Shu An also felt a little dumbfounded when facing this gaze. It turned out that Yuchi Baoqi didn't like Confucianism class.

In the Confucianism class, he was either sleeping or distracted, and when he was looking around, he happened to meet Shu An's eyes, which was interesting.

"Teacher, you are here!"

Wang Xuance said with a hint of joy on his face, although the students in the academy didn't know about Chang'an, he was not included.

As early as after Li Chunfeng came, he told him about the matter. Although he was also worried about this teacher, he did not return to Chang'an after thinking of the teacher's explanation before.

Later, there were a lot of rumors about Chang'an, which made Wang Xuance even more worried. Fortunately, after Shu Kuanghu came to the academy, he said that the teachers were all in good condition.

And what happened recently pushed his teacher to the altar, which made Wang Xuance feel happy, knowing that the teacher did not do this for no reason.

However, the students sitting in the classroom looked at Shu An with some astonishment on their faces.

The reason is that Shu An's white hair is too dazzling. You must know that they have only met Dean Shu not long ago, which is not the case.

"Did something happen recently?"

Especially Li Tai's eyes flickered and he murmured softly, with a touch of concern in his words, after all, this Grandpa An treated him very well.

(End of this chapter)

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