Tang Dynasty good father-in-law

Chapter 18 What I've learned, show off your wealth!

Chapter 18 What I've learned, show off your wealth!
When Li Shimin's figure appeared in the village, there was a hint of novelty on his face.

Unlike the villages he had seen before, the orderly houses and neat roads were something he had never seen before.


Suddenly an excited voice sounded, it was a white-haired old man.

"Old man Ding, long time no see."

Empress Changsun's eyes fell on the old man and she couldn't help showing a smile. It was a few years ago that she met this old man, and she didn't expect to remember herself.

The time when she was the most carefree was not after she became a princess, but when she was living with Yafu.

There is also a long memory of her here. You must know that in the first year of Wude, she had just become a princess at that time.

At that time, His Majesty was fighting in the South and North, and she lived in the farm or the Shu Mansion more often.

"Miss, you are trying to break the old man. If the master didn't give me food, how could I be as leisurely as I am now."

Old man Ding said with a hint of joy, you must know that he was a refugee during the war, let alone live in such a nice house.

"Old man Ding, do you know where the old man is?"

Empress Changsun did not chat with the old man but asked aloud. Although she came to the farm, she did not find anyone in the yard.

"Miss, the master took the young masters to the vegetable garden."

Old man Ding couldn't help but speak, with a hint of respect in his words, obviously from the bottom of his heart.

Li Shimin on the side quietly watched the conversation between the two, and couldn't help but feel very complicated in his heart. It would be great if all the villages in the world were like this farm.

After understanding, he knew that this was impossible. The village alone needed to invest a lot of money. Even if the farmers were to pay it back in ten years, they would still suffer a lot of losses.

"This cheap father-in-law didn't realize how rich he is."

Li Shimin thought about it a little bit, knowing that even when he rewarded ministers, he had to think about it for a long time.

It's rare that this cheap father-in-law even helped to build the houses of farmers. He believed that this village might not be as useful as his father-in-law in the name of emperor.

When Li Shimin and his wife walked to the vegetable garden, they saw an old man and two young boys picking vegetables.

"Grandpa An, pick some of this."

"Brother, go pick that one up."

On the other side, there was a little loli who was directing something, obviously very excited.

"Gao Ming Qingque actually went to pick vegetables?"

Li Shimin's eyes seemed to see something unbelievable and he murmured, knowing a son is like a father.

He still doesn't know the character of these two sons, but he didn't expect that he would be willing to pick vegetables now.

"Father, Queen Mother!"

Xiao Changle was the first to see these two figures and couldn't help but let out a soft sigh, with a hint of surprise in his words.

Looking at his daughter who was trotting all the way over, Li Shimin had a lot of resentment before, and now it's gone.

"Father, Queen Mother!"

At the same time, both Gao Ming and Qing Que shouted.

However, this warm time did not last long, because a faint voice sounded.

"The vegetables are almost picked, let's go back, the weather is almost the same."

"Now that you're back, let's go have a meal together."

Shu An's words did not regard Li Shimin as an emperor at all, but like a visiting son-in-law, but Li Shimin could only smile wryly and said nothing.

"Yafu, is there anything else I can help you with?"

Empress Changsun seemed to have gotten used to smiling slightly, and Yafu's character remained the same as before, without any change.

Moreover, a woman's heart is always delicate, and if one sentence comes back, it means that Yafu doesn't treat her as an outsider, which naturally makes her happy.

"It's all right now, let someone take the picked vegetables to the kitchen later, let's go back to the yard first."

Shu An looked at Wugou with a gentle face and said, there are not many people who can make him so gentle.

Even in the face of Li Shimin Shu'an, he always kept a straight face, only a few people who were close to him were not like this.

In a yard next to the small river on the side of the village, a large round table has been set up, which is different from the normal table.

In the center of the round table is a disc, and the disc is made of iron. This is Shu An's special table for eating grilled fish and hot pot.

Although it is not yet winter, the grilled fish that has already been made has made everyone present sweat profusely.

Even if a lot of fish were sent to the palace, the chefs who made the grilled fish in the palace were only novice.

How can it be compared with the old chef who has been with Shu An for decades, even Li Shimin has to admit that there is a big gap.

Everyone present was devouring it, but Shu An took a few mouthfuls and put down his chopsticks.

"Grandpa An, why don't you eat?"

Seeing that Shu An seemed to have no appetite, Xiao Changle couldn't help but say.

"Grandpa An has eaten a little too much grilled fish recently, so he asked the kitchen to make some dishes for a change."

A smile appeared on Shu An's face and he said, in fact, since he returned to Chang'an, grilled fish is what he ate the most.

It may be good for people in this era to have something to eat, but it is not the case for Shu An.

However, this sentence made everyone present silent, especially Li Shimin felt that he had been severely injured by the critical blow.

What does it mean to eat too much grilled fish? This is simply showing off your wealth, even if Li Shimin himself can only eat it once in a while.

After all, even he is not good at grabbing things with his wife and children, and a grass carp is only a few catties, which is not enough at all.

"Master, here comes the dish you asked for."

At this moment, the sound of Laifu sounded, and a golden roasted duck was placed in front of Shu An, and then a scent from the roasted duck instantly spread throughout the small courtyard.

The people who were eating grilled fish couldn't help looking at the source of the aroma, and couldn't help swallowing.

"The skin is crispy, the meat is tender, fat but not greasy, and it is roasted well."

Shu An cut off a piece with a knife and tasted it with some satisfaction, saying that it has already reached the level of the later generations.

In addition, the ducks in this era are not all kinds of ducks like those in later generations. They are pure natural and the meat is more delicious.

"Grandpa An, Changle wants to eat!"

At this time, Xiao Chang Le was almost drooling listening to Shu An's words, and Gao Ming Qing Que was not much better.

Only Li Shimin and Changsun Wugou present were very calm, but the temptation from delicious food still made them look at each other from time to time.

"Let's eat a little for each of us. There is also a dish of boiled duck, which tastes good."

Shu An couldn't help but glanced at everyone and said, at the same time, his eyes couldn't help falling on Li Shimin.

(End of this chapter)

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