Tang Dynasty good father-in-law

Chapter 191 Accident, Encounter Again

Chapter 191 Accident, Encounter Again

At this time, Yang Dazhuang already had some regrets in his heart, but the words he said were destined to be impossible to take back.

Although secretly complaining, but now you are a little bit stuck, and the other two present at this time showed a hint of surprise on their faces.

Especially this member Liu couldn't help but look a little uncertain. Could it be that this time he is going to return home without a feather.

Although he had a lot of dissatisfaction with this spoiler in his heart, he dared not speak out.

After all, Liu Yuanwai, who was born in a common family, has no possibility of competing with this Longmen county magistrate even if his family's wealth is rich.

"I don't know which young talent let magistrate Yang personally come to the door to be a matchmaker."

Liu Fugui was stunned at first, but then he revealed a smile and said.

For Liu Fugui, if he could make good friends with the county magistrate, then under the circumstances of the same dowry, he would naturally choose this parent officer.

As for Yuanwai Liu, Liu Fugui couldn't help feeling confident, as long as it was good for the development of the Liu family, he would choose whoever he wanted.

I have to say that Liu Fugui is very shrewd, and his wishful thinking is very resounding.

It's just that this face made Yuanwai Liu look very dazzling, as for Yang Dazhuang, he couldn't help but think to himself, although this Liu Fugui was born in the Liu family of Hedong.

But he doesn't have the style of the family at all, which really ruins the style of the family, but this is exactly in line with his ideas.

"Tread, step!"

Just when Yang Dazhuang was about to reveal his uncle's identity, the sound of hurried footsteps suddenly interrupted the conversation of several people.

Liu Fugui frowned involuntarily, and his complexion became serious. He recognized that this person was the maid beside his daughter. Although he had some doubts in his heart, he sounded a stern reprimand.

"Hustle and panic, how decent it is."

"Master, something is wrong, the young lady ran away from home."

It's just that Xiaoyuan said anxiously as if she was about to cry, which made everyone present lose their minds instantly.



Two exclamations sounded, one of them was Liu Fugui, and the other was Yang Dazhuang.

Liu Fugui's reaction was normal, as for Yang Dazhuang, there was something abnormal, but at this time, not many people noticed it because of their anxiety.

Yang Dazhuang couldn't help groaning inwardly. Originally, he came here to find out about the situation of this Liu Yuanwai's daughter, but he didn't expect such a thing to happen.

Let him go back and explain to his uncle. Could it be that he ran away from home, and if something unexpected happens, he will suffer.

"Hurry up and let the servants in the mansion go find the young miss."

Liu Fugui said anxiously with a hint of sternness in his words.

Of course, on the surface, whether they really care about this daughter or whether they care about the bride price are two different things.

This member Liu shook his head and left without mentioning the matter again. He didn't have the guts to fight with the county magistrate.

Moreover, this girl ran away from home and gave Liu Yuanwai a bad impression. Originally, he wanted to borrow the name of the Liu family's noble family.

It seems a little unwise to say it now, Liu Yuanwai has made up his mind to find a good family for his son.

After Yang Dazhuang returned to the county government office, he also mobilized the government officials to go out to find someone. Of course, this magistrate Yang is also a shrewd person.

Naturally, Liu Fugui had to go through the process of reporting the case first, so even this Lord Hou, who didn't want to disturb the people, couldn't find any reason.

In the rural village, Xue Rengui showed a trace of nostalgia on his face. In his impression, he didn't have such a deep impression on his parents, and only had a few pictures.

However, these scenes were just the introduction to his thoughts, and at this moment, a loud voice suddenly sounded.

"Who are you to break into the village without permission?"

A voice that seemed to be deliberately disguised sounded, and there seemed to be a hint of anger in the words.

This made the eyes of Xue Rengui, who had just approached, flash a gleam, because this voice seemed to make him feel familiar.

"This little brother, this is indeed my master's residence."

At this time, the two personal guards looked straight and explained gently, without any appearance of arrogance, and this was naturally Xue Rengui's request.

"The owner of this place is me, what happened?"

Xue Rengui's voice sounded, and then his eyes fell on a young man with a complexion that seemed a little too delicate.

However, the moment Xue Rengui appeared, the boy's face was lost in a daze, and there seemed to be some blurring in his eyes.

This made Xue Rengui curious, he didn't seem to do anything, what happened to this young man.

"Is your name Xue Rengui?"

The boy's voice sounded slowly, but this time the voice was not neutral, but very clear.

Naturally, this young man was not a real young man, but the young lady Liu Yingchun who ran out of the Liu Mansion.

Although Liu Yingchun planned to run away and go to Chang'an, she knew that her father would definitely send someone to chase her, so she planned to stay in Xue Rengui's thatched cottage for a while.

I didn't expect to find someone occupying this place after coming here, which naturally made this girl a little furious.

It's just that when Xue Rengui appeared, the young girl showed a look of disbelief.

But even after many years, she still recognized the boy in front of her as the child she made a promise with herself back then.

This appearance is only a lot older than the impression, and the voice has not changed much.

Originally, she wanted to go to Chang'an, but she didn't expect to meet the person she had been thinking about day and night here.

For a moment, even Liu Yingchun's complexion fell into a kind of entanglement, and after seeing this person, he began to worry about gain and loss again.

"you are?"

Compared with the girl who recognized it at a glance, Xue Rengui hesitated a lot. Although the voice seemed familiar, he still didn't remember who it was.

This sentence made the girl's complexion intertwined with emotions, whether it was joy or sadness, hundreds of people intersected.

But it is true that women have changed a lot compared to men, otherwise there would be no saying that women have changed at eighteen, so Xue Rengui really cannot be blamed for this.


The girl's teary eyes spit out three words slowly, as if she had exhausted all her strength, as if she was venting her emotions.

After the voice fell, Xue Rengui's whole body seemed to be touched by electricity, and the memories of the past emerged in his mind one by one.

"My name is Liu Yingchun, what about you?"

"Why are you so stupid, you can't do this."

"Daddy won't let me get to know you, but I want to."

(End of this chapter)

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