Tang Dynasty good father-in-law

Chapter 253 The solution, door-to-door

Chapter 253 The solution, door-to-door

Amber House
According to the past, the uncle's mansion should be relaxed. After all, Uncle An Bei was newly married, but these days, because of Liu Fugui and his son, there is some haze on the contrary.

After all, the master is in a bad mood, so the servants are naturally cautious, not daring to provoke the master.

And Xue Rengui also felt that his forehead was a little big these days, the reason is very simple, that is, this matter is not as simple as imagined.

It turned out that Liu's father and son were naturally confident after spending a sum of money with Liu Yingchun.

You must know that all the previous money has been eaten up in heaven and earth, and what you want to do depends on Liu Yingchun's face.

It doesn't matter if it was before, but now that Liu Yingchun is married, it should be clear.

Although Liu's father and son are a little downcast, there is one thing that is worthy of recognition, that is, they still have backbone.

It's not that he has the audacity to regard the uncle's mansion as his home and wants to buy a house first.

It was for this reason that the two went to see the house, but they didn't expect to have a conflict with someone.

Under such circumstances, Liu Sanbao beat someone to death by mistake, and the key is that the person who died was not ordinary.

The dead person had a lot to do with Kong Yingda, and it was said that he was a junior in her natal family.

So this matter came to Dali Temple, and even Xue Rengui was helpless for a while.

His sensitivity to the court is still not enough, after all, he was born in the ranks of generals.

It was for this reason that Kong Yingda naturally had no chance of winning in the face of the wily and calculating Kong Yingda.

In fact, Xue Rengui thought about asking his teacher for a solution.

However, Xue Rengui also had a lot of hesitation. After all, he has a family and a career now, which means that he cannot rely on the teacher's strength.

This is already a tacit understanding among many disciples, even if they don't even think about it, they go to the teacher like this, even Xue Rengui doesn't have that thick skin.

After thinking of this, Xue Rengui's eyes flickered, and he seemed to have a clue. Not going to the teacher doesn't mean not going to others.

At least if someone gives advice, then at least the result will be better.

You must know that murder pays for life, this is written in the Tang law, even if the circumstances are extenuating, you can be punished lightly.

The lightest is exile in a place of bitter cold, it can be said that this is no different from death.

In particular, it is not impossible for many exiled people to even die of illness on the way.

It was for this reason that Liu Yingchun was so anxious, but Xue Rengui was only a county magistrate, if not for the influence of his own teacher.

It is impossible to interfere with this matter. Dali Temple has not yet held a court session, but it must be soon.

After all, it is not easy for both parties involved in this matter, and it is reasonable to deal with it as soon as possible.

But this time it was postponed for a few days, and the Dali Temple naturally had its own considerations.

After all, one side is a saint, and the other side is vaguely involved in the most famous person in the world, and has a lot of influence in the court.

Even Dali Temple has a headache when encountering this kind of thing, so the time these few days has been deliberately delayed.

Let's see if the two sides can resolve it privately. If it can be resolved privately, then they can also breathe a sigh of relief.

Dali Temple doesn't seem to be a little stunned like Wei Zheng, but knows the relationship inside.

If it is handled normally, it will inevitably offend either party, and this matter is also very complicated.

That is, the deceased was at fault first, but the key is to die, so both parties can hold their own opinions on this matter.

Duke Zhao's Mansion
These days, Sun Wuji is in a bad mood. The reason is very simple, that is, the rumors in the palace make him a little uneasy.

Moreover, the younger sister was pregnant. Although Changsun Wuji wanted to know some news, he still didn't bother.

On the one hand, His Majesty must be very concerned about that younger sister now, and his actions naturally cannot be concealed.

You must know that he resigned from his position not long ago, if you ask again, it will easily make the emperor suspicious.

Changsun Wuji naturally didn't want to make a small mistake, but at this moment, a hurried footstep came.

"Master, Uncle Anbei, please see me!"

It was the butler of the mansion, with a trace of doubt on his face, he said.

The reason is simple, this Uncle An Bei didn't have much contact with their master.

Even if the teachers come from the same school, it doesn't mean that every teacher and brother have a good relationship, it's just that they all show politeness in front of the teacher.

But after the words fell, Changsun Wuji's eyes lit up. In fact, he had wanted to make friends with this junior brother a long time ago.

It's a pity that I originally wanted to recruit him as a husband-in-law, but in the end I didn't get the desired result.

Of course, Changsun Wuji also didn't dare to say anything, after all, his teacher affirmed this matter.

But if this junior brother comes to the door now, there must be something, and the current eldest grandson Wuji is afraid that he will have no desires or desires.


"No, I'll go to greet you in person!"

Changsun Wuji's voice sounded, and there was a hint of impatience in the words, and even the figure was almost out of the lobby.

There were some stunned butlers left behind, because his master was already an extremely powerful minister.

Even the last time a few princes from the state came to greet him, let alone a little Uncle An Bei.

But the butler knew that there were some things he should not ask, so he followed his master out.

It's considered to be acquainted with this Uncle Anbei, so as not to miss him next time, after all, he would not deliberately remember a county uncle in the past.

It's just that it would be different if the master paid attention to it.

On the other side, in front of Zhao Guogong's mansion, Xue Rengui looked a little hesitant. Although he had met this senior brother a few times, it was only when the teacher was present.

After all, Xue Rengui is not very familiar with this senior brother, but he can think of a solution is to find this one.

After all, although Changsun Wuji resigned from his official position to avoid jealousy, his title is still there.

"Brother is doing well recently, but brother is a little late."

Just as Xue Rengui's thoughts were racing, Changsun Wuji walked out of the mansion with a smile on his face, and there was a hint of intimacy in his words.

If someone was here, they would definitely not recognize this as Changsun Wuji.

Of course, compared to Changsun Wuji, Xue Rengui is still too tender, and it is not too difficult for Changsun Wuji to win over Xue Rengui.

Not to mention that Xue Rengui came to the door with something to do now. Sure enough, Xue Rengui looked flattered at this time.

You must know that before coming here, he has heard a lot of information about this senior brother, and now it seems to be different from what he imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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