Chapter 256

"I heard that the Hedong Liu family is domineering and domineering in Chang'an, killing people?"

"What, there is such a thing, you must know that the Hedong Liu family is also a powerful party."

"I didn't expect that the children of the Hedong Liu family would do such a thing."

I don't know when a rumor started to spread throughout Chang'an. I don't know where it started, but it seems to be true.

Although the Liu family in Hedong is not as good as the five surnames and Qiwang, it is still a relatively influential Wang family. Especially 400 years ago, Liu Yuanjing and Liu Shilong were the core, and they reached the peak of power in the political arena of the Southern Dynasties.

It's just that the Hedong Liu family is also divided into two branches, the north and the south. Although there are many weakenings now, it is still a big family in the eyes of many scholars.

Scholars in the north and south have heard that the Hedong Liu family is fatal, but they did not expect such a thing to be exposed now.

It can be said that for a while, many scholars showed a hint of interest on their faces.

You must know that aristocratic families cherish their wings extremely, of course this is not just for aristocratic families, even for individuals.

Generally speaking, even if there are some relatively shameful things, the aristocratic family has some means.

It's impossible to just burst out like this, but the reality is like this, and the reputation of Hedong Liu's business for many years has taken a turn for the worse.

The Hedong Liu family also has some strongholds in Chang'an, and of course they also have some industries.

The reason is very simple, Chang'an is the center of the entire Tang Dynasty, as long as there are some powerful families, they will buy some industries.

Even those five surnames and seven hopes who are afraid of Li Shimin also exist.

After all, Chang'an is not only the center of the entire Tang Dynasty, but also the place where news circulates the most.

A lot of news was first transmitted from Chang'an, which naturally made these aristocratic families unable to give up.

At this time, in a restaurant, an old man showed a serious expression on his face, as if he was thinking about something.

A young man on the side had a look of anxiety on his face, as if he had encountered some unsolvable problem.

"Uncle Clan, what should we do about this matter?"

The young man's voice sounded, and the reason was that the incident that caused a sensation in Chang'an involved their Hedong Liu family.

This young man is the direct descendant of this generation of the Hedong Liu family. Logically speaking, the assignment to Chang'an can be said to be the focus of the family's training.

However, what made this young man's complexion change was that he encountered such an incident not long after he came to Chang'an.

Fortunately, an elder just came to Chang'an in the past few days, which gave the young man a lot of comfort.

If he was to make the decision, then there must be no good way, because in Chang'an Zhonghe Dongliu's name is empty, and he doesn't have much influence.

After all, this is normal, they are not the existence of five surnames and seven wangs, they are just a strong clan, or a declining strong clan.

After a long time, a flash of color flashed in the eyes of the old man, obviously thinking that this could not go on like this.

After all, as time goes by, the reputation of their Hedong Liu clan will become worse, and the old man also secretly hates which member of the Hedong Liu clan is so unbearable.

"Send someone to contact the clan members of Nanxiang Dongjuan in Chang'an to work together, and the Hedong Liu family will also have a share."

"In addition, send someone to find out the specific situation, and let people prepare some gifts. The old man wants to visit some people in person."

After all, because of his experience, the old man also knows how to deal with this matter. Now it is no longer a question of investigating the cause, but a question of how to remedy it.

Even the old people know about this matter, someone must be plotting against them, but they don't have much strength in Chang'an, so naturally they can only hold back.

"Yes, uncle!"

The young man's eyes lit up, and he immediately went out to contact some people.

The whole Chang'an was in a state of turmoil because of the incident of the Hedong Liu family, but there was a trace of weirdness on the faces of some people who knew about it.

"I didn't expect the auxiliary machine to think of misfortune."

On the outskirts of Chang'an Academy, Shu An murmured with interest on his face, even he didn't expect Changsun Wuji to use such a method.

Having muddied the water, the entry of the Hedong Liu family must have caught Kong Yingda by surprise.

After all, because of scruples and wanting to see if An Beibo would make any moves, Kong Yingda naturally didn't make a big splash about it.

Naturally, not many people in Chang'an knew that Liu Fugui had a lot of relationship with Xue Rengui.

I didn't expect that Changsun Wuji would grasp this point, but it highlighted another identity of Liu Fugui.

In fact, because of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, even now the concept of family status is still deeply ingrained in the minds of many people.

On the contrary, relatives are not valued by some, after all, there are a lot of relatives.

The representative of the family background and other circumstances, it is under such circumstances, Xue Rengui can easily hide behind the scenes.

Even after talking about the relationship between Xue Rengui and Liu Fugui, the main problem is not Xue Rengui.

After all, if it is said that the Hedong Liu family belongs to the same family, Xue Rengui can only be regarded as a relative, even if it is said to be unjust, the Hedong Liu family is the leader.

"But it's hard to welcome the spring."

These thoughts were only in Shu An's mind for a short time, and then he couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

The reason is very simple. After all, Liu Fugui was born in the Liu family in Hedong. Although this strategy is good, but Liu Fugui and others must be different inside and out.

In the future, he will probably be regarded as the scum of the Hedong Liu family, and Xue Rengui must have discussed it.

In this case, Liu Yingchun also agreed to this matter, and it might not be impossible for him to be expelled from the ancestral hall by the Hedong Liu family.

Laifu on the side nodded in the same way when he heard his master's words, but he didn't have much affection for the Hedong Liu family.

After all, he has not forgotten about Miss Biao, so he is naturally thinking about this Hedong Liu family.

Even in his opinion, it's good for Liu Fugui and others to draw a clear line with the Hedong Liu family. After all, those who offend the master will have no good end.

Except for Liu Fugui's family, as long as the master is here, there is no possibility for the Hedong Liu family to get ahead.

"Have someone bring this letter to the auxiliary machine."

Shu An's voice continued to sound, Changsun Wuji did a good job in this matter.

Sure enough, it wasn't the old fox, but he still didn't want Xue Rengui to owe too much favor, so he told Changsun Wuji some news.

If he remembered correctly, there were some grain shops in the property of the Changsun Mansion.

Coincidentally, after Shu An got the news, Li Shimin in the palace also received the news, and his expression became more and more interested.

(End of this chapter)

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