Tang Dynasty good father-in-law

Chapter 271 Surprised one after another, optimistic

Chapter 271 Surprised one after another, optimistic

The matter of the court meeting was not hidden from Chang'an scholars, and some people suspected that this matter was not a false rumor.

After all, how could His Majesty and the Supreme Emperor possibly compete, but now the news is confirmed.

"Give me a ticket!"

For a while, the scholars in Chang'an became even more crazy, but the tickets had already been sold out, so naturally there were no more tickets.

"What, all sold out?"

"Didn't you say that there are more than 2000 people? How long has it been?"

"If someone sells the ticket, I'll double the price!"

Many scholars said anxiously on their faces, how could they be able to do it after learning the news.

The reason is simple. After learning that His Majesty was present, even many ministers wanted to get acquainted.

Naturally, I entrusted some of my own children to buy tickets, but the tickets have already been sold out, so naturally there are none.

The result of this is that the price of Cuju tickets has skyrocketed. You must know that this is an opportunity to meet His Majesty, even if ordinary people want to see it, it is impossible.

"Thirty coins to buy a ticket!"

"I will offer forty Wen and sell it to our Wang family."

Once someone transferred the tickets, some people began to raise the price, and finally even raised the price to a hundred dollars.

You must know that this is not a small sum, and some people who had bought tickets with gritted teeth are even more ecstatic, because as long as they sell the tickets.

You can earn dozens of pennies, which is enough for them to spend for a year. It can be said to be a difficult decision for these common people.

People who can buy tickets generally have enough food, at least not to the point of starving to death.

But Shu An couldn't help but shook his head when all this heard, he had a premonition about Wei Zheng's impeachment.

After all, if Wei Zheng didn't get involved, there would be a problem. I didn't expect Changsun Wuji to help Li Shimin out of the siege.

According to the previous situation, if Li Shimin and Wei Zheng competed, generally speaking, Changsun Wuji would not participate.

But this time is an exception. If you think about it now, you can understand why Changsun Wuji is like this.

Because the interests occupied by the Cuju venue are too great, even Changsun Wuji cannot ignore it.

Of course, what makes Shu An dumbfounded is that Changsun Wuji seems to trust him very much, and he never doubts whether this Cuju can make money.

As for the enthusiasm for the tickets, Shu An didn't have much emotion, after all, it was nothing to the scalpers of later generations, so there was nothing to make a fuss about.

In later generations, a piece of hundreds of sects can be sold for tens of thousands of yuan, not to mention that now ten yuan has become a hundred yuan.

"The time is almost up, so let me continue to add to the fire."

Shu An's eyes flickered and he whispered softly, you must know that his bet has not been launched yet, but this time he stood up in person.

However, in this era, gambling is not considered a bad thing, on the contrary, it is a habitual thing, and it will not have any bad effect on his reputation.

It was for this reason that Shu An was about to appear on the platform by himself, and ignited the fire of Cuju even more.

Some people in Chang'an were happy about the tickets, some were anxious, and some regretted it, but at this moment, another explosive news came out.

"What, An Xuangong bought Baiguan Taishanghuang outside the Cuju field to win!"

"The Cuju field actually has the function of gambling. It's just why An Xuangong bought the Supreme Emperor."

"It is said that Duke An Xuan has a good relationship with the Supreme Emperor, so it must be supported by money."

A lot of voices of discussion resounded in Chang'an again. Some scholars and powerful children knew some things in advance, such as what Cuju was.

Just after learning about it, these people have great interest in Cuju. After all, they are all young at heart, and they are quick to accept new things.

Now that I heard that there is such a gambling thing, and that even Duke Anxuan participated in it, these disciples are naturally also interested.

"I'll buy ten sticks, Your Majesty wins!"

"Twenty Guan Taishanghuang wins!"

"His Majesty Fifty Guan wins!"

There were also many bettors outside the Cuju field, but this time it was more like a battle of spirits.

The reason is very simple. If someone finds out, they will find that the former ministers who supported Li Yuan are former ministers, but these former ministers are basically at home.

Or it just occupies an unimportant position, and the betting Li Shimin is naturally the current minister, after all, Changsun Wuji understands the betting.

It is to let more people know about Cuju, so they bet on His Majesty, and because of Shu An's rules, as long as they are not anonymous, they will not hide the bettors.

Therefore, Changsun Wuji caused disputes among many ministers. Of course, this is a problem left over from the alternation of old and new.

However, this method is not a shameful method. Li Shimin in the palace also understands this, but there is still some unsightly expression on his face.

"Could it be that Father Ya is so optimistic about Emperor Father?"

Li Shimin spoke sourly, and there seemed to be a trace of dissatisfaction in his words.

Although I heard that my father has been obsessed with teaching Cuju to those selected people recently, Li Shimin doesn't think he will lose.

After all, compared to his father, the people he selected were all physically strong, and Li Shimin also understood the Cuju technique.

He didn't believe that his father could be stronger than himself. After all, his father was still old. It was for this reason that he had some desire to win.

Coincidentally, Li Yuan also received confidence from Shuan outside the palace to support him. Because of moving out of the Taiji Palace, Li Shimin had a lot less restrictions on Li Yuan.

At least Li Yuan asked about the situation outside the palace, and the little eunuch didn't hide it anymore, so after knowing about the relationship with the Supreme Emperor, the news reached Li Yuan.

"Haha, I didn't expect An Xuan to be optimistic about me."

"If this is the case, then I will let An Xuan see the results of this period of time."

After learning the news, Li Yuan spoke out with some enthusiasm, with a trace of confidence in his words.

If Li Shimin was here, he would find that his father seemed to be a little different. You must know that Li Shimin didn't know how much haze he had in his heart after he was kicked out of the throne.

The words now seem to be back to when he was in power, with a kind of self-confidence, obviously Li Yuan wants to beat that rebellious son in the art of Cuju.

You must know that Li Yuan once thought that he was a failure, so he became obsessed with beating Li Shimin in his heart, and this time he had such an opportunity.

The thoughts of Li Shimin and Li Yuan in the palace are unknown, but the amount of bets on both sides in Chang'an keeps increasing.

(End of this chapter)

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