Tang Dynasty good father-in-law

Chapter 296 The atmosphere is quiet, brother and sister

Chapter 296 The atmosphere is quiet, brother and sister

Chang'an court
In the imperial study room, the two figures looked at each other, and the original eunuchs all retreated out, and one of them lowered his head and dared not look directly at the figures of the two.

The chief eunuch Wang De personally guarded the gate of the imperial study, with a trace of melancholy on his face.

The master's mood has been a little unstable these days, he naturally knows the reason, and that is because of this Princess Pingyang.

It's just that after thinking of this, Wang De also trembled for a while, and didn't dare to continue thinking about it, because he was not qualified to discuss this princess.

At the same time, Li Shimin looked at some cold people in front of him with complicated complexion, Xiu Ning changed, changed a lot.

He still misses his dear sister who is affectionately called his second brother, but he knows that all this is impossible.

Originally, because some irritability dissipated in the past few days, now there is a lot of guilt left in my heart.

He already understood what happened back then, but the more he understood, the more irritated Li Shimin became, because he was still involved a lot in it.

You must know that he originally hoped that Chai Shao and his younger sister would be good friends with Qin and Jin, but it was delayed because Xiuning became a disciple of Duke Anxuan.

Later, the father was furious and dissolved the marriage. Li Shimin didn't know the reason for this before.

After all, on the one hand, he was his friend, and on the other hand, he was his sister, and his sister had nothing to do, so naturally he didn't pursue it.

However, after some time ago, he was dumbfounded. It turned out that the truth was not that simple.

It turned out that Yafu had warned Xiuning that he might not have cared about Yafu's words before the natural disaster.

But after that time, Li Shimin believed in the words of this Yafu, and he had a lot of awe for the emperor who said the ghosts and gods.

Otherwise, later generations would not have many legends about this era.

Perhaps because of Yafu's warning, my younger sister began to mobilize troops and condemn generals very early, but Chai Shao didn't take it seriously.

After all, Chai Shao also had his own judgment at the time, and the final result was that Pingyang was trapped. Although there was an arrangement before, he still escaped death.

You must know that there were not a few troops controlled by Chai Shao at that time. After all, in order to win over the Chai family, Li Yuan still offered a lot of bargaining chips.

Fortunately, the army dispatched by the emperor finally came to rescue the siege, but there are still many doubts about this matter.

For example, why did the father know about Xiu Ning being trapped? Li Shimin's eyes also fell on this sub-father in the end.

There are not many people who can say that the father was moved, but there is one exception, and that is Shu An.

Father is very convinced of Yafu, and obviously already knows the ability of this Yafu, so it is not surprising to have such a move.

No wonder the father was so furious back then, and it seems that this younger sister has special feelings for Yafu.

At the first moment when he knew the truth, Li Shimin's expression was quite hot. You must know that he tried his best to protect Chai Shao back then.

If I want to continue this marriage, if I think about it now, I did something wrong at that time.

Even if Chai Shao had a good relationship with him, how could he be as good as his own sister.

The two looked at each other from the moment they entered the imperial study room. Li Xiuning didn't care about the current identity of the second brother, but Li Shimin didn't seem to care about him.

Before this sister came to see him, Li Shimin's heart was very complicated and there was a trace of sour emotion, but now he doesn't know what to say when we meet.

"Xiu Ning, are you safe in Liaodong?"

After a long time, Li Shimin's mouth was about to move, and finally he spoke first, with a hint of concern in his words.

Originally, Li Shimin wanted to talk to this sister about the matter with An Xuangong, but now it seems that it is not the time.

Fortunately, although he has no chance, he can ask Guanyin Maid to give it a try. All these thoughts flashed in Li Shimin's mind
"I want to stay in Chang'an."

However, Li Xiuning just glanced at the second elder brother and said with a cold voice, there seemed to be no emotion in his words.

Li Shimin's question was not answered, but the absence of an answer did not mean that there was no answer.

How could it be good in Liaodong? Originally, Li Xiuning went to Liaodong to avoid the affairs of Chang'an.

After speaking, Li Shimin also felt that this question was a bit stupid, but he finally opened up this stiff topic.

Regarding Li Xiuning's stay in Chang'an, Li Shimin must have been ecstatic if he didn't know about that.

However, after knowing that incident, Li Shimin's heart became a little complicated. Of course, he finally chose to agree.

The reason is very simple, that is, Liaodong is not peaceful, and if something unexpected happens one day, Li Shimin is afraid that he will regret it later.

"Okay, second brother agrees!"

Li Shimin's voice sounded slowly, this time he didn't use my self-proclaimed name, the reason is that he didn't want to have a too rigid relationship with this younger sister.

Outside the imperial study room, Wang De, the chief eunuch, had blocked several waves of people who wanted to see His Majesty.

Fortunately, when these people heard that it was Princess Pingyang, they couldn't help but retreat one after another, but there were not many disturbances.

However, Wang De seemed a little absent-minded, the reason is very simple, that is, he was worried about some conflicts inside.

If His Majesty and the Princess fight, they don't know what to do. As the manager, he knows some inside information, and this possibility is not ruled out.


Just as Wang De's thoughts were racing, the door of the imperial study room slowly opened, and Li Xiuning's figure walked out of it, and then walked towards the palace where Li Yuan lived.

Li Yuan had already moved out of the Taiji Palace, but this time Li Shimin did not perfunctory like in history, and gave Li Yuan the right to choose a palace at will.

Of course, Li Yuan's choice was also somewhat unexpected, because Li Yuan chose not the best remaining palace, but a remote palace near the corner.

Li Shimin also specifically learned about this matter, after all, it would be bad for his reputation if it spread, but fortunately, he knew the thoughts of this royal father.

That is, this palace is relatively close to the Cuju field, and it is also very close to the palace gate, so Li Yuan chose this place.

You must know that Li Yuan is very interested in Cuju now, and he ran a lot in the Cuju field. Fortunately, he pretended every time, otherwise Li Shimin was really afraid that his father would be recognized.

(End of this chapter)

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