Tang Dynasty good father-in-law

Chapter 401 Bargaining, Trust

Chapter 401 Bargaining, Trust

"A title shouldn't be too much."

Shu An's eyes flickered and he said, it's time to seek benefits for his disciples.

"As long as the things given can really make Datang stronger, then naturally it is not too much."

Li Shimin said naturally with a complexion, but he had already begun to be vigilant in his heart.

The reason is very simple, Li Shimin immediately knew that this sub-father was definitely not the title he wanted for himself.

After all, my sub-father has rejected many fame and fortune, and it is even more impossible to change now.

Shu An slowly and carefully placed the cotton seeds on the stone table, and then a voice sounded.

"This is something that can bring half-full luck to Datang, and it was also brought back from Tianzhu."

Li Shimin looked suspiciously at the strange seeds on the table.

He has also seen quite a few seeds, but he knows that this is not any kind of seed he has seen.

Thinking of bringing it back from Tianzhu, is there anything good in Tianzhu?

"This thing is a cotton seed, what is cotton, I think the people of the world will not understand if I talk too much."

There was a mysterious smile on Shu An's face and he said, at first he wanted to explain Cotton clearly.

But forget it for the last thought, anyway, Li Shimin probably didn't understand so many explanations.

If you haven't seen it, you won't understand it, but there are some black lines on Li Shimin's face at this time.

Because this Yafu has a bad personality, even if he doesn't understand, it's good to listen to it.

"All in all, if it is planted, then Datang will definitely benefit. Now it's up to the people to believe it or not."

At the same time, Shu An's voice continued to sound, and now it depends on Li Shimin's choice.

If Li Shimin chooses not to have this gift, then Shu An doesn't care either.

The reason is simple, it only takes one year to grow cotton.

Even in autumn, he has already started to make cotton clothes. By that time, the credit is still there, but it is only later.

"How could Shimin refuse Yafu's gift?"

Li Shimin's eyes flickered and he said, even though he didn't know what was going on with Cotton.

But he knew that Yafu had never made a mistake, and a title was nothing to him.

Anyway, he doesn't mind being the first to invest in some, of course he has a feeling.

That is, if Yafu didn't want this gift this time, then he might regret it in the future.

"If I remember correctly, about last spring, another disciple of Yafu seemed to have left Chang'an."

Li Shimin's words continued to resound, and at this moment he finally remembered something that Baiqi had mentioned.

That is about Tang Xuanzang, and it is said that Yafu also contributed a lot to this.

Li Shimin was puzzled as soon as possible at the beginning, but he still let Tang Xuanzang go, but now it seems that there is indeed a problem.

Presumably at that time, that disciple of Yafu also went to Tianzhu and brought back these things.

Of course, Li Shimin's eyes are even brighter. After all, his Asian father has spent so much effort, this is not a simple thing at all.

"That's right, these are all brought back from Tianzhu by Xuance through life and death."

A gloomy expression appeared in Shu An's eyes, and he said, if he had known such danger earlier.

Then it might be a different person, after all, whether it is Shu Kuanghu and others, they are much more flexible than Wang Xuance.

In fact, he didn't think about the matter about cotton until he returned to Chang'an. He didn't think about it during the war.

In addition, Wang Xuance has an indissoluble bond with Tianzhu in history, so he decided to do so.

"Although I don't know what Yafu attaches so much importance to, it's okay to give a county man first."

Li Shimin also felt that his Asian father was in the wrong mood to speak out. You must know that if you give too high, then it will not be so easy to pass if you don't show the corresponding merit.

The current title is still very valuable, although there are some problems with this metaphor, but thinking about how difficult it is for countless people in the army to completely change from soldiers to nobles.

For example, if there is no guarantee from his own father this time, then Li Shimin will not be like this.


Shu An said, even a county man is not bad, it represents three hundred households in Shiyi, from the fifth rank.

It is very rare to be able to get this honorable name without credit.

Of course, it is mainly cotton. There is really no way to prove it in a short time. After all, Li Shimin and others have never seen cotton before.

Maybe some cotton seeds were brought to Tang Dynasty from Tianzhu, but many people don't know what it is.

It was under such circumstances that caused Cotton's loss. Fortunately, he can make up for this helplessness.

You must know that cotton was introduced from Tianzhu to the land of China after 300 years in terms of history.

"Then, can Yafu tell me what this is?"

Li Shimin looked at these seeds again, obviously this emperor has believed in Shu An.

This time, Shu An did not refuse, but spoke out about the function of cotton and its cultivation.

"Cotton can be made into cotton clothes and quilts? It can keep you warm even in the cold winter."

"If there are cotton coats, then the soldiers will not freeze in winter, and even sending troops to the grassland is not impossible."

"And cotton is affordable even for ordinary people, so even if there is a big snowstorm, they won't sleep forever in this winter because of the cold."

Following Shu An's explanation, Li Shimin's mind seemed to outline pictures one after another, and he couldn't help becoming excited on his face.

If it is really what Yafu said, then these seeds seem to be priceless treasures.

Whether it was sending troops in winter or the profits, Li Shimin couldn't give up, and this emperor believed more and more that this matter was true.

The reason is simple, if Yafu grows it himself, he can buy it at a high price in the future, but Yafu has no selfish intentions.

From this point of view alone, Li Shimin can conclude that the words of this Yafu are true.

After Shu An finished talking about his plans for cotton, he didn't care about Li Shimin's distraction, because he could feel that the emperor would definitely treat these cotton seeds well.

In the end, Li Shimin took away half of the seeds, treating these seeds as if they were treasures, and he might as well give in to Shu An's cautiousness.

Following what Shu An said, the emperor naturally knew the importance of these seeds. Even if he went to Tianzhu again, it would take a year to waste. The most lacking thing now is time.

(End of this chapter)

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