Tang Dynasty good father-in-law

Chapter 432 Release the rankings, the world is in turmoil

Chapter 432 Release the rankings, the world is in turmoil

Before the night fell, a young eunuch hurried to the academy, as if he was afraid that he would not be able to catch up with the closing time of the city gate.

"Have the imperial examination results come out? It should look good."

Seeing this little eunuch, Shu An murmured softly, there shouldn't be too much going on at this point in time.

It seems that this is the only thing that happened at this stage.

"I've seen Duke Anxuan!"

After the little eunuch saluted, he immediately began to talk about what had happened.

As expected, it was not as expected by Shu An, it was indeed about the imperial examination.

"This time it's thanks to the title."

After knowing the situation of the imperial examination, Shu An murmured softly, still feeling a lot about this matter.

He hadn't thought about whether the academy could have any idea of ​​passing the exam, which was simply unrealistic.

Even Shu An didn't dare to think about this matter, but the current results are also beyond his expectations.

Especially the farm children, there are still four people who won the exam, which is already beyond his expectations. Originally, his thoughts were about two or three.

Don't underestimate the difference of one person, in fact, the difference is too much.

In addition, Su Dashan was actually on the list, even if he was at the bottom of the list, he still had the status of being a man.

Even if it is at the bottom of the list, it still saves Su Dashan a year of effort, and he has since then lost his body.

Shu An didn't hide the news for too long. Several students in the academy informed him in advance, and of course Su Dashan was no exception.

"What, I'm on the list?"

When Su Dashan heard the news, there was a trace of ecstasy on his face, as well as a trace of bewilderment.

This scene was also seen by Shu An, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Su Dashan used to show a mature appearance, but now he is showing the appearance that young people should have.

Of course, it couldn't be said that it was just pretending before, the main reason was because of his own background, and he couldn't tolerate being weak.

This night, many students in the academy were destined not to be able to sleep.

After all, it was the first time, and Shu An didn't care too much. Some people are destined to be happy and some people are frustrated along the way of the imperial examination.

The announcement of the list the next day immediately attracted the attention of all the scholars in Chang'an.

"I didn't expect the Cui family to win the first prize this time."

"This year's imperial examination failed again, and the Chang'an imperial examination was indeed fierce."

"That's right. I'm considering going back to my hometown next year to take the exam again. Maybe I can make some breakthroughs."

There was a lot of discussion in Chang'an, all about this imperial examination.

Many people looked enviously at these people on the list. Since then, these people have been separated from their level.

"Why wasn't I on the list?"

Presumably many scholars in Chang'an must have such thoughts in their hearts at this time, but unfortunately this year's exam questions are indeed a little tricky.

Many scholars have made up their minds that this year they must have a good understanding of how to manage a county and the people.

On matters related to their own interests, these scholars are much more shrewd than imagined.

It's just that under the subtle influence, if these scholars speak up and become officials in the future, then maybe they will remember what they understand today.

It can be said that some of these topics have unknowingly brought up some of these popular issues.

After the list is released, there will naturally be people who announce the good news, and among them, Shu'an's farm is naturally the place to announce the good news.


"Your son is a high school graduate!"

In the farm, the homes of several Zhongju students who were born in the academy also looked festive.

But they also know that this is all because of the master, otherwise how could they have achieved such an achievement.

The people in the farm are not jealous, but happy.

Perhaps it was because there was no shortage of food and clothing in the farm, and it was said that the farm was passed down from one family to the other.

There is more or less some blood relationship, and it is more happy for these students who passed the exam.

In the academy, it was also a scene of joy, especially Su Xiaomei.

After learning that his brother had passed the exam, his complexion was like that of a ripe apple, and he was obviously very excited.

"Juren is just the beginning, the most important thing is yourself."

But after Shu An's words, the original atmosphere of the academy calmed down.

For these students, no matter what their status was, in Shu An's eyes, there was no difference.

Sure enough, under Shu An's words, the original academy students calmed down.

Yes, what is a Juren.

They will not forget that this dean's disciples are all over the court.

There are also the previous four princes, they are not people who have never seen the world, and now they are so excited about a Juren.

Thinking about it this way, the student and the others quickly calmed down and returned to their usual appearance.

Undoubtedly, this surprised Su Dashan a lot, but then he started to laugh at himself.

Compared with the state of mind of some students in the academy, he was indeed a little too excited.

"This Dean Shu's identity is absolutely extraordinary."

But at the same time, Su Dashan affirmed one thing, and his heart became more respectful.

This matter made Su Dashan a lot of curiosity, and he made up his mind to find someone to ask.

He also met a lot of people during his days in the academy. Although they were not considered friends, he still had some classmates.

He also got acquainted with some people, and he also discovered the difference among these students.

It seems that some students come from farming families, and some students come from extraordinary backgrounds, but he didn't explore it before.

Although he won the Juren, Su Dashan was not complacent, he still decided to do odd jobs in the academy.

Because it is still early in the autumn, if he wants to gain something in the autumn, then the knowledge he has now is not enough.

The only place where he can quickly master more knowledge is the academy, not to mention that his sister is also here.

No one knew what Su Dashan was thinking, but after the release of the Chang'an imperial examination results, almost all other states also began to release their results.

Scholars in the whole world began to be moved by this imperial examination, and the poems about Duke An Xuan began to spread throughout the world.

"When you are in the autumn, you may be able to enjoy the pleasure of a horseshoe disease in the spring breeze."

"This time I didn't pass the exam again, so I guess I can only go back to my hometown and become a teacher."

In the whole world, there are also people who are disappointed and others who are happy. This is already preordained.

The portrayal of Chang'an before is also the portrayal of the states in the world. If you are in high school, you will be happy, but if you fail the exam, you will be discouraged.

It's just that in Hongzhou, where Jiangnan West Road belongs, a little accident happened here, at least for the entire Tang Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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