Tang Dynasty good father-in-law

Chapter 435 Curiosity, court rumors

Chapter 435 Curiosity, court rumors

The conversation between master and apprentice also fell into Su Dashan's eyes, and he was also somewhat curious about this man in Baiqi costume.

On the one hand, it was because of Baiqi's special place, on the other hand, except for that princess, he had never seen Duke An Xuan get so close to anyone before.

Fortunately, the matter about Wang Xuance is not a secret, and anyone in the academy can easily find out about it.

"A disciple of Duke An Xuan?"

"I joined Duke Anxuan's sect a year ago."

"And now, I don't know why I joined the Hundred Riders. It is said that I am still the deputy commander of the Hundred Riders."

The students of the academy told me all the basic information about Wang Xuance.

As for Wang Xuance's disappearance for nearly a year, no one paid attention to it. It may be that An Xuangong sent someone to practice.

However, even the only information available now still shocked Su Dashan a little.

Because this Wang Xuance was also born as a commoner, but now he is His Majesty's confidant.

Not even a county magistrate can compare to the identity and status of the current Wang Xuance.

This naturally made Su Dashan envious, but he also knew that this was not something he should dream about.

Shu Men's Ten Questions still exist to this day, and Su Dashan also went to have a look at them, and those questions are simply beyond his ability.

It is even more difficult than taking the first place in the Juren examination. Of course, if you don't envy it, it is naturally impossible.

Wang Xuance can have everything he has now, so he must be inseparable from An Xuangong.

On the other side, the discussion between the master and the apprentice was over, and Wang Xuance left in a hurry.

And Shu An couldn't help showing a smile, he didn't expect Wang Xuance to settle Qiu'er so quickly.

But apparently Wang Xuance's title is estimated to be located in Qiu'er is not yet known, but Baiqi's identity should not be concealed.

So maybe he was moved by Wang Xuance's actions, after all Wang Xuance was busy for Yu Xiu.

"Girls' feelings are always poetry."

In the end, even Shu An couldn't help feeling secretly, but he naturally didn't forget the disciple's explanation.

Send people back to Chang'an later, let Laifu help to prepare, anyway, there is no need to be too anxious about this matter.

Presumably what Wang Xuance wants to wait for most is that some cotton will be planted this year, otherwise there will be some injustice.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye, and Wang Xuance also began to prepare the regulations for the assessment, while the court on the other side was a little restless.

Especially as night fell, the whole of Chang'an fell into silence after the night market.

However, Li Shimin in the court woke up from a nightmare. In the dream, he seemed to see that bloody face again.

"Brother, don't you let me go?"

Li Shimin's complexion turned pale and he murmured, apparently with some fear.

Even Li Shimin, as the emperor of the entire Tang Dynasty, still has a natural fear in the face of this ghost and god.

This is not the first time, since that day when Wang Xuance came back to report about the abolition of the crown prince.

For several consecutive nights, Li Shimin could not sleep at night, or woke up from his sleep.

"Could it be that I'm going to invite some experts to do something?"

Li Shimin murmured softly, but soon the gaze in his eyes became firm.

Up to now, there is only one way. Although there will be some rumors, it is better than the current situation.

next day
"I heard that His Majesty invited some eminent monks and enlightened people into the palace."

"It is said that the palace seems to be haunted recently, and His Majesty has been unable to sleep for several days."

One after another voices of discussion first spread from the palace, and soon spread throughout Chang'an.

Of course, when faced with this issue, many people talked about it in a low voice, because it involved a taboo character.

However, just as the more it is forbidden, the more it spreads, many people know about the ghosts in the palace.

This era believes in the theory of ghosts and gods very much, so it is natural to be very afraid on the face.

In the early court, many ministers even saw His Majesty with a haggard face and bloodshot eyes, which further fueled this rumor.

Chang'an Suburban Academy

Shu An murmured softly, with a hint of surprise in his words.

It seems that there is indeed such a thing recorded in history, that is, Li Shimin had some similar experiences.

Later, the story of the two door gods evolved, but Shu An did not expect this to happen so early.

"Wait, maybe it has something to do with what happened before."

But soon Shu An thought of the matter of the Military Weapons Supervision, probably this one brought back bad memories of the emperor.

"Interesting, Li Shimin didn't get sick so early."

Shu An thought silently, there is no mistake, this is a kind of disease, but luckily he had some understanding before time travelling.

In later generations, imperial examinations have long been used to explain phenomena such as "ghost pressing the bed".

Now Li Shimin's disease is called sleep paralysis, which is considered a rare disease. As for this era, it is estimated that he has never heard of it.

The principle is that when someone is sleeping, there will be a sleep disorder.

Sleep is in a state of half-asleep and half-awake, not only various hallucinations appear, but also the surrounding sounds can be heard.

But the strange thing is that no matter how hard I try, I can't use it. I want to scream but I can't make a sound. I want to open my eyes or turn over to get up, but I can't move.

After struggling desperately for several minutes, I finally wake up. I feel very tired all over my body, and sometimes I even sweat profusely.

This is the principle of this disease. I didn't expect Li Shimin to have such a disease so soon.

According to Shu An's conjecture, Li Shimin estimated that such a disease would not appear until middle age, after all, at that time his energy was not as good as before.

But if you think about it now, Li Shimin only lived to be 51 years old, so there is no factor for this disease.

Although it is said in history that it was caused by elixir, there may be a part of the cause of the disease.

After all, once a person's energy is consumed, the body will also be in a dangerous state.

"It's okay to be young now, and you can recover after a few more days, so let's look at Li Shimin's method first."

Shu An's eyes flickered and he whispered softly, there seemed to be a hint of a smile in his words.

It seemed that there was a strange excitement about making Li Shimin suffer, but Shu An didn't notice it.

"Lion, let people pay attention to what happened in the palace."

Of course, Shu An will not forget to ask the guards to pay attention to Li Shimin's situation, at least to know immediately.

"Yes, sir!"

Shu Kuangshi looked at his master and couldn't help saying respectfully, and also silently mourned for this majesty in his heart.

Because being targeted by his master would not be a good thing, he had heard a lot from Shu Kuanghu before.

(End of this chapter)

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