Tang Dynasty good father-in-law

Chapter 446 The Missing Talent

Chapter 446 The Missing Talent

Although Cuju's entire Datang finals has not yet started to publicize, some rumors still leaked out.

It was at this time that Xue Rengui finally returned to Chang'an. Just after he came back, the news spread throughout Chang'an.

Some casinos even offer bets on this aspect. For example, if you dare to bet, you can enter the first level, or the second level, or even the third level.

As for the official position, not many people pay attention to it. The reason is very simple. Xue Rengui's original position is not too high, but he has real power.

So there may be a promotion above the official position, but the change will not be too big.

The first thing Xue Rengui did after entering Chang'an was to enter the palace first. Obviously, this Uncle An Bei was not the young boy he was back then.

There is still a lot of improvement in this aspect. Of course, if there is no improvement, then Liu Yingchun will naturally remind this husband.

In the court, Li Shimin asked Xue Rengui a lot about things outside the customs, mainly about the aftermath.

"I don't know what Rengui thinks of other Turkic tribes?"

After Li Shimin asked some basic things, he asked another question.

After all, it is in Chang'an, even Li Shimin wants other Turkic tribes, even though some tribes have surrendered to Datang.

But so what, you must know that this kind of covenant can't bind anything.

Li Shimin is obviously not that kind of soft-hearted person, but we still need to see what some people think.

For example, Xue Rengui, it's not that he doesn't want to hear the thoughts of some princes, but that those princes are not like young people, they have their own considerations in all aspects, and they may hide something.

"Your Majesty, since the Jieli tribe was wiped out, the other tribes in the grassland have settled down a lot."

"However, the teacher once said that the minds of people who are not of our race must be different. Although they are peaceful now, it will not be so in a few years."

Xue Rengui didn't understand the emperor's plan, so he expressed his own analysis.

In his opinion, troops should be sent to wipe out the entire grassland. Letting these Turkic people go is undoubtedly raising tigers.

Li Shimin nodded. Hearing Xue Rengui's analysis, he obviously had a lot of emotions, but he still couldn't change his thinking so quickly.

In other words, this emperor still needs some face, and he can't tear up the covenant with other Turkic tribes shortly after defeating Jieli.

"Rengui, let's step back first."

Finally Li Shimin's voice sounded, and Xue Rengui resigned without hesitation.

Entering the palace for the first time is to express his loyalty, but it does not mean that Xue Rengui does not want to return to his mansion immediately.

"Northern seems to have to put it down first. I don't want to hand over these prairie tigers to Gao Ming and others."

Li Shimin's eyes flickered and he whispered softly, unconsciously, this emperor obviously had a lot of changes in his thinking.

If it was before, Li Shimin still had a lot of scruples about tearing up the covenant, but after listening to Yafu's slapstick manipulation against Annan.

Immediately understood, since there is no morality, then create morality.

In fact, it was the interests that touched the heart of this emperor and provided the granary of the entire Tang Dynasty.

The same is true for dealing with these tribes in the north. As long as these people exist for a day, they will threaten the border issue of Datang.

However, the current Tang Dynasty is still not strong enough, even if Jieli is destroyed, Li Shimin knows that this is the result of Jieli's rebellion before.

The stars under the night were extraordinarily bright, and Shu An in the academy did not fall asleep as early as before.

Occasionally looking at this beautiful night, even Shu An couldn't help but feel very happy in his heart.

Even Shu An couldn't resist this kind of beauty from nature, and Shu An naturally knew the news about Xue Rengui.

"Master, do you think Rengui will be able to take the position of Duke this time?"

On the side, Laifu couldn't help but asked curiously, if he could reach the position of Duke.

Then it is already comparable to most people in the court, and many old people who follow His Majesty are just like that.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult."

Shu An shook his head and said, if this is Datang's last battle, then the Duke is fine.

But there are many alien races on the border of the Tang Dynasty, how old is Xue Rengui now.

Therefore, it is very likely that the county magistrate will not be sealed, and the chance of the magistrate is still relatively high.

After all, if he made meritorious service again in the future, then there would be nothing to reward him, and Li Shimin would naturally not be so stupid.


A trace of helplessness appeared on Laifu's face and he said, since the master said, it is basically the same.

"Have you found the craftsman who made the crossbow machine?"

Shu An's voice sounded, this is what he explained before, but he hasn't asked yet.

"Master, this matter is not going well."

"Before, I used some connections to ask the Ministry of Industry."

"It's just that although there are rumors and blueprints for such things as crossbows, no one can make them."

Hearing what his master asked, Lai Fu said with a wry smile on his face.

The main reason is that the crossbow is no longer available, so naturally no one knows it anymore, and in the war-torn era before, many skilled craftsmen have been exposed everywhere.

For example, Emperor Sui Yang brought many craftsmen to Yangzhou, and those craftsmen never came back.

Shu An's brows were furrowed. It wasn't a ballista yet, which meant that the ballista still needed to be improved.

Naturally, skilled craftsmen who can make crossbows are needed, otherwise it will be too slow.

"Now recruit carpenters in Chang'an."

In the end Shu An said quietly, there is no other way.

In the past, if the Ministry of Industry had someone familiar with the crossbow machine, it would be fine to borrow it, but I didn't expect it.

If you borrow the words of the carpenters from the Ministry of Industry, then you have to learn how to make crossbows again. In this way, it is better to recruit some carpenters yourself.

Mix the sugar slowly by yourself, so that the borrower will not have to return it after learning it.

And maybe there are some master carpenters among the people, such as Qu Yuanli before.

"Yes, sir!"

Laifu said without hesitation, this matter seems to be more urgent.

"Well, send another person to Yangzhou to have a look."

"Maybe the carpenters that Yang Guang took away before were some capable people."

In the end, Shu An still did not give up on the carpenters that Yang Guang took away.

After all, Yang Guang still needs to repair dragon boats, etc., so he probably won't let those carpenters go, and will definitely take away most of the talented carpenters.

Even if there is a glimmer of hope, don't give up. You must know that apart from the ballista, the shipyard still doesn't know what's going on, and there are many places that need carpenters.

(End of this chapter)

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