Tang Dynasty good father-in-law

Chapter 525 The Embarrassed Grandson Wuji

Chapter 525 The Embarrassed Grandson Wuji

"Your Majesty, because of Duke An Xuan's appearance, it caused quite a stir."

The emperor's doubts were quickly answered, but Li Shimin felt a little helpless for a while.

Even if the court is his home field, he still has a lot of eclipse in the name of a sage.

Although Li Shimin knew why Yafu was invited this time, he also knew in his heart that this time the dinner party might not be as calm as before.

"Don't delay outside, let's go to the palace first."

Outside the palace, Shu An still had some sense of propriety, and was not prepared to make this emperor look bad.

After all, it has been four years since I returned to Chang'an, and there are not a few contacts with Li Shimin, and the past has gradually become clear.

Maybe he occasionally thinks that there will be a lot of grievances, but Shu An still doesn't bother to embarrass Li Shimin on some small things.

"The teacher is right."

"Don't keep His Majesty waiting."

"Only the teacher can let us stay."

After Shu An spoke, these students naturally wouldn't say anything, and after all, the time was almost up.

Of course, these students in Shu'an are not those new ministers who need to be careful.

On the contrary, these people belong to the old fritters type. If His Majesty blames him, it will be at most the reason that he was very excited to see the teacher.

In this era of respecting teachers, even Li Shimin couldn't say anything wrong.

Once entering the imperial garden, more people greeted Shu An, such as Qin Qiong.

But what's interesting is that there seems to be something wrong with the position in the imperial garden.

"Li Shimin is forcing me to do something?!"

Seeing this scene, Shu An's eyes flashed a gleam and thought silently.

Maybe the position is arranged according to the previous one, so his position is not calculated, even the emperor will be negligent sometimes.

This is normal, after all, as long as people make mistakes, even emperors are the same.

In fact, after seeing Duke Anxuan stop walking, many disciples behind him did the same for a while.

However, everyone present was smart, so they naturally noticed something wrong with the seats.

If it was in the past, it would not be so troublesome, and they are generally sorted according to the position above the court.

As for those family members and children, they are on the side, and they are also based on the position of ministers. Of course, it is not ruled out that some dude children will be exchanged.

But now that there is more Duke Anxuan, it will be the same. If Duke Anxuan sits at the top of the civil servants, there seems to be some inappropriateness.

You must know that An Xuangong has the name of a sage, but he is ranked with the head of military generals. Doesn't this mean that their civilian officials are a head lower than military generals?

Naturally, civil servants would not allow it, and Changsun Wuji and others would not allow it either.

But apart from these positions, no other special positions were arranged.


After Shu An said softly, he sat down at a random position at the lower end, which was considered a position for small officials.

Of course, if the small officials in Chang'an were placed outside, their status would not be low either.

But now the words are indeed a bit contemptuous, after all, the status of the people present is low.

"Teacher, do you want to change positions?!"

After Shu An sat down, Wen Yanbo took the lead in speaking because of his proximity, with a trace of helplessness in his words.

An Xuangong, who has the reputation of a sage, sat at the end of the seat. Even Wen Yanbo couldn't imagine what would happen if the news spread this time.

Also, His Majesty's face must be lost. I didn't expect the teacher to encounter such a thing for the first time.

The fact is not only Wen Yanbo, but the students around Shu An also nodded. This seat seems to be a trivial matter, but in fact it has something to do with dignity.

It is not so easy to ignore the problem of their influence, and influence them according to their teacher status.

At least there is no problem sitting in the top position, maybe it can't be compared with His Majesty, but there is no problem sitting on the side.

"Sitting here, although the scenery is not very good, and the view is also limited, but it is not a different kind of scenery."

Shu An shook his head slightly and said, although his words were plain, there was a faint understanding of life.

The people around who heard the words couldn't help thinking for a while, but when they realized it, their faces showed a hint of understanding.

Of course, there are some people who don't quite understand, but looking at the understanding people around, they also pretend to be similar.

"Does the teacher want us to try different angles to look at the problem?"

Wen Yanbo said aloud that this was his realization, and then his expression seemed to show a hint of determination, and he sat down beside the teacher.

In fact, according to Wen Yanbo's status, his position is at least in the forefront of civil servants.

But it still takes a lot of courage to choose to sit here now, but it seems that after this duke took the lead.

In an instant, students like Shu An sat down nearby, and they didn't care about the relationship between superiority and inferiority anymore.

Even the eldest grandson Wuji, who had already been seated, couldn't help frowning slightly when he saw this scene, and couldn't help but feel a little dissatisfied with Wen Yanbo in his heart.

Because of the reason why he came in first, Changsun Wuji did not meet the teacher.

But before the teacher came in, some people had already brought the news to him, even Changsun Wuji was surprised immediately.

Even he has not received any news that the teacher is coming to this palace dinner.

Presumably it was the handwriting of that majesty. Originally, Changsun Wuji wanted to wait for the teacher to come in and take a seat before asking questions.

However, a seat problem instantly made Changsun Wuji smile wryly, even before the teacher came in, he didn't notice this problem.

If you noticed, then naturally such a problem would not arise, but unfortunately it was too late.

And Wen Yanbo's actions directly put him in a dilemma, the reason is very simple.

After all, the teacher's disciples are all sitting next to him, and he is alone, what kind of thing is this.

And let other people think about it, maybe it will be rumored that Changsun Wuji has no reputation as a teacher.

After hesitating for a while, Changsun Wuji still got up, and he finally maintained his reputation.

As for what kind of result this will cause, it is no longer in Changsun Wuji's consideration.

Anyway, with so many people, Changsun Wuji didn't worry about which His Majesty would blame him at all.

And even if it is pursued, it can be regarded as the fault of the palace, and of course someone must be responsible, as for who it is, it is not his eldest grandson Wuji's business.

(End of this chapter)

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