Tang Dynasty good father-in-law

Chapter 557 Focus on the key points, please post

Chapter 557 Focus on the key points, please post

As time goes by, it is approaching the end of the year, but it also represents the arrival of early spring, although pay attention to this Wang family child.

Li Shimin still focused more on the layout of the grassland, and even through drills, to confirm what might happen in the future and to make preparations.

In any case, there is only one child of the Wang family, so it is naturally not to make Li Shimin afraid. After all, this is Chang'an, but this emperor's home court.

On the contrary, the upcoming war on the northern grasslands is the real focus of this emperor.

Because this battle involving the entire north may determine the direction of Datang in the next few years.

If it succeeds, then Datang's north will naturally not have any threats for a short time, and it will be free to deal with other small surrounding countries.

If it fails, the price will be to stick to the gate of Datang for a few years and wait for the next time to accumulate strength.

But no matter what the outcome of this time is, Datang will definitely lose his reputation for benevolence and righteousness, because there are still excuses for the Annan incident.

However, there are not so many excuses for the grassland matter. No matter what, Xue Yantuo is now a vassal state of the Tang Dynasty.

But obviously Li Shimin also thought of this result, but fortunately this emperor didn't care.

After all, Li Shimin is not one of those pedantic people. Confucian words are actually similar to Shu An's ideas, which are useful but not credible.

"It should be almost time to start sending troops now."

Li Shimin in the court landed in the north and murmured softly, but there was a trace of worry in his words.

Recently, some princes in Chang'an who were born military generals have begun to leave Chang'an for various reasons, and of course there are also examples of recuperating from illness.

For those who know, it is natural to know where these princes have gone, but for those who do not know, these things are a little strange.

"Could it be that these princes all got sick after drinking together?"

Someone in Chang'an City made a joke that was not a joke, but it was unexpectedly accepted by many people.

Because this matter is really possible, after all, these princes who were born as generals still like to drink.

It is not impossible to drink together, although drinking in winter can warm the stomach.

But again because of the weather, it's not out of the question to get sick.

Among the military generals, there are a few princes who are notoriously escaping, so it's not surprising if they do something while drinking.

As a result, many people couldn't help showing a knowing smile on their faces.

There will always be several accidents a year, and there is no doubt that these are the dukes.

Naturally, I didn't care about it anymore, and in fact, no one was connected with the previous things.

While Li Shimin was hesitating in his heart, this Wang Yan finally handed out the greeting letter from Shu Mansion.

Although Shu An is in the academy, most of the people who visit are in the Shu residence.

If Shu An wants to see, then let's talk about it, if he doesn't want to see, then don't bother.

"Young master, this person actually welcomed the young master into the mansion immediately."

But there was nothing on Shu An's side, but the servant on the other side spoke with a hint of displeasure on his face.

You must know that after coming to Chang'an, no matter who faces his young master, he will be very polite.

However, after arriving here, my young master was turned away.

Naturally, there was a lot of dissatisfaction, but Wang Yan's expression did not change.

"The owner here is worth waiting for!"

"Besides, there is nothing to do today, and I can play for another day.

Wang Yan left after only saying a few words, obviously he had some understanding of Shu Mansion.

Other than that, there is no explanation. After all, among the famous Taiyuan Wang family, the hierarchy is also strict, and the servants can't get rid of too much external information at all.

Naturally, they don't know who An Xuangong is or what kind of influence An Xuangong has, because in their eyes, the Wang family of Taiyuan is heaven.

In the end, the servant who followed behind, although a little unwilling, could only follow and leave.

And this greeting card also quickly arrived in Shu An's hands, even Shu An shook his head a little on his complexion.

"Young people now still have some ideas."

Shu An couldn't help saying softly, but there was some appreciation in his words.

Compared with those honorable children, this Wang Yan still has a lot of ideas.

At least to cover up people's eyes and ears first, it looks like a dandy, and even in Chang'an, there are rumors that this Wang family's son has corrupted the family style.

On the surface, Wang Yan was looked down upon by many people, but Shu An didn't think so.

It is not without reason that the Wang family's children have been able to be brilliant for so many years. Among them, the family style is very strict.

Especially in this era, needless to say, there may be mediocrity, but there will never be dudes.

Although in later generations, some scripts always like to write about some playboys.

However, for big families in this era, there are far fewer dandies than imagined.

Of course, Shu An did not refuse this invitation. After so many days, it was time to meet up.

No matter how you say it, you should meet him. Shu An is really looking forward to meeting this junior.

The border is still a vast expanse of whiteness. Compared with the prosperity of Chang'an, the border is another extreme.

At this time, the aliens were also resting and recuperating. The time to go south to plunder had passed. No matter how much plundering was, they would still have to live through this winter.

But at this time, Xue Rengui's troops on the edge of Yongding Pass were different.

"The time has finally come."

A gleam flashed in Xue Rengui's eyes and said softly, it is already early spring time.

It will also take a long time for the ice and snow to melt, and this time is the time to send troops.

"The order!"

"Urgently summon all soldiers!"

"Let all the captains come to the big tent!"

Xue Rengui commanded the adjutant beside him with a serious face.

"Dong dong!"

"Boom boom boom!"

Soon there was the sound of drums beating at the campsite, and the faces of all the soldiers became serious in an instant, because this was an order for an emergency call.

"Quick! Go back to the tent and put on the armor!"

"Hurry up, get ready to assemble!"

"Tap Tap!"

In an instant, the camp began to be chaotic, but orderly in the chaos.

Obviously, this was not the first time this happened. When the soldiers assembled urgently, the atmosphere in the big tent was also very dignified.

You must know that these school lieutenants are not ignorant people, and they knew about the plan to send troops early.

So these people know that this time it is not a rehearsal like before, but that it is time to send troops.

Of course, in the face of this dispatch of troops, many generals had a lot of thoughts on their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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