Tang Dynasty good father-in-law

Chapter 623 Western Regions, Caravans

Chapter 623 Western Regions, Caravans

The reason why I say it is reluctant is because I had Yafu's map before, and this emperor's ambition is not only that.

Yanqi is a country in the Western Regions, but the Western Regions are not a problem for Datang.

If there were not many threats around, maybe Li Shimin would send troops to the Western Regions.

For this reason, Li Shimin felt that it was barely a happy event, after all, if these small countries turned to the courtiers of the Tang Dynasty.

On the contrary, there are some difficult shots. It can be said that the current emperor has changed a lot.

It seems to be more beneficial. You must know that since the return of the Hu merchants driven by Shu An, even Li Shimin has sent Baiqi to investigate clearly.

For a trip, if there are enough goods, then the profit of one hundred thousand guan is not a problem.

Not to mention that there is more than one Shu Mansion caravan. Obviously, Shu An did not expect such a great benefit.

As for making the Hu people work hard, it is even simpler, after all, many Turkic people have surrendered.

There are always some people who want to get out of it for a better life, so they can naturally become a member of the caravan.

The road to the Western Regions may have many difficulties for the Han people, but for some aliens like the Turks, it is like a fish in water.

These benefits naturally made the emperor jealous, especially the tariffs proposed by Yafu before made the emperor think again.

It's just that even if this matter was proposed by this emperor, it was opposed by many people.

The reason is very simple. What is the tariff, it has never existed since ancient times.

And this seems to be more a matter of the emperor's own interests, so naturally many people stopped it.

Of course, there are also some people who understand. For example, these people are Shu An's disciples. Obviously, the caravan method is taught to these disciples.

Under the condition of not endangering Datang, and having enough interests, even Du Ruhui secretly asked people to form a caravan.

The first round trip has been completed, and the benefits obtained are even a little shocking to the current prime minister.

Not to mention other people, these people also prevented the behavior of this emperor, all in all, Li Shimin still failed in the end.

Since you can't stop the words, then join them, and this is Li Shimin's idea.

In fact, secretly, there are not a few caravans belonging to the royal family, even accounting for more than half of the total caravans.

So Li Shimin naturally understands the benefits, and more far-reaching, it is to control the Western Regions in the hands of Datang.

However, this goal is not so easy to achieve, especially now that Datang has no idea of ​​using swords within a few years.

In the end, it became a reluctantly happy event, which caused some doubts on Li Junxian's face.

Logically speaking, His Majesty should be happy when he heard this news. Why is there some joy on his face now, but not much.

Li Junxian was a little puzzled, but Shu An on the side looked at Li Shimin with a hint of deep meaning.

The reason is very simple, that is, he knows the thoughts of this emperor, on the contrary, Li Junxian is still a little tender.

On the one hand, Li Junxian didn't dare to speculate on the emperor's heart, and on the other hand, there were many things about Baiqi.

How can there be time for Li Junxian to think so much? It is for this reason that Li Junxian's current state is justifiable.

"I know about this."

Sure enough, regarding this matter, Li Shimin spoke indifferently, and his words seemed to be about an ordinary matter.

It has to be said that after the pacification of the grassland and the victory over Liaodong, the emperor's state of mind has changed a lot, and he doesn't like the general effect.

In the end, Li Junxian had no choice but to resign, but Shu An gave Laifu a wink.

Laifu understood immediately, and asked someone to prepare a smoothie and handed it to Li Junxian.

Faced with the things from the Shu Mansion, Li Junxian did not refuse, or this was the only exception.

Even if it is the first time to try fruit smoothie, it is an extraordinary enjoyment for this commander of Baiqi.

After gulping a few mouthfuls, Li Junxian took small sips, as if he was afraid that the smoothie would run out.

"I don't know if there will be smoothies for sale in heaven and earth."

At this time, Li Junxian couldn't help but think of the heaven and the earth. If there is a sale, he must eat it several times.

It wasn't until dusk ended that Li Shimin and his party finally left, but they brought back a lot of things before leaving.

Lizhi even asked Laifu to send smoothies to the palace on a regular basis. This little princess has an unusual obsession with food.

"Sure, young miss, don't worry, the old slave will definitely be sent."

"Then I would like to thank Grandpa Laifu."

Hearing the conversation between the two, even Shu An smiled, because the conversation was very interesting.

As for Li Shimin and Empress Changsun, they felt a little ashamed. They didn't expect this daughter to be so greedy.

Of course, it's more about pampering, they can still trust Laifu.

In other words, neither Li Shimin nor Empress Changsun were no strangers to Laifu, and were even very familiar with it.

Especially Empress Changsun, it can be said that Laifu brought her up, so she was not treated as a slave.

As for Lai Fu's words, although he looked helpless on his face, he was actually very happy in his heart.

Especially let this princess call grandpa, that is only the master's treatment, he is very flattered.

But seeing that His Majesty and Miss did not stop, even Lai Fu was moved in his heart.

He secretly decided in his heart to take good care of this little lady.

You must know about this little lady, although not many people know about it.

But it does not include Laifu, you must know that Laifu is very heartbroken because of this, but the heart is more about doting.

Although there is some helplessness on the surface, but more of it is to pretend to make this little lady happy for a while.

Fortunately, the thoughts didn't last long, Li Zhi reluctantly left, if only she could come to Grandpa An's place to play every day.

It's a pity that this matter is impossible, and today she accepted a little sister named Wu Zhao, and she clearly treats herself as a big sister.

"Master, what about the matter between Miss and Wu Zhao?"

However, the matter of this pair of little sisters did not escape the eyes of people like Shu An. Among them, Lai Fu always felt that this Wu Zhao seemed to have something wrong in his mind.

Of course it's not demeaning, it's mainly because there are many differences with Wushun, so Lai Fu paid attention to it.

He was a little afraid that Wu Zhao would lead the little lady astray, so he thought about it more, but it still depends on the master's opinion.

"Let's just leave it to chance."

Shu An shook his head, his eyes revealed a trace of deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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