Tang Dynasty good father-in-law

Chapter 697 The second method, selfishness

Chapter 697 The Second Method, Selfishness
"I know the reason for coming!"

Even in the face of many people, Shu An said without any change in his complexion.

Then he started to talk about HNA, including the fact that Li Shimin occupied the general share before.

As for the remaining ships, let those who want a share of the pie draw lots.

If you win, you will get the ship first, if you don't win, you will wait.

But it is certain to wait for the Shufu fleet to lead the way next time, but presumably many shipyards will have something to do next time.

After hearing what An Xuangong said, many ministers, generals and patriarchs couldn't help showing a wry smile on their faces.

The reason is very simple. They didn't expect that there might not even be a ship going to sea. They didn't think about this problem before.

But thinking about it now, they seem to think about HNA's affairs in a simple way, such as the ships provided by the unbound, and the leadership of Shufu.

It is not easy to go to sea, ordinary ships are not allowed, and the sea is likely to lose its way.

After these people calmed down, they couldn't help showing a wry smile on their faces, but this matter did not stop many interests.

No one can give up this benefit, but now we have to look at our own luck.

If they are unlucky, then the last time they said, there must be no chance, and they have nothing to say about it.

After all, Duke Anxuan has already made it very clear, and even gave up many benefits.

In my heart, I still muttered that this His Majesty has a big appetite, but no one dared to say it outright.

Know that if others hear you, you will be in trouble.

"Mr. Anxuan, Shubao is here on behalf of some people. I wonder if we can inform them to come to draw lots!"

But when it comes to drawing lots, Qin Qiong's face is a little embarrassed, because this time he still represents many brothers.

Because he was not familiar with Duke Anxuan, he didn't come. If it were a lottery, he couldn't draw for everyone.

How could so many people agree, who knows whether what you said is right or wrong, just like this, Qin Qiong can only speak out first.

Leave the decision to Duke Anxuan. After all, this matter is the only one who can make the decision.

"Someone tell them to come together!"

Shu An didn't mind saying it aloud, in his opinion, it would be good to be able to involve generals.

After all, in terms of HNA, he naturally hopes that civil and military forces will work together, as long as they taste the sweetness.

He believes that even without himself, there will still be many people looking overseas.

It can be said that it is for this reason that he naturally does not mind a few more generals to be drawn, and even hopes that they will be drawn.

The conversation between the two was only for a short period of time, and many people had some bad looks on their faces, after all, some people joined in.

But it soon became helpless. As for the reason, it was very simple, that is, my own teachers had made their own decisions.

It's too late to say anything now, so I can only acquiesce in this matter, and then those generals will participate in this draw.

"If you draw lots not far away, then it is also feasible for several people to share a boat equally!"

Shu An's words continued to sound, but there was still no emotion in the words. In his opinion, these two methods were fair enough.

More depends on personal luck, but if it is the second method, then undoubtedly some people will earn much less.

However, HNA's interests are huge, and even if it is divided equally, there will be a lot of them. It depends on how some disciples make their choices.

After the voice fell, everyone's eyes couldn't help showing a gleam of light.

The reason is simple, this method is really good, after all, everyone can make a profit, at least there will be no bad luck.

Especially for those who stand at the top of Chang'an, the first HNA dialect is just a test of the water.

When they calmed down, there was some embarrassment on their faces, that is, they were confused by interests.

"This matter is according to what the teacher said!"

"Yes, this will not hurt our friendship!"

"Mr. Anxuan's method is not bad, and HNA is also risky, just be careful for the first time!"

Afterwards, many people talked about it, even Qin Qiong also agreed with this method.

After all, for Qin Qiong, it is enough to have some interests, at least more or less, it doesn't matter, he is not that greedy.

As time went by, Laifu also sent these people out.

"These people are really thick-skinned!"

Then Li Xiuning walked out of a room, and said with some shame on her face.

She naturally heard the words of these people from the beginning to the end, even though Shu An had already half-disclosed Li Xiuning before.

But Li Xiuning still didn't want to have any impact on Shu An's reputation, so she naturally avoided it temporarily.

"It's not bad to have a thick skin!"

Hearing Li Xiuning's words, Shu An said with a smile on his face.

We must know that people with thick skins often live better or even longer.

After all, thick-skinned words mean that the character will definitely not be introverted, and such a person will not have a low EQ.

"There are still some things I can't understand!"

Hearing Shu An's words, Li Xiuning said a little arrogantly.

Obviously after a long time of contact, Li Xiuning did not hide her emotions from Shu An.

Of course, speaking from the perspective of Shu An, I also hope that Li Shimin will not suppress his personality.

"I don't know if Xiuning also wants a few ships?!"

Shu An's voice continued to sound, and he didn't get too entangled in this matter, but asked about another matter.

After all, the Princess Mansion is still a little poor, it's not that Shu An is unwilling to help.

It was Li Xiuning who was unwilling to accept Shu An's funding. It was obviously not like mixing the Princess Mansion and Shu Mansion together.

For Li Xiuning's choice, Shu An naturally respected it, but Li Xiuning was different from others, but he was his own.

Of course there are some benefits, Shu An did not forget to leave a copy for Li Xiuning.

Facing Shu An's words, Li Xiuning showed some hesitation on his face, the reason is very simple.

The relationship between myself and Shu An belongs to that kind of semi-public, but those who know about it dare not say it.

Although Shu An has finished dealing with his disciples now, apart from these people, Chang An still has a force.

That was the royal family, and it was most likely to find Li Xiuning. Fortunately, Shu An seemed to have thought of it, so he left a few ships behind.


After hesitating for a while, Li Xiuning nodded and accepted the boats. After all, the royal family still had to deal with it.

Anyway, my second brother took half of the share, if there is a problem, it can be pushed to Li Shimin's head.

(End of this chapter)

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