Tang Dynasty good father-in-law

Chapter 729 Falling into the family, title

Chapter 729 Falling into the family, title

Speaking of Luoyang, there are also many families, but one of them has to be discussed.

That is the Lonely family, once born in one of the four great clans in Guanlong. During the period of Lonely Letter, they even reached the honor of being queens with three daughters.

Apart from other things, the fourth daughter is Li Yuan's mother, that is, Li Shimin's grandmother.

According to this relationship, even in the era of the decline of the Sui Dynasty, the Lonely Family would not have declined in the Tang Dynasty.

However, there are not many records of this once glorious clan in history, but in this era, Shu An understands a lot

But in fact, it started from the beginning of Tang Dynasty, that is, Lonely Huai'en conspired against him, that is, Li Yuan's cousin.

You must know that the relationship between Li Yuan and this cousin was quite good, but because of the conspiracy, it made Li Yuan even more angry.

Therefore, the family was even more destitute, and all the property of the lonely family was filled with the court, and the lonely family fell for a while.

Of course, judging from the present, Li Yuan's actions were a little unreasonable. After all, there are still some innocent people in the Lonely family, so they should keep some property.

But the matter had already happened, and Shu An didn't say anything, after all, Li Yuan was qualified in terms of emperor's ruthlessness.

The reason why a family is called a family is because of its own foundation.

If the lonely family can produce a smart person, with the help of the foundation of the lonely family during this period, there is still a chance to regain some vitality.

It's a pity that the lonely family has never produced such a smart person, and Li Shimin has a lot of talents at hand now, so naturally he cannot be reused.

There are some records for future generations in terms of history, but it seems that there is no chance to become a supreme minister.

At this moment, it is impossible for the Lonely Family not to know that they are weak, so this grand event, the Lonely Family has some ideas.

One of the most important things is to find Duke Anxuan. Because of the confiscation of the family property, the lonely family's family background is not rich.

Coupled with the habit of affluent living in the past, and now the quality of life has dropped all of a sudden, it can be said that many people are unbalanced in their hearts.

Even though it has been more than ten years since Lonely Wynn's rebellion, and he has regained some vitality, not everyone is like Shu An.

With future generations to rely on, you can say whatever you want beyond the skills of trapping wealth.

The Lonely family can't do that anymore, so the Lonely family wants to contact Anxuan Gong, whether they can participate in some things and seek some benefits.

Money is the biggest dilemma for the Lonely Family now. It can be said that it is hard to imagine that the former four families have fallen to this point.

But it is not so easy to find Duke Anxuan, especially now that the Lonely Family is in decline, it is naturally even more difficult to find someone.

So we can only wait on this grand event, and the current Patriarch of the Lonely Family, Lone Shan, even came in person.

Because he had met An Xuangong 20 years ago, so this time, he hoped that he could be identified by combining the previous portraits.

"Is An Xuangong on the shore, or on the boat?!~"

However, Lonely Shan also had a lot of frowns on his face. Obviously, it is not easy to find someone in the vast crowd.

"Wait, where is that ship staying?!"

The hard work paid off, and Lone Shan finally discovered that there was something wrong with the position of a ship.

If it was a normal boat, it would continue to move forward and choose easier questions, but that small boat stayed behind.

The most important thing is that a figure seemed to give him a familiar feeling, and Lonely Shan became excited all of a sudden.

His eyes fixed on the ship without moving, and the figure moved with the movement of the ship.

In fact, there is Shu An's trio on board this boat. Of course, Shu An doesn't know that there is a pair of eyes watching him.

And after Li Xiuning had Shu An's words, she couldn't help but have a mischievous idea in her heart.

Anyway, they are all focused on participating, and they are not going to be included in the selection. It is not very simple whether they can write poems or not.

Since Shu An has to choose, then choose the most difficult one to see if he can be his sweetheart.

So Li Xiuning stayed on this difficult floating topic, and after struggling for a while, she chose a topic to come up.

Shu An who was on the side had been observing Li Xiuning, and couldn't help feeling secretly in his heart.

Women really change when they say they want to. At the beginning, they said that the topics were easier, but now they choose some difficult ones.

Regarding this, Shu An didn't say anything, but waited for Li Xiuning's topic selection.

"This topic is very interesting, but also very difficult!"

After Li Xiuning peeked at the topic, she couldn't help but look at Shu An with a smile on her face.

"What subject?"

Shu An's voice couldn't help but continue to ring out, with a hint of curiosity in his words!

Li Xiuning looked at Shu An with a half-smile, and slowly said two words out loud.

Among the poems, it can be said that it is the most difficult to write poems about ancient legends. After all, a bad word can easily attract criticism.

And this topic limits the characters in the ancient legends. It can be said that in this era, it is even more difficult.

Not to mention, it can be said that it is a bit embarrassing to come up with the title in such a short period of time.

"There are indeed some difficulties."

Although there was no change in Shu An's complexion, he had to lament the difficulty of this poem.

Putting it on others, it can be said that it is almost the same as giving up.

Especially after choosing a good topic, you have to give up rowing, but follow the current and go down the river until you reach the end.

Once the boat was rowed against the current, it would be considered cheating and disqualification, so after Li Xiuning made her choice, the boat started to go down the river.

It seems that the water flow is not too fast, but in fact there are not many things left for him.

"Are you sure now?"

Li Xiuning couldn't help but cast a playful look at Shu An and said, as if provocative.

"Man, you can't say no."

Shu An said with a meaningful smile, the confidence in his words remained unchanged.

"Bah, a dog's mouth can't spit out ivory!"

Li Xiuning couldn't help but blushed, as if she didn't know what to think of, she said aloud.

But Shu An did not continue to speak, but began to recall some poems about Chang'e. You must know that it takes time to think about it.

Li Xiuning on the side didn't bother her and just waited quietly, but her eyes stayed on Shu An.

(End of this chapter)

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