Tang Dynasty good father-in-law

Chapter 778 Ouyang Tong's Fate

Chapter 778 Ouyang Tong's Fate
Although the emperor had made arrangements, it was not so fast.

The reason is very simple, that is, the martial arts exam is not over yet, as for Pei Xingjian and Wang Fangyi's farewells, it was because they had to return home first.

Even if Pei Xingjian didn't have many close beauties, he still had to pay respects to his ancestors, so he said goodbye earlier.

In fact, it's not just the two of them, it's the same for all the scholars who have been admitted to Jinshi.

On the one hand, it is to honor the ancestors and worship the ancestors, and on the other hand, it is to rest.

Before many people were admitted to Jinshi, they all gritted their teeth, fearing that there would be a slight slack.

After passing the exam, it is natural to relax for a while.

The names of the two people have entered the eyes of this emperor this time, so it can be said that this is an opportunity.

As long as it doesn't die halfway, then it can be said that there will be great expectations in the future.

Of course, now, neither Pei Xingjian nor Wang Fangyi knew of such luck.

When the autumn curtain ended, there was also a person rushing towards Chang'an.

This person is none other than Ouyang Tong. The distance from Hengzhou to Chang'an is not too far.

The water route is a bit of a detour, so Ouyang Tong finally chose the land route.

But Ouyang Tong has already decided to take the waterway after returning, so as to see the scenery along the way.

As a literati, he has a special feeling for mountains and rivers, even Ouyang Tong is no exception.

Ever since he became conscious, he has been staying in Hengzhou, and he has never even gone out. He usually just plays in Hengzhou.

Although Ouyang Tong longed for the world outside Hengzhou, it was actually because of his personality.

If there is no father's consent, then it is very difficult to choose to leave Hengzhou, until now there is such an opportunity.

During the journey, Ouyang Tong observed everything with curious eyes.

Among them, I met many scholars and had some exchanges, but it was different from Ouyang Tong himself.

These scholars have traveled all over the world, visited many places, and casually told what they have seen and heard in many places.

Undoubtedly, these experiences opened Ouyang Tong's eyes. Although he had seen the map called the world before.

But in fact, Ouyang Tong doesn't have much concept, because he has never even gone out of Hengzhou, so naturally he can't appreciate the vastness of the world.

During this journey, Ouyang Tong met many scholars, all of whom came back because of Qiu Wei's defeat.

"It's a pity, this time I'm only a few places away from being a Jinshi."

"My condolences, brother, there is still a chance every year, as long as you don't give up, there will always be a chance."

"Yeah, I'm really not reconciled to being short of those few. After next summer, I must come to Chang'an."

Many people talked about it, and these words naturally caught Ouyang Tong's ears, and there was some yearning on his face.

After all, in the imperial examination, it can be compared with the top talents in the world.

And about the imperial examination, Ouyang Tong also knew about it, knowing that one does not have to be an official if one is admitted for fame, and it is a pity to choose fame.

Even if there is only fame and fame without becoming an official, it is enough to get a lot of preferential treatment.

For example, although some of these people have not been admitted to Jinshi, they have already achieved fame.

Whether other people look at these people with a kind of respect and attention, it can be said that this is something Ouyang Tong has never experienced.

When he was young, who never became famous, and there is no doubt that the imperial examination is the best way.

Even his father, Ouyang Xun, became famous early on, so the young man couldn't help but feel a little more desire in his heart.

"Is it the imperial examination?!"

Ouyang Tong said with some brilliance in his eyes.

"Brother, are you going to Chang'an too?!"

Just as Ouyang was thinking, a voice rang in his ear.

When Ouyang Tong turned around, what caught his eyes was a scholar who was not gorgeous but also not plain.

"Yes... I don't know if Xiongtai is a scholar who returned from Chang'an."

It seemed that it was the first time someone chatted with him, even Ouyang Tong was a little slow, because he was taciturn along the way.

Because when he went out, his father also had a lot of explanations, Ouyang Tong kept silent in order to avoid trouble.

"You're wrong, I'm going to Chang'an just for the next spring exam."

The voice of the scholar sounded, and there was a trace of confidence in the words. In fact, there are not many restrictions on the spring between the various states.

That is to say, even if you are not from this Taozhou, you can also go to this Taozhou to participate in the Spring Festival.

But after being admitted to Juren, Daozhou will also compete for the number of Juren in the coming year in the Jinshi imperial examination.

Undoubtedly, Chunwei in Chang'an is the most difficult and competitive, and even many scholars in the area where Chang'an is located choose to go to other Daozhou imperial examinations.

Generally speaking, scholars from the Chang'an area ran out, and I haven't seen any scholars running to Chang'an, just for Chunwei.

Ouyang Tong is no longer a novice who has just started going out, and this part of the scholar's imperial examination has attracted the attention of the whole world, so he naturally understands a lot.

However, there was a scholar who was going to Chang'an, who could barely be counted as a companion, and the two soon became acquainted.

According to Ouyang Tong's understanding, this scholar who is similar to him is named Bo Shaoyuan, who belongs to the same Dao as him, but is a scholar from another state and comes from a small family.

After getting acquainted, the two started on the road together. After all, after getting to know each other, both of them felt good.

"It's not just Chun Wei, even Qiu Wei has to be together, to achieve the achievement of being twins for a year."

Bo Shaoyuan is very self-confident. You have to know that if you have a double body for a year, you will be a human being and a Jinshi.

Fortunately, it didn't swell to the level of a one-year double crown, but the one-year double achievement is also amazing.

"Little brother, congratulations in advance for brother Shao Yuan's bright future!"

After getting acquainted with each other, Ouyang Tong also began to learn how to tease, and within a few days, the two became friends.

Sometimes making friends is so easy, it's the feeling of hitting it off.

In the past, his father told him to be cautious when making friends, but now Ouyang Tong has already forgotten.

However, it has to be said that Bo Shaoyuan's personality is relatively outgoing, and he is still relatively easy to infect people.

Fortunately, young people's friendship, there is not too much involved in it, neither Bo Shaoyuan nor Ouyang Tong thought too much about it.

Perhaps this is the attitude of a teenager, who likes to imagine his life in the future, and likes to say something that makes people feel funny.

As time passed, the two arrived in Chang'an together, and stayed together in an inn.

Ouyang Tong has harvested a lot. Unlike Ouyang Tong, Bo Shaoyuan has traveled to many places before and seen the human landscape in many places.

Before, Ouyang Tong could only hear it from hearsay, but now someone explained it in detail, so he was naturally happy.

(End of this chapter)

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