Tang Dynasty good father-in-law

Chapter 800 Reluctant, It's Done

Chapter 800 Reluctant, It's Done
"Father, the minister just learned that a son is about to be born, and he doesn't want to leave for Gaochang."

"The saddest thing in the world is not being able to see your children for the first time."

"There is also Gaochang, but the journey is far away. If something happens to the minister, it will be difficult for the father to explain to the mother."

In the imperial study room, Li Tai looked pitiful, as if crying about something.

He really doesn't care about the Gaochang throne, but why can't he be exempt every time.

But this is also normal. Among the sensible princes, there are only six, and one of them is Li Shimin's son who passed away shortly after he was adopted in his early years.

Among the remaining five, to be honest, Li Shimin's favorite is Li Tai, but there is still some anger in his heart.

Facing Li Tai's cry, Li Shimin showed no expression on his face, and even had a lot of smiles in his heart.

This son had a very happy life, even Li Shimin, who knew some news from Baiqi, felt a little jealous.

There's nothing wrong with that, he's just jealous of his son, and the whole world might not believe what he said.

Li Shimin is naturally aware of the rumors and rumors outside, but it was originally his intention to release the rumors.

The actions of the many sons were naturally noticed by Li Shimin. Except for Li Tai, all the princes were very active and even made many preparations.

Only Li Tai didn't say anything, and the first thing he did was to resign.

"This time, you have to go if you don't."

Li Shimin said unhurriedly, without any tone attached to his words.

But after the words fell, Li Tai's bitter expression became more obvious, obviously he still knew a lot about the father.

If the father's tone is different, even angry, it means that there is room for reversal of the matter.

But now, it can be said that there is no possibility. After thinking about this, Li Tai couldn't help drooping his head.

"Father, the sons retire."

After saying a word at the end, he left, but this figure was very disappointed.

Li Tai, who walked out of the palace almost in a sad face, couldn't help but feel a little helpless. The tried and tested moves before failed. It seems that the father really made up his mind this time.

Since he couldn't resist, Li Tai had to make some preparations.

Of course, it is not a preparation for attacking Gaochang, but a preparation for an outing.

Although the first plan failed to appeal to the emperor, Li Tai could only start the second plan.

That is, just take the army to the theater, and treat this time as an outing.

It is enough for people to prepare enough food, etc. If there is no palace or Shufu food, then Li Tai feels a little hard to swallow.

Of course, Li Tai is also a person with sense of proportion, knowing that soldiers should be treated equally in the army, so he only prepared some things like beef jerky.

The news about this fourth prince was also spread, but many people reacted with a mocking smile.

Li Chengqian didn't ridicule him, but he was very relieved of Li Tai in his heart.

Obviously because of the good relationship, Li Chengqian has never regarded Li Tai as an opponent, and of course Li Tai has not shown anything.

After all, Li Tai had never wooed courtiers or interfered in anything, so it was impossible to make people feel at ease.

As for the words of the other princes, it was more of a mockery, thinking that they didn't fight for such superior conditions, if they weren't stupid, what was that?

When Li Tai chose the academy language, many people thought that it was impossible for him to get on the dragon chair.

However, with the passage of time, under the rise of Duke Anxuan's reputation and leadership, the potential of the academy can be seen by everyone.

There are even students from the academy who have already entered the court, and there are bound to be more to come.

Under such circumstances, although Li Tai still had disadvantages back then, they were not too much.

At least it is no longer that everyone thought that they were not qualified to compete, at least the qualifications still exist, but unfortunately Li Tai did not have this willingness.

That's the case, no courtiers choose this fourth prince, after all, if he has no ambitions, then how about taking refuge in him.

Not long after the news of this matter spread, the emperor decided to finish this matter above the court.

Facing Gaochang's dispatch of troops, no one has any objections. After all, there is no objection under the relationship of interests.

On the matter of the prince leading the troops, there were different voices, and a lot of discussions arose in the court.

It's a pity that these arguments are useless, and many veterans who have followed Li Shimin for a long time didn't even make a sound.

Because they know that once the emperor decides something, it is impossible to change it.

The last words are just discussions, but the final words are still the same as the previous rumors, and there is no change.

Of course, in the end, Li Shimin was still a prince who gave Wanwu's troops, which were divided into five vanguards.

The total is [-] troops, and if the rest is left, let Li Ji lead [-] troops as the rear army.

Obviously, in addition to the original plan, Li Shimin still played it safe, for fear of any accidents.

However, the total of [-] troops still surprised many people. Gao Chang's words were just a small country.

Sending [-] troops can be said to be a bit of a fuss, but considering the situation of the princes, it is justifiable.

When Li Shimin was doing things because of Gaochang, the three of Shu'an could be said to have integrated into Guqian Village.

Among them, under the construction of many villagers, Shu An still built a thatched hut and a small courtyard belonging to his group.

Of course, in return, Shu An gave these villagers a lot of things he had brought.

At the beginning, Shu An also considered taking some money in, but after thinking about it, he still didn't.

Because the Guqian Village within the mountain has no opportunity to spend money at all, and no one goes out of the mountain, so naturally there is no need for money.

So Shu An had expected it a long time ago, and came in with some light gadgets, even some sweets and snacks.

It can be said that these things are very precious in the eyes of the villagers, so they are more enthusiastic about Shu An and others.

Everything started to go on the right track, for example, Shu Kuanghu also began to integrate into the hunting team.

You must know that Shu Kuanghu has hunted quite a few times, plus his own martial arts and so on, it can be said that he will never be disadvantaged.

In a short period of time, he won the admiration of Fang Xing and other young people. As for Li Xiuning's words, there have also been many changes.

It's hard to imagine that such a princess has started to learn from women's reds, weaving straw sandals, bamboo baskets and so on with the women in Guqian Village.

(End of this chapter)

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