Tang Dynasty good father-in-law

Chapter 886 Vision gap, optimistic

Chapter 886 Vision gap, optimistic

In the academy
When Di Renjie saw this Duke Anxuan, his expression revealed joy that he had never felt before.

It's like the little fans of later generations meeting their idols.

It can be said that even Shu An was infected by Di Renjie's enthusiasm.

"If you come, then sit down and talk, chat."

"I'm just a bad old man, the future still belongs to you young people."

Shu An's soft words sounded, and he didn't care about his identity.

After all, what he is really used to is the equality of future generations.

Although he knows it is impossible, he is still willing to treat everyone with a normal heart.

He can't change the environment, but he can change himself, and that's enough.

Shu An has a peaceful aura about him.

Di Renjie thought about what would happen after the meeting.

Maybe what kind of person An Xuangong is.

Will it wait like some teachers in the past.

It can be said that Di Renjie had thought about it a lot, but he never expected that An Xuangong would look so approachable.

Just like an elder with a broad mind.

Or a great Taoist master, as well as the Buddha in the temple.

"Is this the sage?!"

In the past, Di Renjie didn't have a specific concept of sages, but now he has.

"Students just read a little more than everyone else."

Di Renjie stuttered a bit, but he was still able to say something.

Although Shu An could not care, Di Renjie would not.

Not to mention the reverence before, but the words now are even more admirable.

This student's words are also not a problem, after all, those who have mastered come first.

What's more, Duke Anxuan is not as simple as a master, but a sage of the world.

Even Di Renjie has read many works.

Seeing Di Renjie still nervous, Shu An couldn't help smiling.

Soon, they started chatting with Di Renjie.

However, it seems that to relieve his tension, Shu An always starts with some small things.

For example, how is Chang'an, how many days have you been here and so on.

Standing beside him is a figure of a domestic servant, it is Zhang Jianzhi.

In fact, Zhang Jianzhi was very excited, but he forcibly endured it.

Because he is just a domestic servant now.

But it was equally exciting to hear the conversation between the two.

Zhang Jianzhi didn't even think that he would meet An Xuangong one day.

After he came to Chang'an, he knew that even among the ministers of Chang'an.

If many ministers wanted to meet An Xuangong, it would be impossible.

However, when Zhang Jianzhi heard his friend stammering, he couldn't help secretly worrying about him.

Fortunately, An Xuangong didn't seem to care at all.

Gradually, Di Renjie also began to let go and asked some more secretive questions.

"Mr. Anxuan, I don't know why you thought of that extra question."

Di Renjie couldn't help but asked aloud, with a hint of curiosity in his words.

He had a guess as to which question might be a certain kind of test.

But how this question came about made Di Renjie curious.

Shu An was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Di Renjie to ask this question.

But Shu An didn't want to hide it.

"I think no matter whether you are from a noble family or from a family background, you should have the qualification to imagine 20 years later."

"Even if you come from a common people's family, you all hope to have a decent future."

In the past, he might still care about whether his words would affect the family.

But now Shu An doesn't care anymore, his reputation is enough.

It's better to seek some benefits for the people, he started very early.

Di Renjie also listened carefully to Di Renjie's words, with a look of reverence in his eyes.

Because An Xuangong truly cared about the world.

And Zhang Jianzhi's eyes on the side showed a lot of emotion.

Because he came out of the people's family.

It can be said that being able to have the current achievements is also inseparable from An Xuangong.

Whether it is the opening of the academy led to the formation of a trend.

Whether it is potatoes that benefit the people of the world, etc., it can be said that they are all beneficial to the people.

At least as An Xuangong said, they were given a chance to imagine 20 years later.

Otherwise, the fate is doomed after birth, so what else needs to be worked hard.

For this point, Zhang Jianzhi has a deeper feeling than Di Renjie.

You must know that it took a lot of effort to let him study at home because his parents were enlightened.

This is still under the condition that there is a lot of food in the house.

But for other people's homes, then there is no such condition as him.

Didn't even think about reading it.

"This matter is a bit far-fetched."

"It is enough to be able to do one's best, and it cannot be done in one generation."

"I don't know if Renjie had fantasized about what kind of person he wanted to be when he was a child."

Shu An said with a chuckle, but he could see it clearly in his words.

When helping the people, he never thought about changing things overnight.

But being able to change something is enough for him to be happy.

"From the beginning, Renjie wanted to be someone like you."

"But later I found out that I couldn't do it myself, so I set my goal back."

"Renjie wants to be like Duke Wei."

Di Renjie's voice continued, but there was some embarrassment in his words.

After all, there is always some shyness in speaking in front of the person.

And after Di Renjie got in touch, he knew that An Xuangong was beyond his reach.

At least his vision is only on some officials.

But An Xuangong looked at the people of the whole world.

This alone is not enough.

"It's nice to have your own ideas."

"Whether you can do it or not, you have to try."

Shu An spoke out with a hint of encouragement.

"Well, Renjie is asking himself step by step."

Di Renjie couldn't help but nodded and said aloud.

"I hope that in the future, I will not only learn from others."

"It's about being the object of learning, not because others know you."

"It's because of the three words Di Renjie."

Shu An's voice continued to sound, but the words were obviously very optimistic about Di Renjie.

Even Di Renjie's complexion and mood swings could not help but silently keep these words in his heart.

As for Zhang Jianzhi, he looked at his friend with envy.

You must know that if An Xuangong's evaluation is known to outsiders.

Then the words of this friend are likely to soar into the sky.

Originally, this friend had already made a lot of famous names.

But it's only short-lived, after all, there will be champions every year.

No matter how special this year is, Duke An Xuan's evaluation is different.

You must know that there are not many people who can make An Xuangong evaluate, and all of them are high-ranking figures.

Shu An and Di Renjie talked for a long time, until after dusk.

Di Renjie reluctantly left.

(End of this chapter)

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