Tang Dynasty good father-in-law

Chapter 931 Confession, between master and apprentice

Chapter 931 Confession, between master and apprentice

Shu An sat down directly on the edge of a high platform about one meter high.

"I haven't seen you for many years, and I don't even recognize some of you as a teacher."

Shu An had some self-deprecating words.

There were still excited voices around, but after Shu An's voice sounded, they all fell silent.

On the entire sports field, the sound of a pin falling can be heard.

"Many years have passed."

"Some people have even lost sight of them."

"I am very happy to be able to see you again as a teacher."

Only Shu An's voice was left, and the words carried a trace of emotion.

There seems to be some emotion, but also some sadness.

It can be regarded as some inner monologue of Shu An.

In this era, there are many things that have not had time to be done.

There are some things I want to do but can't.

For example, he actually wants to visit Europe.

But it is destined to be impossible.

Also, he wants to research more things.

Things like electricity, unless he can live forever.

Otherwise, these things are doomed to seem too late.

There are many regrets!
80 years old, even in the previous life is not considered a young age.

Shu An vaguely remembered that her grandparents in the previous life passed away around Li Yuan's age.

I vaguely remember that day when he was still a teenager.

But some tears kept shedding, even after a lapse of ten years.

Even now!
I vaguely remember some scattered memories.

For Shu An, this life is almost over.

It seems unrealistic to create more.

I also have a lot of memories with these disciples.

At the beginning, Shu'an regarded it as a kind of fun, but now he has a lot of emotions.

Being a teacher by example is not so important in this era.

Listening to the teacher's words, many disciples also expressed a lot of emotion.

Because they rarely see such a side of the teacher.

Especially for many people, the number of times they see their teachers is inherently low.

This time, he was even more moved by the words.

At least take this time as an example to prove that the teacher has not forgotten them.

You must know that many great Confucians have accepted many students, and in the end they even forgot about themselves.

Such things are not uncommon.

Not every great Confucianist can guarantee that his students will succeed.

So the teacher can still remember them, which is enough for many students.

"I remember your name is Wei Neng!"

"Your name is Wu Zhi, and your name is Wang Rong."

Shu An walked down the high platform slowly and chatted with several disciples.

Same while getting people to start serving dishes or something!

There are also singing and dancing on the high platform.

Basically, it's the rules of this era, and Shu An doesn't care about it.

Because Shu An kept going back and forth among his disciples.

You should know because the quantity is really enough.

Even if it is only two or three sentences per person, it will also take a huge amount of time.

Here comes a new table!
"You are Duan Yuan?!"

Shu An hesitated for a while and still spoke out.

But there is still a trace of uncertainty in the words.

"Teacher, I didn't expect you to remember me!"

Old man Duan, who was almost 60 years old, even burst into tears and said aloud.

The excitement in the words can be said more.

There is no way, Old Master Duan is among Shu An's disciples.

Basically, they are in the last order, even Duan Yuan feels a little uneasy in his heart.

At the beginning, I shouldn't have retreated so quickly.

At least persist for a while longer, then at least the Duan family will at least become a big family.

Now I am so good that I can hold my head up!

It's a pity that there is no if, but now Duan Yuan feels a little sorry for his teacher's teachings.

The many Duan family members not far away couldn't help but show a look of astonishment.

It was the first time they saw the old man crying like this.

In the past, the image of the old man at home was very tough.

Shu An looked at Duan Yuan and fell into another memory.

I vaguely remember that Duan Yuan was still younger.

I remember that Duan Yuan's house was completely bare, not even a little rice.

In order to make myself full, I even cheated myself to eat.

It can be said that Shu An remembered very clearly the look in Duan Yuan's eyes at that time.

A desire to read.

There is also a determination to change destiny.

Despite being poor, at least he has a clear understanding of himself.

Shu An couldn't remember the details clearly.

I accepted apprentices at the beginning, and taught for a while in the end, leaving behind basic books and some money.

Shu An also left, at that time Shu An was not short of money.

Naturally, I don't mind subsidizing some disciples.

A penny is not a hero, Shu An naturally understands this truth.

For a penny, you may have to walk a lot of roads.

Since he was his disciple, Shu An naturally didn't want to see this scene.

Because of his impression of Duan Yuan, Shu An couldn't help paying more attention.

Looking at Duan Yuan's clothes, it shouldn't be too bad, at least he is considered a wealthy family.

This is not bad, as for Duan Yuan's expression before, he has also seen it.

Naturally, it is impossible not to understand Duan Yuan's thoughts.

"It's enough to be yourself, why bother to compare."

"You're not too young, you have to learn this truth."

Shu An couldn't help exhorting a few more words.

Compared with most of the people in the field now, Duan Yuan is definitely not as good as him.

However, if the entire world is counted, there should not be many people who can match Duan Yuan.

"is teacher!"

Duan Yuan said with a trace of excitement.

If it was someone else's words, then Duan Yuan might not really listen.

But Shu An's words were different. After all, as his own teacher, he would definitely listen.

Shu An didn't stay here long with Duan Yuan.

Because there are still many disciples!
Although it was only a sentence or two, every disciple who hadn't seen him for a long time looked very excited.

It can be said that the atmosphere has risen, and there are even some big officials in the frontier.

In fact, not all disciples were there.

For example, Xue Rengui has penetrated deep into the southwest.

I don't know when the invitation will be received, maybe it will be received.

Then the time has passed, and it is not impossible.

After all, the terrain in the southwest is still too complicated, with so many dense forests.

Naturally, it is not that simple anymore, and it takes a lot of time to go back and forth.

What's more, there are military rules in the army. Even if Xue Rengui received it in advance, he might not return to Chang'an.

In fact, Xue Rengui had just gone to the southwest not long ago.

The trip back is just to take a short rest and then give some rewards.

Then he couldn't wait and went to the southwest again, and Li Shimin had nothing to do about it.

However, Li Shimin cherishes these important ministers under his command.

What's more, there are not many honest people like Xue Rengui.

(End of this chapter)

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