Da Qin: At the age of six, I beat Qin Shihuang at the beginning

Chapter 1 The miracle doctor who saved the richest man in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 1 The miracle doctor who saved the richest man in Qin Dynasty

"Your Majesty, it's been three hours since we left, and it's time to go back to the palace."

Wu Chenghou Wang Jian persuaded Zulong with a wry smile.

It was clearly agreed that Weifu would leave the palace for an hour, but it turned out that it had been three hours, and Zu Long was still in high spirits.

"Not urgent."

Zu Long watched the crowds in Fang City with a hint of displeasure in his tone.

"Wu Chenghou, look at this city is extremely crowded, how is this Fang Ling managed?!"

Wang Jian couldn't help but smile wryly.

The flow of people in this square city shuttles back and forth, and the business is prosperous. Although there are many people, it is not chaotic. It is obviously a prosperous scene.

Zulong's displeasure is probably caused by the old Qin people's thought of emphasizing agriculture and suppressing business.

What's more, how could he know the Sifang Ling of a small Fangshi?
If it weren't for the private visit with Zulong Weifu, this little sesame official would not be able to catch his eyes if he climbed up to ten or eighth ranks.

"Your Majesty, why don't you summon this minister for you, let's inquire on the spot?"

"No need."

Zu Long waved his hand: "I'm going on tour in micro clothes, so I won't make much fanfare."

Wang Jian rolled his eyes, pointed at the flow of people and said, "Your Majesty, these people seem to be heading north, why don't we go and see what's in the north?"

Zu Long snorted: "Alright, let's see who is bewitching the people here. If he is a profiteer, he must be punished!"

Wang Jian's heart trembled, and Zulong could be seen to be a little angry.

"I'm sorry. If I don't let you be unlucky, the old man will have to be unlucky. Anyway, it's not Zhu Jiuzu, so you can bear it..."

"Huh? What did you say?"

"It's nothing, nothing...Your Majesty, let's go quickly."

No. 36 A, Xifang City.

"You are physically weak and can't afford yin atrophy."

A look of disgust appeared on Qin Mu's face.

"Take three rounds of rooster liver, one liter of dodder, grind it into powder, take sparrow eggs and pills as big as small beans, take fifty or sixty pills per serving, drink twice a day."

"Also, don't go to Fireworks and Willow Lane!"

"Consultation fee plus medicine fee, [-] yuan!"


"For infants to spit milk, take seven slices of ginger, two qian of osmanthus, three qian each of licorice, coltsfoot, and aster, one qian each of almonds, and honey, and one qian of shanzhi, fry slowly over low heat, and apply on the lips."

"Consultation fee plus medicine fee, thirty dollars!"

Qin Mu traveled through Daqin for six years, and now he has just turned six years old. He has awakened the strongest boy system, and the novice gift pack at the beginning gave him a miracle doctor.

For 5000 years, as long as there is any disease that has occurred, there is no one that he cannot cure.

He has no family, so he simply opened a medical clinic in this city to earn some money for snacks.

If he is capable, he will charge normally.

When he saw poor people, he gave them free medicines, and sometimes even subsidized medicines.

Once he came and went, his reputation spread.

Miracle doctors in Fangshi, cure diseases with medicine, free for the poor...

Combining these few keywords, the flow of people in his medical clinic is greater than that of the best store in Fangshi, but it is a pity that he did not make any money.

Occasionally, a big dog family got terminally ill and came to see a miracle doctor, and all the money he received was given to the poor.

"Your Majesty, look, these people are all gathered at No. 36 A."

Wang Jian stepped forward quickly, and lightly patted a passerby on the shoulder.

"Dude, what are all these people doing here?"

The man looked Wang Jian up and down, curled his lips and said, "Is it an outsider?"

"Where, the old man has lived in Xianyang for more than 50 years!"

"Then you don't know Divine Doctor Qin?"

The passer-by rolled his eyes and turned his head the other way.

Doctor?Wang Jian and Zu Long looked at each other indifferently.

Sensing the curiosity in Zu Long's eyes, Wang Jian continued to ask, "Why does this man dare to call himself a miracle doctor?"

"Why don't you know anything?"

Passers-by were also interested. There are not many people in Xianyang today who don't know about genius doctors, so such a good opportunity to pretend to be coercive should not be let go.

"If you want to talk about Qin Miracle Doctor, you have to start talking about it half a year ago."

"At that time, the genius doctor was only five and a half years old, and he came to Xian from outside the city..."

"Wait!" Wang Jian held his forehead: "You said that this genius doctor is only five and a half years old? He is only six years old now?"

"How dare a six-year-old child call himself a miracle doctor?"

Wang Jian looked at Zulong: "Are these people stupid? Six-year-old children can't read yet, right? How can they treat people!"

Zu Long nodded, presumably the villagers were ignorant and were deceived by a child.

The man rolled his eyes suddenly: "I say or you? Are you listening or not?"

Wang Jian almost couldn't hold back a slap in the face, but seeing the playful look in Zu Long's eyes, he apologized and let passers-by continue talking.

"At that time, the genius doctor just came to Fangshi, and he had no money to rent a shop, so he could only set up a stall at the entrance."

"At that time, no one knew that he was a miracle doctor, and there was no business for ten days."

"Coincidentally, Si Fang Ling's eldest son has a back carbuncle. You know the back carbuncle, right? Terminally ill! Once it happens, you can only wait to die!"

"Sifang Ling has come out to buy coffins."

"Then I went home and took a look. Guess what? I'm cured!"

"I found out later that it was cured by a miracle doctor!"

Back carbuncle?Of course Wang Jian and Zu Long knew!

Carbuncle on the back is the most common cause of death for soldiers of the Great Qin Dynasty on the battlefield!

Once the attack is extremely painful, even King Xianwu of Great Qin Dynasty and King Xianxiaowen died of this disease.

Can it really cure back carbuncle?

There was a wave of waves in Zulong's heart, if he could really cure his back carbuncle, then...

Must see this genius doctor!
Zu Long nodded to Wang Jian, who understood and urged passers-by to continue talking.

Passers-by were even more proud to see them listening intently.

"Does Luding, the richest man in Xianyang, know?"

"I got a strange illness a while ago, and suddenly felt flustered, nauseated, and sweated coldly. Later, my eyesight deteriorated, and my whole calf swelled badly! I couldn't even walk!"

Palpitation, nausea, sweating, vision loss, leg swelling...

A gleam flashed in Zu Long's eyes, isn't this the same as his symptoms some time ago?

But the passer-by continued to say: "The name of the entire Xianyang city is useless, not even the imperial doctor!"

"Then I fell and half of my body was rotten!"

"The family thought it was hopeless, so they threw it out at night!"

"It was a few beggars who showed kindness and carried him to find a miracle doctor. After three doses of medicine, it's done!"

"Later when Lu Ding returned home, it was a bloodbath!"

The passers-by were so excited when they said it, they didn't notice that Zu Long was completely stunned.

At this moment, in Zulong's heart, on the one hand, there was the scene of the imperial doctor begging for mercy on his knees, and on the other hand, the words of passers-by saying "the third medicine is ready", there was more than a turmoil in his heart!
Even the best imperial doctor in Daqin couldn't do anything, how could a village doctor cure him?
Since the onset of the disease two years ago, he has always felt that his time was numbered.

In the end, he saw hope in such an inconspicuous market?
He strode forward, grabbed passers-by by the shoulders, and said sharply, "Is what you said true?"

He has been in the position for a long time, and the imperial majesty he inadvertently exuded is something that a passer-by can bear?
Seeing that the man was half short in an instant, he said tremblingly, "I...how dare I...you...you can ask them...they all know..."

Zu Long let go of his hand and glanced around, no one dared to look at him.

Wang Jian said loudly: "I ask you, is what he said true?"

People around bowed their heads and responded, "It's true..."

Wang Jian approached Zulong and whispered: "Your Majesty, this..."

Zu Long clenched his fists: "Let's go, I must meet this miracle doctor today!"

The two strode forward, the power of the two superiors exploded, and the person in front silently gave way.

When we got to the door, we found that the inside of Square A No. 36 was dilapidated, with broken wood and broken bricks and tiles.

Can there really be a miracle doctor in this kind of place?

Zu Long frowned, and finally stepped in.

(End of this chapter)

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