Da Qin: At the age of six, I beat Qin Shihuang at the beginning

Chapter 332 Qin Mu Comments on the Famous Qin General

Chapter 332 Qin Mu Comments on the Famous Qin General
Of course, Qin Mu knew that this method was just an excessive method.Although there seems to be no loopholes, the biggest loophole is obvious: too much reliance on the leader of each tribe.

Although in this way, the tribal leaders spend some time on the road every year, but... as long as they are prepared, it will take two months at most to go back and forth.Although it was two months less, the tribal leader who has mastered the food distribution authority has actually strengthened his internal authority a lot.

In other words, compared to the previous situation, the tribal leader is similar to the person with the strongest ability and can lead everyone to a full meal. He needs a certain prestige to serve.But in the future, the tribal leader will directly decide whether you can eat or not. If anyone refuses to accept it, he will starve to death directly.Then who else dares to oppose him?

Moreover, this form of trade is actually tributary trade.In the later stage of development, the essence of trade has been lost, but it is regarded by the court as a means to show the wealth of the Chinese state.Many small countries like to come to China when they have nothing to do. As long as they say that theirs is a tribute, even if they bring a pile of tatters, they can go home with a car full of gold, silver and jewelry.

By the end of the feudal dynasty, it had even become an important financial burden of the dynasty... At that time, I didn’t know that Koryo in the surrounding area, Baiyue in the south and Fusang in the east came back, and even many people from West Asia and Africa would travel thousands of miles to visit come here.At that time, the ancient oriental ancient country became a place full of gold according to outside legends...

This kind of thing is of course not in line with Qin Mu's thinking, but for a while, he has no good way to do it, so he had to say such an expedient measure.In fact, the only obstacle to such a food exchange is transportation.If the idea can really be realized, the best way for me is actually to build a railway to go there.

With convenient transportation and profitable profits, businessmen will definitely get together and run to the grassland.Once there are more merchants and the transportation costs are lower, the prices of these grains will not be inflated due to competition and can return to normal levels.Of course, that's for later.The battle has not been won, and it is too early to plan the railway.

Besides, what Qin Mu was thinking about was actually how to get Zulong to agree to lead his troops to fight, so he didn't really bother to think too much about the deal...

"I don't want to talk so much, let's see how this battle will be fought!" Qin Mu brought the topic back to the direction he wanted: "Everything is going well here in the supervisory garden. Cannons, gunpowder and shells Everything is going well. In half a month, everything will be ready. At that time, I don’t know who the first emperor plans to let lead the army?”

After saying this, Li Si and Wang Jian also looked at Zulong.Qin Mu didn't take it seriously either. The status of Lao Li and Lao Wang must not be low, but how could they know such a secret?The last time, it must be Sangong's level of ability and Qin Shihuang's staff, right?They looked at Dad, because Dad was from the royal family, so he must know about it.

It never occurred to him that Lao Wang and Lao Li looked at Zulong entirely because they wanted to see if he would let him or not.

Zu Long coughed in embarrassment, Lao Li and Lao Wang are becoming more and more undisguised, if their identities are really leaked, trouble will arrive!
"Ahem! Actually, the candidate to lead the army has not been determined yet. However, I heard that the first emperor preferred Meng Tian. The Meng family has been loyal for generations, and Meng Tian has been stationed for a long time before being washed away. So if he really wants to exterminate the Xiongnu, he is a suitable person." Candidate. Of course, I have also heard the news, so it may not be him.”

Qin Mu frowned, if Meng Tian was really chosen, what would happen?This is a famous general, and he is also the confidant of Emperor Shihuang on the bright side, and there is an elder son Fusu as the supervisor... If these two people are really in the top position, let alone, I will even apply to go to the front with my father , nor any chance to interfere with his decision-making...

"Father... I don't think Meng Tian is particularly suitable..." Qin Mu said bravely, "Has Meng Tian benefited from being in the northwest for so long? No! The Huns already knew his tricks , so I just stopped fighting with him in the past few years, don’t you think he can’t do anything? If we really fight, what should we do if the Huns are still the same?”

Zulong was startled.This...Qin Mu's words sound reasonable, after all, Meng Tian really hasn't made much military achievements in the past few years...but, looking at it carefully, why is it so strange?

Li Si looked at Qin Mu, good fellow, this young master, it turned out that he had a problem with Meng Tian!I'm so lucky that Meng Yi didn't come, otherwise I would have to argue with you for hundreds of rounds!Not to mention Wang Jian, who is usually confused, he is a genius in this kind of matter!Although he knew that Meng Tian's lack of military achievements meant that the Huns were afraid of him, he still squinted his eyes and drank without speaking.

Zu Long didn't think much, and pondered for a moment: "Then... what about Li Xin? He just came back from South Vietnam, and he has a good reputation in the army."

Qin Mu still shook his head: "Um...I'm not saying that General Li is not good, but he is too conservative in combat. It's okay to attack the city, but if it's fighting the Huns, those cavalry are running all over the grassland. Too conservative will easily kill the enemy. Let go! It’s still a little inappropriate... Speaking of which, Li Xin conquered Baiyue in the south, and he suffered a little loss at the beginning, beating the Xiongnu..."

Zu Long rubbed his chin again and muttered. These words sound reasonable, but they are vaguely weird.

On the other side, Wang Jian almost laughed out loud.Li Xin conservative?This young man can really talk nonsense... At the beginning, Li Xin brought thousands of soldiers and dared to chase and kill Prince Dan for thousands of miles within the territory of Yan Kingdom... Back then, Wang Jian needed 60 troops when he fought against Chu Kingdom, but Li Xin was Those who dare to set off with 20 troops...Of course, they will return in defeat.

However, Wang Jian admired Li Xin's courage!In the end, for such a person, Qin Mu said he was conservative...

Zu Long also thought about it, glanced at Wang Jian, and said in a low voice: "Then what do you think about Wang Jian and Wang Ben's father and son? It's okay to fight the brothers of the tiger, and let the two of them lead the army, right?"

Wang Jian was stunned.Your Majesty, obviously saw that he was having fun there just now, and revenge is coming, right?Just now when the young master commented on these generals of the Qin State, he did not praise anyone.Even Meng Tian and Li Xin were demoted by him...Of course, not so directly, but who are those present?Apparently heard it too...

This young man obviously wants to help him to the top... His Majesty asked him to comment on himself, didn't he just want to see his jokes...

(End of this chapter)

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