Chapter 363
On the grassland, Touman Chanyu's horse finally exhausted, neighed and fell down.Touman Shanyu accidentally fell to the ground, and fell headlong on the ground.However, he didn't stop at all, he just pushed the dead horse away, and his whole body fell to the ground on his back.

The reason why he was able to escape was actually because the breath in his heart was not smooth, and he had to vent it to feel comfortable.However, the human body has limits after all, and he was already almost at the point of exhaustion, so it was actually a miracle that he was able to persist so far.If it wasn't for that goal to support him... I'm afraid he would have fallen down long ago.

Behind Touman Chanyu, quite a few people followed behind.These people are almost all his former personal guards, belonging to the absolute elite among the Huns, and it is precisely because of this that they have the ability to explode with the last bite.However, their horses were far inferior to Shan Yu's BMW, and they died of exhaustion long ago.

Even so, they relied on their own willpower to forcibly support behind Shan Yu, sticking to him!Of course, this is because Shan Yu's horse has long been exhausted, and its running speed is actually not much faster than that of a human being.Otherwise, he would have been dumped by him long ago!This is actually a good thing for the current Shan Yu.

Although there were not many people behind, but looking at the number, there were about 2000 people.These people can keep up under such circumstances. They are really his team members who can entrust everything to him, and they are first-class loyal ministers.It was only later that he remembered that no one could do what he was going to do in the future.So, having these people is a good thing.

Shan Yu was too tired to lie on the spot.Even if you want to move your fingers and lift your legs, it has become a luxury.Fortunately, he wasn't worried that these people would threaten his life, so he just lay there as a rest.After running away for the past few days, the corners of his mouth have already cracked, and layers of white skin are raised.

The seventh guard who came after him took out the water bottle in his arms, barely fed Touman Shanyu a few mouthfuls, and then lay down beside him.After such a trip, it came directly to the early morning of the next day.Shan Yu woke up again from his drowsiness, and saw that there was already a circle of personal guards around him, and he was still asleep at this moment.After a moment of silence, a personal guard finally woke up, and then woke up the people around him.

After counting the number of people, even Touman Shanyu had to admit that he had fallen into the biggest predicament he had encountered in his life.In the entire tribe of the Huns, all the warriors were brought out by him.However, the 20 soldiers were all wiped out in the first battle, leaving only the more than 500 people around them.

However, there were some strange lights flickering in his eyes.As long as he can walk to that place...these injuries are nothing!When they got there, the 20 Qin army, even if it was 200 million or 2000 million, would make them come and go when they arrived on the grassland!
Touman Shanyu braced himself and stood up from the ground.These people no longer need what he is talking about or doing, they are determined to follow him, otherwise they would have already run away!So, in silence, a group of people left thinking of a mountain peak in the distance.

That mountain is right on the boundary line between the grassland and the Gobi. Although the surrounding scenery is desolate, the mountain is lush and lush from a distance!Obviously not an ordinary mountain!

In the camp of the Qin army, Wang Jian learned what he had learned and sold it now, retelling Qin Mu's words just now.Thus, in the entire tent, a group of people started self-examination.After Wang Jian finished speaking, they also realized how superficial they were before!Just killed a bunch of Huns, and didn't even kill a Shanyu, so complacent?
After a while, the atmosphere in the entire camp has completely changed, everyone is impassioned, you demand to attack, catch up with Tou Man Chanyu, and cut off his head!

While everyone was chattering, Wang Jian's long-awaited scout finally rushed in.However, as soon as he came in, Wang Jian's face darkened.Because, this scout's body was covered in blood, and even his hands and feet were already crippled!

However, these people are sitting high on the hot air balloon, and when scouting the enemy's situation, they will not foolishly lower their altitude, at least they are forty or fifty feet high!At such a height, and directly upwards, even a siege crossbow would not be able to hurt them.However, the scout was obviously injured. Could it be that the Huns already had weapons that could attack hot air balloons?

No wonder the young master is worried. Could it be that he had anticipated the current situation long ago?

"Boss! Under the command of the coach, I and the other three searched for Shan Yu's traces in a hot air balloon. Now that we have found the results, I am here to report back!" Although the scout was covered in blood, his eyes were still determined. When he looked at Wang Jian, he did not hesitate at all. .

But Wang Jian heard something, and asked in a low voice: "Where are the other three? Who... attacked you?"

The scout clasped his hands together: "Leader! The other three... were attacked by the enemy and were already killed! We found Shan Yu's trace outside a mountain three hundred miles to the west. We were only observing from a high altitude, but later, Shan Yu was on the mountain. There is an altar outside, and after prostrating, we walked in!"

He tried his best to recall the situation at that time, trying to reproduce the original: "After Shanyu entered, the mountain suddenly began to shake, and then four arrows shot out! The other three... were killed on the spot! I was shot through one arm, barely I escaped back! Somewhere, I seem to have heard someone talking, asking me to come back and report, saying that they... will take revenge!"

"Arrows? Will they retaliate?" Wang Jian frowned and asked, "What kind of arrows? How high were you at that time? And who were they? The Huns and other troops?"

The scout shook his head: "It's just an ordinary arrow feather, nothing special! At that time, our height was about seventy feet! As for other things, my subordinates don't know either!"

Wang Jian frowned. If what the scouts said was true, then... Shan Yu was indeed letting his back.Just talking about the rain of arrows far exceeded the expected range, let alone shooting from the bottom up!
Moreover, the scout took out an arrow and sent it over.Wang Jian saw it clearly, this is an ordinary arrow, there is nothing special about it...Of course, it is not accurate to say that, this arrow is very special, it can fly such a long distance... And according to the scout's description, This arrow is accurate and very accurate, killing people directly!
(End of this chapter)

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