Chapter 374
For a moment, the second child felt that the blood rushed straight to the top of his head, making him feel... dry mouth.This feeling has not passed for a long time.Ever since he came to the holy mountain and became the envoy of the wolf god, he has never felt this way.The only time the wolf god patted him on the head when he passed by one day - that slap made him the most watched person on the holy mountain, and he successfully joined the current small group... The wolf god guard.

If you go even have to recall...when he was Shan Yu on the grassland.At that time, his father was dragged off his horse by wolves during hunting again. When the news came, he was also so excited, his mouth was dry.It's a pity that there are not many things in this life that can make him so excited, so every time he recalls it, it is very precious.

Right now, there seems to be something similar to the previous situation?Just, did it go so smoothly?

The second child looked at the fourth child. The so-called special blood was brought up by the fourth child.So, at this stall, he wanted to hear what this guy who had been used like a servant by them had to say.If he could really lead them to find the special bloodline... The fourth child decided that he would not be allowed to do those dirty jobs in the future.Of course, it's only limited to himself, as to whether other people will continue as before, he doesn't care, and doesn't want to care.

The fourth child looked into their eyes, obviously aware of their doubts: "This...Generally speaking, special bloodlines are still very rare...There are two at a time...I don't know if it will happen. But, Generally speaking, although it is very rare, it is not possible! Since the eldest brother feels so obvious, I guess, it is not impossible..."

The fourth child changed the subject: "However... I have only heard of the so-called special bloodline once after all, I have never seen it, and I can't even feel it myself... I think we might as well go forward, if The second brother also feels it, so... it's almost a sure thing!"

The boss's eyes flickered, and he said in a low voice: "If it's one person, maybe it's a gifted bloodline. It's good for us to give it to the wolf god, but it's definitely not as good as sucking it yourself! And if it's two people... no Maybe it's all due to talent, so... this time I made money! However, I have something to say first, this benefit, we brothers have a few points, no one can say it!"

Everyone else nodded abruptly.Just kidding, it's not like everyone has seen the methods of the wolf god before!Their method of devouring blood to strengthen themselves was taught by the wolf god!Moreover, they have also seen the method of the wolf god, and it is not difficult at all to extract other people's blood!
If the wolf god knew about their absorption of special blood, who knew if the wolf god would directly draw out their blood?In that case, it is impossible for them to resist even if they want to, because their abilities are bestowed by the wolf god!
"Okay, since the brothers have no objections, let's move on!" The boss said coldly: "Second brother, it doesn't matter if you concentrate on it, and it doesn't matter if you slow down. You must confirm whether it is a special blood!"

"Okay!" The second child nodded, without saying anything, just drove his crotch, got off the horse and walked forward.After walking for more than a mile, the second child suddenly stopped: "Brother! I seem to have a feeling! I vaguely feel that there are two lines leading me in front of me, but the attraction of one line The power seems to be stronger!"

Boss Jing's sullen face finally showed a smile: "Second child also felt it, so it really is two special bloodlines! But...if there are two, we should think about what to do! Special bloodlines Bloodline, we know, they might know it themselves! It would be a pity if one was caught and the other ran away!"

The fourth child also nodded, agreeing with the boss: "It is said that special bloodlines must be born with something special! Even if they don't know the concept of special bloodlines, they will definitely stand out in the army, not ordinary people! Grab one and go Find another one, it's easy to scare the snake!"

The reason why the fourth child agrees is actually not only this.He knew that even if he caught the so-called special blood, he would not get much benefit!There are four people, most likely he will get the least share!However, if they split up to arrest people... No matter who he partners with, the chances are even greater!At least, two people, don't you have to share more than four people?

Of course, if the other person doesn't have eyesight and still wants to continue to bully him with strength, then...he won't say how to absorb it, and just let that person explode and die!Then, he can occupy an entire special bloodline by himself!If this idea can be realized, then...he is confident that after absorbing the entire special bloodline, these four, even the strongest boss, cannot be his opponents!At that time, if he wanted to... he could even kill the remaining two and grab the remaining share!

Anyway, no matter how you count, he, the fourth child, is the weakest!If you have been following the big army, but just drinking soup, it is better to take risks, at least there is a hope of turning around, the worst is to continue the previous treatment!

And the boss thinks about the same.It's just that he feels that he is the strongest, and if he is partnered with someone else, he still has a chance to do something wrong!When the time comes, wouldn't it be better to own a share than to share it with others?And he himself is the strongest, after absorbing the entire special bloodline, he must still be the strongest!
If the remaining two people are interested, it would be just right to share another special bloodline with him, if not...he will directly kill the remaining two people too!
If the four of them were together, if he made any moves, the other three would definitely join forces to fight against him.Even if he is strong, he is not confident that he can fight three against one!

Among the four people, one is the strongest and the other is the weakest. Both of them have ulterior motives and agree to split up.However, the remaining two also figured out the reason in the blink of an eye.

The two of them sneered in their hearts. The two of them can't compete. They don't have the strength to monopolize their share, and they don't need to turn around. If they agree to such a distribution, wouldn't it be a waste of money for the boss and the fourth child?

The second child thought for a while and smiled: "Boss, there is no need! To be honest, the two special bloodlines are really good, but even if they run away, where can they go? If they can, they won't be killed by us." Catch up!"

Seeing that the second child disagreed, the boss looked at the third child who had been silent all this time: "Third child, what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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